The influence of ergonomics as a quality parameter on the evaluation of manual assembly processes
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Filip Rybnikár, Michal Šimon, Pavel Vránek, Ilona Kačerová
Abstract: Current trends in the development of automation and digitalization of production processes allow new approaches to data collection and processing. The development of technology and the speed of change mean that companies are not always able to take advantage of the benefits of applying these modern possibilities. New tools make it possible to increase the efficiency of manufacturing processes while at the same time optimizing them. Various classical methodologies for evaluating production processes are used for this purpose. However, these methodologies often fail to respond to the development of the industry and are not sufficient for objective evaluation of production processes. A significant shortcoming is the difficulty of standardizing the general analysis of the production process or of including qualitative evaluation parameters among the quantitative ones. This is reflected in inaccurate evaluation outputs, especially in the manual processes of larger assembly units with a high proportion of human labor. Due to the higher proportion of human labor, errors and shortcomings often occur in these processes, which can be linked precisely to qualitative parameters that cannot be easily determined from the database of quantitative parameters.One such parameter is the ergonomics of the tasks performed, particularly in terms of inappropriate working positions. The identification of these parameters and their influence on the evaluation of production processes is critical for the competitiveness of manufacturing companies. The development of modern technologies, specifically Motion Capture suits, allows these parameters to be monitored, recorded, evaluated, and subsequently included in a comprehensive evaluation of manufacturing processes. Motion Capture technology enables the recording of working motion and ranges of limb angles relative to a specified plane of the person being measured at any given time. Work movements are recorded in real-time and the resulting data can then be processed and evaluated. This data in the form of qualitative indicators are used to support and objectify the evaluation of production processes. The approach allows for higher evaluation accuracy and helps manufacturing companies optimize other business processes to ensure greater competitiveness. This paper deals specifically with the process of using the Motion Capture suit to identify quality parameters for the evaluation of manufacturing processes.
Keywords: production process, assembly process, evaluation, evaluation parameters, ergonomics, Motion Capture
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001622
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