Digital Fusion Points for shared technological knowledge: Maintenance as a Balancing Action

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Martina BiagiEleonora Trivellin

Abstract: Analysis, research and comparison on the technological impact had a social level in the past, current and future generations. Project development for a digital maintenance laboratory dedicated to assisted autonomous repair by the citizen.Society is continually facing radical changes and mutations. In the last year, mainly due to the disorder created by the arrival of the global pandemic, the population has come closer to digital tools and moved away from direct, real and more alive human contact. The new condition has led to reconsidering the relationship with digital technology, and has brought out the weaknesses and criticalities that society still has today with regard to technologies and the digitization of services. Technological innovation and the ever-increasing speed with which change occurs have led to a radical transformation of the known world until now.Advanced robotics, artificial intelligence, big data, blockchain are just some of the factors that, combined and integrated with each other, are affecting the sphere of work, society as a whole, and everyone's daily life. Not everyone is ready to face this revolution, which is why the topic addressed concerns the difficulties encountered in relation to the use of new technologies by citizens. Technology and technostress are phenomena that affect not only mature generations but also young people and these factors affect their well-being. According to the numerous studies analyzed on the subject (starting from the thought of Rosen and Weil in the 1980s, up to Thorpe and Brosnan in their studies on phobic disorders) one of the most appropriate actions to improve the approach is those that can be defined hybrid psycho-digital spaces is a targeted action towards a technological education accessible to all that directly implements the education of technologies in a greater way, without barriers and obstacles, above all cognitive and psychic towards those who still feel and believe outside this technological sphere.The proposal is to create a hybrid space alternating between physical and virtual, shared and common, usable by every citizen where they can feel safe, understood and motivated in the use of digital tools and technologies. One of the points of the project will be in the deepening of "digital maintenance" and everything that entails, starting from the programmed obsolescence of electronic devices up to the assisted repair or self-repair directly by the citizen to abandon the economy of use and throws. The project development space will offer specific virtual and non-virtual services. It will be a support to the citizen in the context of neighborhood life by creating a connection between the inhabitants and the power of sharing knowledge in the technological field. The objectives will aim to make citizens aware of autonomous and possible maintenance for their digital devices, and therefore to reduce electronic waste to encourage a planned reuse of what they already own.

Keywords: Digital Maintenance, Repair Laboratory, Digital Services

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100918

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