Lighting applied to textile industries to increase the welfare of personnel and business productivity

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Hernan EspejoLloyd MorrisCarlos CachimuelJuan Segura

Abstract: Lighting engineering, the science in charge of determining the necessary lev-els of illumination in the spaces destined to the development of daily activi-ties, considers that in industry, optimal levels of illumination allow activities to develop in an adequate environment, in addition to increasing the well-being of the employees and, consequently, increasing the productivity of the companies; Several studies have been conducted worldwide related to the analysis of lighting in different work activities, showing that it is an aspect to be improved in workplaces, it has also been identified that the lack of light-ing has a substantial impact on the psychophysiological processes of vision, so the objective of this study is to develop a systematic proposal to identify the level of lighting in industries engaged in garment manufacturing and pro-pose a scheme to ensure adequate levels of lighting, for this, the procedures provided in the Mexican Official Standard are applied: NOM-025-STPS-2008, for the luminotechnical study and the results are compared with the Spanish Standard: UNE-EN 12464-1:2022, identifying a 50 52% of non-compliance with the expected standard; from the diagnosis a lighting pro-posal is developed using the software DIALux evo 8. 2 software for design and simulation. From the expected results, it is estimated that with the im-plementation of the proposal, 100% compliance with the required lighting standards will be achieved, energy productivity will be increased by 462% in the application area and, according to other research, the labor welfare of employees will be improved by 40% thanks to adequate levels of brightness in their workstations, as well as the reduction of visual discomfort.

Keywords: lighting technology, well-being icreases, productivity increases

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001558

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