Reflection on Ideas through Verbalisation and the use of the Results

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Yuki Asano

Abstract: In recent years, the work of industrial designers has not been limited to exterior design, but has also extended to the realm of idea generation for business and services.Industrial designers need to communicate their ideas logically in meetings and presentations; however, it is often difficult to communicate the ideas under consideration to others. This is because the idea is not logically fostered even within the originator himself or herself. One method of defining ideas that have not been formulated within oneself is “reflection.”Especially in the field of education, there have been many studies on how to question one’s own arguments and gain new insights through introspection and objective reflection.In this study, we discuss how the results of verbalizing and reflecting on ideas can be utilized.The Inverted Triangle is a framework for verbalizing and reflecting on ideas.This framework is sometimes used in English education in elementary schools in the United States. In the U.S., where there are many different ethnic groups, there are many families that do not use English at home, so it is used as a teaching tool to help students create logical sentences in English. The contents of the book are summarized by narrowing down the issues from broad to narrow meanings.In my previous research, I examined and improved a framework for reflection of ideas based on the Inverted Triangle. However, so far my research has been limited to examining the contents of the framework itself and improving it.The way to utilize the results of filling out the form has been left to the user’s judgment. In this study, we examined the results of the subjects’ idea reflection, and categorized and staged the methods of utilization.Eight items in the Inverted Triangle have been modified for idea reflection. The experiment was conducted on 9 subjects in January 2019 and 12 subjects in February 2019; the first time, only the Inverted Triangle was filled out, and the second time, a preparation sheet consisting of four items was prepared and filled out in advance.From the results of the questionnaire after completion of the sheet, we qualitatively interpreted the tendency to fill in each item during the reflection, and the contents of the modification of the work after completion of the sheet, and discussed how to utilize the results of the reflection of ideas. As a result, it was found that there are two types of reflection: reflection that deepens the understanding of the content within oneself, and reflection that includes awareness and leads to revision of the work. The method of utilizing the results of reflection was classified according to the tendency.

Keywords: Reflection, Idea generation, Framework

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001757

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