Augmented Reality-based Programming of Robot Arms
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Vladimir Kutscher, David Bassauer, Thomas Dasbach, Reiner Anderl
Abstract: Programming of production systems depends on highly specialized personnel and proprietary development environments. This can hinder the evolution towards flexible production. In this paper we present a concept for an intuitive way of human-machine interaction by utilizing the augmented reality technology. This involves a method of programming a machine using an augmented reality headset. All desired machine operations can be predefined via a virtual user interface and by arbitrary placement of virtual working points. We further show how the referencing of the coordinate systems of the augmented reality environment and the robot can be accomplished. We prototypically apply the concept to a robotic arm with 6 degrees of freedom and employ a Microsoft HoloLens 2 optical head-mounted display to interact with robotic arm in the virtual world.
Keywords: augmented reality, head-mounted display, robotarm programming
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001613
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