Kansei Engineering

Editors: Mitsuo Nagamachi, Shigekazu Ishihara
Topics: Kansei Engineering
Publication Date: 2022
ISBN: 978-1-958651-16-2
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001752
Remote Cheering System with Voice in Live Streaming
In recent years, live streaming has become the mainstream. Because the music live has been canceled or postponed by the influence of the new coronavirus infection. Even now that the number of infected people is decreasing, hybrid live performances with both concert and live streaming are being held. Live streaming can reduce travel costs and time, so it has the merit of being able to watch it easily. However, it is difficult to feel a sense of unity and presence, and it does not create more excitement than concert. It has become a problem in the music industry. In order to solve this problem, we think it is necessary to pay attention to the presence or absence of audience sharing the same place and voice, which is a big difference between concert and live streaming. This study examines how to make it satisfactory live where we can feel a sense of unity and presence even if we are alone at home in a live streaming. To this end, we clarified the behavior of the audience watching concert and analyzed how to cheer.Therefore, we conducted a survey of the excitement of it based on the pyramid of Freytag.We investigated the behavior of the audience from concert videos of idols, singers and rock bands. As a result, audience’s cheering method has three types of cheering: those using voice, those using hands and those using entire body. Cheering using voice plays an important role in deciding the excitement.Live streaming has comments, social tipping, and posting on SNS as a service. However, none of them share the voice of the audience. This analysis clarified the reason why live streaming is not more exciting than concert. Thereby we considered that sharing emotions aloud between the audience create a sense of unity in live streaming. From the above, we produce a live streaming cheering system using voice. This system uses the call program to communicate with other audiences, visualize the voice of the audience and project it on the screen. It’s mechanism that increases the number of effects that express excitement as the audience’s voice gets louder. We produce it to use TouchDesigner. Moreover, subjects watched the concert video with this system. we experimented with whether the subject felt a sense of unity and presence compared to conventional live streaming. Subjects were able to shout even more by sharing voices with other audiences and visualizing their voices. In addition, conventional live streaming shared emotions by discussing their impressions with other audiences using SNS. By contrast, this system can share emotions directly through the call program, which makes it more exciting. On the other hand, subjects have an opinion that it would be better to project effects tailored to the concept of songs and concerts on the screen so that the audience would not get bored. Therefore, this system is room for the development. From this experiment, the remote cheering system using voice improve the concert experience at home.
Mirai Takatama, Wonseok Yang
Open Access
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Learning to Read Music by Differences in Perception of Information
The development of information technology and devices has made it easier for everyone to take and share videos and photos, and many number of information has become available in the world. For example, when learning how to play a musical instrument, a game, or a household appliance, they can effectively understand it from videos and images on YouTube or Instagram, instead of reading an instruction manual or a reference book. Whereas the piano is difficult to practice efficiently because repetition and reading music are said to be the two most important elements needed to acquire the skill. Therefore, continuous practice is essential, but many people give up halfway. Focusing on reading music, we have to process multiple pieces of information on the score simultaneously in a short period of time while playing the piano. However, for beginners, it’s difficult to keep reading the necessary information from a score where information is concentrated in many symbols at the tempo of the performance. This research examines how to make it easier for beginners to recognize and remember information about music notation and how to use the information obtained more naturally. To this end, we clarified the process by which beginners learn and recognize information about musical notation in piano learning activities and clarified the characteristics that are expressed when they perform using the recognized knowledge.Firstly, we investigated whether learners would get support in an application whose purpose was to support reading practice. We found that the support could be categorized into three types, and that learning about pitch, rhythm, and keyboard position was important for beginners. To clarify the differences in these learning procedures depending on the level of proficiency, we conducted behavioral observations of beginners and experienced pianists practicing reading music, summarized their behavioral procedures into ordinal data, and conducted a Dematel analysis. As a result, we’re able to classify the level of proficiency into three levels: beginners (subjects with no piano experience), experienced (subjects with less than one year of piano study), and proficient (subjects with more than seven years of piano study). Based on the results of the questionnaire and interviews, we’re able to discover common issues such as beginners (1) not being able to practice smoothly because they couldn’t establish a procedure, (2) taking a long time to read the pitch of notes from the score, and (3) finding it difficult to read the rhythm from the score. From the above research, we examined new information display methods and innovations for the three types of information in music notation: pitch, rhythm, and sequence. In the case of pitch, it’s thought that information can be recognized efficiently by using the properties of color. For rhythm, we extracted information from the score and organized it in a new way, which reduced the error rate and led to more efficient practice. Also, with the information organized, even beginners were able to efficiently find the regularities and similarities in the score, which led to smooth read music.
Misato Akiba, Wonseok Yang
Open Access
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The Effect of the Visual Stimulus on During Rest About Online Learning
Online learning is spreading rapidly in the field of education with the development of ICT. Online methods are no need to spend time moving and is expected to improve learning effectiveness, but it is more tiring on the physical exhaustion and difficult to maintain concentration for a long time than in-person classes. For those reasons, it is crucial to take appropriate rest in the Physical and mental aspects and recommence learning smoothly. According to Matsui et al.'s research, the faster the visual stimulus is presented, the more humans tend to overestimate the time, which indicates that there is a correlation between visual stimulus and cognitive sense. Thus, we thought it would be possible to provide rest with a high relaxation effect by giving the learner a visual stimulus during the rest time of online learning. In this research, we investigate human’s Kansei to visual stimuli during breaks in online learning. Based on the results, the aim is to propose a resting method with a high relaxation effect. Firstly, we conducted a short-term experiment on how to display the remaining time during the rest time of online learning over a period of 4 days. The results showed that the abstract display of the remaining time was more relaxing than the concrete display. Secondly, we evaluated learners' impressions of visual stimuli during the rest time in online learning, focusing on animation. The results showed that constant, easing, steps, and coming and going animation have different impressions. We found that constant animation tended to have an impression of calmness and stability. We also found that easing animation was average in various senses and that ease-in animation was more likely to have an impression of a distraction than ease-out animation. The steps animation tended to cause psychological anxiety due to its coarseness and roughness. Furthermore, We discovered that coming and going animation was more likely to cause dynamic or flashy impressions. Based on these survey results, we proposed a resting method with a high relaxation effect. Specifically, we proposed a method to abstract the display of the break time and present the animation according to the purpose of the rest. For cooling down, it is better to use constant animation that gives a sense of calmness and stability. For raising the learners' feelings, it is better to use coming and going animation, which tends to be dynamic and stimulating. Other than that, easing animation, which has less emotional change, is considered to be effective. Thus, providing abstract visual stimuli and changing the animation depending on the type of the rest may be effective in helping learners to relax.
Ryusei Anzai, Wonseok Yang
Open Access
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Suggestions to Make Working in a Sitting Chair more Comfortable
Telecommuting is now being promoted as a way to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The amount of money distributed in the seat category on the Rakuten market in April 2020 was a significant 280% higher than the same month last year. This shows that more and more people are using a seating chair to work on their computers in order to improve the environment for working at home. However, the 2016 study found several issues with working in a seated chair, such as poor posture and problems due to the height between the chair and the table. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the factors that cause problems when using a sitting chair and the factors that make work comfortable, and to make suggestions accordingly.First, we conducted a basic experiment to identify problems when working in a sitting chair. From this result, this study proposes a cushion that makes PC work in a sitting chair more comfortable and a device that assists in standing up. The flow of the research is to pursue the functionality of the cushion itself, and then to clarify the elements of the necessary functions as a stand-up aid, and to consider adding these functions to the cushion.Experiments were conducted on existing smartphone cushions to identify factors that make working with them comfortable. Based on the experimental results and discussions, the height was set to 150mm and the size was set according to the results of the experiment. The surface is made of leather to improve stability.When we conducted a market survey on standing aids, we found that most of the ready-made products were pricey because they were for nursing care, and their appearance did not fit in with the interior design. In addition, most of them were over 300mm in height and required the user to stand up by grabbing the device with their hands, which is not familiar in daily life.In the end, we produced a final proposal that incorporated a standing aid into the cushion. Inside, a mixture of beads and cotton was placed in the gaps between the auxiliary devices to further enhance stability.The following five elements of peripheral devices that make working in a sitting chair comfortable were identified in this study.1) the height of the cushion should be 150mm, 2) the base of the cushion should be large enough to hold both arms, 3) the surface on which the PC is placed should be made of frictional material, and the surface in contact with the legs should be soft enough to fit the legs, 4) The auxiliary aid should be 300 mm in height, 5) The upper part of the auxiliary aid should be made of a material that fits the hand and makes it easy to find a place to place the hand.
Saeko Imura, Noriko Hashida, Ryuichi Yamazaki
Open Access
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Reflection on Ideas through Verbalisation and the use of the Results
In recent years, the work of industrial designers has not been limited to exterior design, but has also extended to the realm of idea generation for business and services.Industrial designers need to communicate their ideas logically in meetings and presentations; however, it is often difficult to communicate the ideas under consideration to others. This is because the idea is not logically fostered even within the originator himself or herself. One method of defining ideas that have not been formulated within oneself is “reflection.”Especially in the field of education, there have been many studies on how to question one’s own arguments and gain new insights through introspection and objective reflection.In this study, we discuss how the results of verbalizing and reflecting on ideas can be utilized.The Inverted Triangle is a framework for verbalizing and reflecting on ideas.This framework is sometimes used in English education in elementary schools in the United States. In the U.S., where there are many different ethnic groups, there are many families that do not use English at home, so it is used as a teaching tool to help students create logical sentences in English. The contents of the book are summarized by narrowing down the issues from broad to narrow meanings.In my previous research, I examined and improved a framework for reflection of ideas based on the Inverted Triangle. However, so far my research has been limited to examining the contents of the framework itself and improving it.The way to utilize the results of filling out the form has been left to the user’s judgment. In this study, we examined the results of the subjects’ idea reflection, and categorized and staged the methods of utilization.Eight items in the Inverted Triangle have been modified for idea reflection. The experiment was conducted on 9 subjects in January 2019 and 12 subjects in February 2019; the first time, only the Inverted Triangle was filled out, and the second time, a preparation sheet consisting of four items was prepared and filled out in advance.From the results of the questionnaire after completion of the sheet, we qualitatively interpreted the tendency to fill in each item during the reflection, and the contents of the modification of the work after completion of the sheet, and discussed how to utilize the results of the reflection of ideas. As a result, it was found that there are two types of reflection: reflection that deepens the understanding of the content within oneself, and reflection that includes awareness and leads to revision of the work. The method of utilizing the results of reflection was classified according to the tendency.
Yuki Asano
Open Access
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Kansei Evaluation of Natto Packages: Focusing on Text Mining and Color Analysis
This study aims to visualize ambiguous package impressions of natto (fermented soybeans) and investigate the relationship between package characteristics and color and purchase intention. Therefore, we analyzed the eight Natto packages of two famous brands in Japan using the following four analysis methods; Color perspective analysis, Factor analysis with SD method, Ranking method, and the Text-mining method. In this study, participants evaluated the impressions of eight Natto packages with the SD method by factor analysis. In addition, they evaluated the Natto packages based on the evaluation item 'Want to buy package' using the Ranking method. Then, we investigated the characteristics of the brands and the relationship between the Natto packages with the Text-mining method. Next, we visualized and examined the percentage of colors used in the Natto packages. In addition, we examined the Cluster analysis based on the factor scores to examine whether there was a relationship between the used color in packages and the two Natto brands. As a result, we could obtain the following four factors; "Natural feeling as a food," "Stubbornness," "Blandness," and "Unpretentious" by the SD method. Among these factors, "Stubbornness" is related strongly to color. However, the ordered results with the Ranking method did not show a clear relationship with color. However, the "Natural feeling as a food" factor has a strong relationship with the color of packages. Therefore, changing the package's color changes the package's impression, affecting the user's motivation to buy. Since we could clarify the relationship between the four factors and the motivation level to buy, we calculated the correlation between these four-factor scores and the evaluated scores of the Ranking method. As a result, there was a negative correlation between the factor "Natural feeling as a food" and "Blandness." In contrast, there was a positive correlation between "Stubbornness" and "Unpretentious." Moreover, the intensity level of the used color in packages differed depending on the brands. The result of the Cluster analysis also revealed that the used color was related to brands. Text mining method with the result from the Ranking method revealed that participants have different views of each brand. And the motivation to buy a Natto is related to not only its price and taste but also the design of the package, including color and text. As future work, this study needs to focus on only the used color packages and more clarify the characteristic between the color of packages and brands.
Toya Yahaba, Namgyu Kang
Open Access
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Evaluation of Elements Layout Design of Ink Painting Posters Based on Aesthetics Model
With the development of the times, perceptual design, as an important part of humanized design, has received great attention. Through experimental research, people have repeatedly verified the correlation attribute between sensibility and rationality, and confirmed that there is a strong correlation between the beauty and usability of design. Aesthetic evaluation is a calculation method that abstracts the interface elements that affect the user's aesthetic experience from the interface layout by using the theories and methods of perceptual engineering, graphics, system engineering and psychophysics. It includes 12 evaluation indexes such as balance, simplicity and symmetry. Aesthetic evaluation has become an important research direction in the fields of graphic design, product design and interface design.Ink painting is a painting made by mixing water and ink into different shades of ink. It is a form of painting and is regarded as traditional Chinese painting. Chinese painting has a long history and is a powerful carrier for the Chinese nation to inherit culture. It embodies the national consciousness and aesthetic taste of the Chinese nation. Due to its characteristics in materials, writing and artistic conception, it is unique and systematic in the field of world art.With the return of local consciousness, more and more designers choose to obtain design inspiration from their own culture. The ingenious application of ink elements in modern poster design shows the broad space for the combination of ink elements and graphic design. Ink transportation by lines is a traditional Chinese painting form. It combines with graphic design to show a unique national language and show the profound cultural connotation and spiritual heritage of the Chinese nation to the people of the world.Through the research on the attractiveness of graphic poster design with ink painting as the background, this paper abstracts the interface elements that affect the user's aesthetic experience from the interface layout, studies the main constituent elements in ink painting as modules, and obtains a unified result by means of quantitative calculation of the public's aesthetic investigation and beauty, in order to obtain the key factors affecting the attractiveness of ink painting form posters. The experimental results show that the most significant factors affecting the beauty of poster typesetting with ink painting as the background are symmetry, integrity and rhythm. In addition to the "degree of balance", they all correspond to the application of the law of formal beauty of ink painting. This conclusion can be applied to provide quantitative optimization basis for the typesetting form of the combination of ink elements and poster design, so as to better integrate traditional art into modern design.
Xiangyu Ma, Chengqi Xue
Open Access
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The Relationship between the Attitudes to Physical Exercise and Exercise Habit under Competitive Situation
As a first step toward supporting physical exercise habituation suitable for individual personalities, we investigated the values and attitudes toward exercise that are effective in motivating people to exercise, when competition with others is stimulated. We developed an experiment, wherein agents posed as competitors to the participants, so that the competition among the participants could be controlled.The results of the experiments show that competition with others and the difference in exercise performance between others and oneself influences motivation. The relationship between the user's attitude factors, especially confidence, and motivation were also discussed.
Atsunari Suzuki, Mai Nakamura, Akane Mikura, Junya Kitagawa, Yuko Sakurama, Etsuko Ogasawara, Naoki Takahashi, Takashi Sakamoto, Fumitake Sakaori, Toshikazu Kato
Open Access
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Innovative Design of Home Electric Nasal Washer based on Kansei Engineering
With the increasing problem of air pollution and the increase of rhinitis patients, nasal cleaning has become a problem, and the home electric nasal washer has a good market prospect as the main device for nasal rinsing. The study applied the methods related to Kansei Engineering to quantify the perceptual vocabulary, including collecting and screening the perceptual element vocabulary, selecting representative product samples, and establishing the perceptual imagery space using the semantic difference scale. Then the data evaluation results were input into the software SPSS for factor analysis and principal component analysis, and the key words of design elements that meet users' needs were determined to be "mild", "safe", "clean " "comfortable", representing the user's perceptual preference for the electric nose washer. Combined with the product samples, we analyzed the correlation between users' perceptual imagery and product elements, summarized the design points, and finally designed the product based on the design points. The study provides a new way of thinking and direction for the design of electric nasal wash for home use that is integrated with the user's affective needs.
Miao Liu, Zhen Xu
Open Access
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Minimalist Design of Oven Products Based on Differences in User Needs
At present, the oven has become a popular electrical product for home life,and its appearance design is based on a minimalist style, pursuing the purity of appearance and streamlining of functions. However, different users have different perceptions of the simplicity and ease of use of the oven design, which may lead to differences in aesthetic preferences and design requirements, which in turn may lead to varying degrees of use obstacles and poor experience. How to grasp the "degree" of Minimalist Design to meet the differentiated needs of more users? It is the main problem of oven design at this stage. However, the method researches of related Minimalist Design are mostly theoretical reference and lack practical guiding significance. Therefore, this article will focus on the concept of Minimalist Design, combined with multi-level demand theory and Analytic Hierarchy Process, to explore the differences in users’ aesthetic preferences for minimalist oven design, construct a multi-level structural model of user needs, obtain the importance of user needs, and summarize differentiated minimalist oven designs methods. First, hot-selling ovens were selected as the research objects; compared the relative simplicity difference of each two products , a difference matrix was obtained; Multi-Dimensional Scaling Analysis, Cluster Analysis, and K-means Clustering were applied, the simplicity of ovens was classified and each category Typical products were obtained as simple prototypes; questionnaire surveys and statistical tests were used, the characteristics of the user groups of each prototype were obtained; based on the concept of Minimalist Design, user interviews and other methods were applied, the simplicity of users on three levels of stable performance, smooth interaction, and minimalist appearance Design demand factors were obtained; finally, the Analytic Hierarchy Process was applied, a hierarchical model of simple design factors were constructed, the weight of needs of each user group was obtained, and the differentiated design methods were summarized. As a result, a total of 12 hot-selling ovens were selected; a total of 3 minimalist prototypes ABC were obtained, The user group of prototype A is dominated by young women in higher education, prototype B is dominated by middle-aged women in secondary education, and prototype C is dominated by the elderly; a multi-level structure model of user needs was constructed, and The weight of the needs of the 3 user groups were obtained; based on the importance of the needs of each group, the targeted minimalist oven design methods were proposed. Therefore, the method which is based on the theory of multi-level needs and applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process, to construct a multi-level structure model of user needs can clarify the characteristics and design needs of different user groups, and improve the effectiveness and practical significance of the Minimalist Design of the oven. This method can provide a reference for enterprises and designers.
Miao Liu, Yitong Jiang
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Analysis of How Impressions are Fixed After One Week of Listening to Music Using Subjective Evaluation and Brain Activity Measurement
In advertising and marketing, information is often repeatedly presented to consumers to increase their interest and sensitivity. This method is based on what is known in psychology as the ‘mere exposure effect’. In contrast, there is a growing interest in "neuromarketing," the application of brain science ideas to marketing, and the relationship between various psychological effects and brain activity in marketing. Brain measurements have also been used to study the mere exposure effect.However, although there have been various neuroscientific studies and verifications of the mere exposure effect, there have been few experiments that involve multiple exposure to stimuli across days. Therefore, we measured brain activity to investigate the effect of stimulus presentation across multiple days on impressions.In this study, we conducted an experiment in which subjects listened to music every day for a week. On the first day, when the subjects listened to the music for the first time, we conducted subjective evaluations of liking and brain function measurements. The next day, they listened to the music once every day, at home, for five days. On the last day, six days after the first day, we conducted the same subjective evaluation and brain function measurements as on the first day. To create music stimuli that the subjects had never perceived before, an automatic music creation tool was used.During brain activity measurement using optical topography, we focused on the change in the impression of likeability. In optical topography, the change in the concentration of Oxy-Hb in the brain blood flow was measured as a time-series data volume based on functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). In the human brain, the amount of Oxy-Hb in specific activity areas increases with time. By measuring the increase and decrease in Oxy-Hb, we can understand how the subject responds to stimuli.We experimented with 10 healthy right-handed undergraduate and graduate students in their 20s (8 men and 2 women, average age 22.6 years) who provided informed consent, following the rules of the Ethics Committee of Chuo University.Consequently, the verification of impression evaluation, which is a subjective evaluation, showed that the impression evaluation increased significantly from the first day to the last day. At this point, it can be said that the mere exposure effect occurred through repeated listening. An analysis of the brain blood flow data showed that the prefrontal cortex became more active during the processing of negative impressions. In particular, the activity of the DLPFC may be deeply involved in the judgment of impressions. Although this was considered a hypothetical event in the previous study, it was clarified in this study without contradicting the data. The results also suggest a new possibility that the brain activity of first impressions can be used to estimate how impressions change in the future. These results may be useful in the field of neuromarketing for predicting long-term advertising effects.
Kouki Kamada, Anna Endo, Naoki Takahashi, Takashi Sakamoto, Toshikazu Kato
Open Access
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Research methods of product perceptual image recognition in Kansei Engineering
The paper studies the image recognition in Kansei engineering. Firstly, the development history of Kansei Engineering is reviewed. The early research object of ergonomics is the explicit physiological and psychological reaction generated after the interaction between human and artificial objects. This type of research object is characterized by objectivity, universality, stability and easiness to measure. Kansei Engineering extends the research object of ergonomics to the implicit psychological reaction generated by the interaction between human beings and artificial objects, which is characterized by subjectivity, difference, fuzziness and unpredictability.Secondly,the perceptual image of the product is discussed. Perceptual images in Kansei engineering are human's feelings and psychological expectations for artificial objects, as well as highly condensed and deep emotional activities. Different groups may have different perceptual images in different stages. In the study of perceptual image, it is necessary to clarify the subject and stage of the perceptual image. Thirdly, the method of product perceptual image recognition is studied. Perceptual image recognition can be divided into two stages: experiment and statistical analysis, which involves the acquisition, representation, modeling and mapping of user perceptual image with product modeling elements. Generally, the test method is to collect product sample pictures and product perceptual evaluation words, combine morphological analysis method and semantic difference method to form a questionnaire, and then select subjects for testing. A series of statistical analyses should be carried out on the questionnaire data, including factor analysis, cluster analysis, multidimensional scale analysis, artificial neural network analysis, etc. The aim of statistical analyses is to establish the mapping relationship between perceptual image and form. Finally, it points out the problems existing in perceptual image recognition, including "the purpose and subject of perceptual image recognition","Questions of subject representation". A more comprehensive research perspective and technical means should be established to study the above problems.
Ruiguang Tan
Open Access
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Availability of Pedaling Depth Monitor for Preventing Unintended Acceleration
Unintended Acceleration (UA) is a type of automobile accidents with automatic transmissions typically begin when the driver starts a driving cycle following to presses the one’s right foot on the brake while shifting from park to a drive or reverse gear. These accidents of UA cause extremely frightening and in the worst case have resulted in accidents which have been sometimes with injuries or death to the driver or pedestrians.The accident by UA becomes a serious issue in Japan with increasing in elderly drivers due to the aging of society. This study aims to comprehend a mechanism of pedaling misapplications to prevent a serious accident by interfaces implementing “Pedaling Depth Monitor”. The pedal misapplication prevention systems such as the automatic brakes, the suppressing accelerations and the gear lock mechanisms managed for avoiding the accident are still not spread because those system must be implemented into the hardware mechanical systems of the vehicle. In fact, the accidents of the pedal misapplication change in around from 6,000 to 7,000 cases a year in Japan. In addition, the accidents by UA cannot be completely prevented because the safe equipment is not perfect in general. This study intends to develop a system to prevent serious accidents by the interfaces implementing Pedaling Depth Monitor.This study has carried out two experiments to confirm availability of pedaling depth monitor. The first one is to examine cognitive processes of pedaling errors by Stop-signal task with dual task operations. The participants trialed stop-signal task with right foot alternative pedaling in the intervals of calculation tasks. This experiment resulted that there was an influence of time pressure to the pedaling operation. Then, the second experiment investigated awareness of notification which is displayed on the stepping depth monitor to be recognized by the participant. The results indicated the visual presentation which is easily recognized by the participants peripheral vision assuming the driving situation.
Toshio Tsuchiya, Kota Kuwada, Moe Oguri, Natsuki Kawaguchi, Yuki Higashinaga
Open Access
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Mining design elements of household medical products based on user comments
With the change of people's health concept, the increase of sub-health population and the aggravation of population aging, the proportion of family self-care in China's medical system has gradually increased, and the popularization of household medical products is unstoppable. Due to the lack of research on the user needs of household medical products, the problems of inconvenient use and unsightly shape of existing household medical products are gradually emerging. Therefore, it is very necessary to mine the real needs of users and study the user satisfaction degree of products.This paper uses user online comment mining technology to mine the characteristics and design elements of household medical products concerned by Chinese users. Firstly, we use the web crawler technology to obtain the online comment data of household medical products from the e-commerce platform, and then mine the product features concerned by users from the comment text, which provides designers with the main design elements of household medical products. Then the product features are clustered by different topics, and finally the user attention degree of product features with different topics is calculated. It is found that users of different types of household medical products pay different attention to the product characteristics of different topics, but the product characteristics of rehabilitation products are similar to treatment products in the user's attention.
Xiaoxue Zhang
Open Access
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Chronicling Changes of Manzai Acts in M-1 Grand Prix and the Manzai
Manzai is a type of traditional stand-up comedy in Japan. In most cases of manzai acts, two performers, a fool (Boke) and a straight man (Tsukkomi), trade jokes at a high speed. Most of the jokes revolve around mutual misunderstandings, double-talk, puns and other gags. In the last two decades, manzai has become very popular thanks to two contests, M-1 Grand Prix and THE MANZAI. Both contests reward the best manzai duo for that year. M-1 Grand Prix was held between from 2001 to 2010 and from 2015 to the present, whereas THE MANZAI was from 2011 to 2014. In the final stage of the contests, several manzai duos, who won the proceeding phases of preliminary rounds, perform manzai on stage, and a panel of judges rates their manzai acts, then the best manzai duo is decided. In 2021, the number of the contestants increased to over 6,000 duos, and now, an iconic comedian and active manzai performers are criticizing the styles and techniques in recent manzai acts. In the present study, 249 manzai acts performed by the finalists on the stage of the M-1 Grand Prix and THE MANZAI were investigated to clarify how manzai styles have changed in the last two decades. Numbers in the factors of styles and types of Tsukkomi, styles and types of Boke, and structure of manzai were counted for each year, and a 19 x 174 cross-tabulation table was constructed. Then, this table was analyzed using correspondence analysis and cluster analysis. The results of the correspondence analysis showed a two-dimensional solution with the cumulative contribution ration of 36 %. The results of the cluster analysis on this two-dimensional plane showed that the manzai acts were divided into three periods, the early period of M-1 Grand Prix, the period of THE MANZAI and the late period of M-1 Grand Prix. The results also showed that the manzai acts tended to use skits and Tsukkomi developed the plots, in the early period of M-1 Grand Prix. Then, both Tsukkomi and Boke gradually came to use various skillful techniques, and the number of manzai acts increased where the Boke develops the plot. In this way, it was clarified how the styles of manzai changed and the variation of the style and types increased in the last two decades.
Takuma Ino, Masashi Yamada
Open Access
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Correspondence Analysis on the Production Staff for the Anime Series Nintama Rantaro
Nintama Rantaro is a long running TV anime series in Japan, which is produced by a large number of staff members. In the present study, 228 episodes of this series were selected to analyze the relationships among the staff members and the elements in the episodes, using correspondence analysis and cluster analysis. Numbers of storyboard writers, animation directors, screenplay writers and directors, and factors of the stories, e.g., representative expressions, motions of the main characters and emotions of the main characters, were counted, and a cross-tabulation table was constructed. The results of the correspondence analysis of the table showed that a three-dimensional space illustrated the correlations in the table with the cumulative contribution ratio of 42 %. The results of the cluster analysis with Ward’s method showed four clusters. Each of the four clusters coincided to each quadrant on the plane spanned by the first two dimensions. In the first quadrant, an animation director Tsuyoshi Ichiki was plotted. In the same quadrant, fighting motions of the main characters were plotted. Tsuyoshi Ichiki is one of the most proficient anime directors for battle scenes. Therefore, this indicates that the animation of episodes which includes battle scenes is chiefly directed by Tsuyoshi Ichiki in Nintama Rantaro. In the second quadrant, experienced animation directors, Emiko Niiyama and Kazue Tamari were plotted as well as a screenplay writer, Mitsuharu Yoshida who frequently writes the screenplay for the initial episode of a season. Moreover, characteristic expressions in Nitama Rantaro, such as the escape of the soul from the body, use a regional dialect “bayai” instead of “baai”, and the appearance of a character with breaking the screen, were plotted in this quadrant. This implies that the experienced animation directors and the screenplay writer use characteristic expressions especially for the initial episode of a season. In the third quadrant, an animation director Setsuko Shibuichi, who previously directed animations with sad stories, was plotted. The sad emotion of a main character is also plotted in the same quadrant. This indicates that for a sad episode, Setsuko Shibuichi directed the animation. In the fourth quadrant, screenplay writers, Satoshi Kimura and Kazuko Iwasaki are plotted as well as an animation director, Yasuhiro Endo, and various directions of motions of the characters are also plotted. This means that they are proficient dynamic motions of characters. In this way, the relationships among the staff members and the elements of the anime episodes are clarified in the context of Nintama Rantaro.
Ayaka Iguma, Masashi Yamada
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Kansei Evaluation of Localized Film Posters
In recent years, Japanese animation films have been attracting attention overseas. For example, "Blade of the Demon" was released in 2020 and became a massive hit in 45 countries and regions worldwide. Film posters are one of the influential advertising media for the release of a film. film posters are essential advertising media to influence the film box office, as they comprehensively express the contents and appeal of the film story in a single image. However, depending on where the film is released, the poster is changed into a different layout from the home country version. For example, the film poster of "Big Hero6" in Japan appealed to an emotional story, but in some other countries, the poster appealed to an action hero film. In this way, film posters were localized depending on the country where the film was released. According to previous studies on film posters, the Japanese and Americans had different perspectives in grasping the film stories even though the film was the same, reflected in the film posters. In addition, in a previous study conducted by our research team on film posters of Studio Ghibli of Japan, subjects' impressions differed significantly from the original Japanese poster version and re-produced others. However, even though the Japanese and Korean versions are very similar layouts and designs, the participants' impressions about these two posters differed due to the influence of the textual information. Therefore, this study evaluated the impressions of film posters with mosaic processing on the language part to eliminate the influence of the language information on the posters. As a result of the SD method's experiment, there was a negative correlation between the "Familiarity feeling" and the "Unique feeling" of the film posters. However, there was a positive correlation between the "Dynamism feeling" and the "Familiarity feeling" of the posters. Moreover, participants' impression about the mosaiced textual information of the Japanese and Korean versions was almost the same. That means textual information in a poster influences participants' impressions significantly. These results in this study will help future film posters production.
Emiri Otsuka, Namgyu Kang
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Customer Preference of Recycled Plastic Products
The circular economy of recycled plastics is gradually emerging. Its objective is to reduce the production of new plastics, design products with recycled plastics according to the thermoplastic characteristics of plastics, classify, wash, dry, finely shred, and then melt and remanufacture waste plastics to reshape the appearance and function of products. In this study, consumers’ acceptance, cognition, and preference for recycled plastic products were explored based on the image these products carry. A total of 11 commercially available recycled plastic products were collected, which were respectively made of propylene (PP), high/low-density polyethylene (HDPE/LDPE), and poly (ethylene glycol-co-1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol terephthalate) (PETG), and shaped by the injection moulding machine, compressor, tablet press, and 3D printing. These adjectives were used for the survey of 100 subjects for their evaluation of recycled plastic products. The consumers’ preference for the material of the recycled plastic products is in the order of HDPE/LDPE > PETG > PP. In addition, the evaluation of those using moulds in the manufacturing process is high, which can achieve a better product image and win consumer preferences. In the sample products of this study, a recycled watch strap is made of LDPE material using the injection moulding machine.
Pei-Ju Lin, Jun-Yu Yang
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Kansei Analysis of Liquid Laundry Detergent Bottle's Shape and Packages Design
Nowadays, there are various bottles and packages of liquid laundry detergents in Japan. Many companies have tried to create not only more powerful detergency of the products but also the new value of design in the laundry detergent bottle and package. And our lifestyle is changing like an increasing nuclear family and single life and enjoying a shopping using the internet in recent. Since selecting a detergent might be linked depending on such lifestyle, we need to survey the relationship between the design of detergents such as a bottle shape or package and the user's lifestyle. Therefore, we focused on the shape of bottles and packages of liquid laundry detergents in this study. Therefore, this study aims to clarify the difference in impressions of the bottle's shapes and packages of laundry liquid detergent based on Kansei engineering.So, we have experimented with ten bottles and packages using the ranking evaluation method to clarify the relationship between participants' decision to want to use bottles and the following items; 1) Luxury feeling level, 2) Easiness level to grip, 3) Fit feeling level to the laundry space, 4) Easiness level to store the bottle up, 5) Fleeing level of detergency power, and 6)Preference level to want to use. As a result, the item of "Preference level to want to use" had a stronger relationship with the bottle's packages of liquid laundry detergents than the bottle's shapes concerned with the usability of liquid laundry detergents. Even though the handle helps grip the bottles, participants preferred these bottles that do not have any handles with a luxury feel. Moreover, for the "Preference level to want to use," the Kansei factors of the bottle's shape, such as "Luxury feeling level" and "Fit feeling level to the laundry space," are more critical than the Usability factors, such as "Easiness level to grip" and "Easiness level to store up." Also, in the bottle packages situation, the item "Preference level to want to use" had a more substantial relationship with the item of "Luxury feeling level" than "Fleeing level of detergency power." This "Preference level to want to use" and packages differ depending on the participants' lifestyle, such as 'living style' and 'number of washes clothes per week.' For example, the participants who live alone want to use the bottle with a luxury feeling and easy to store. In contrast, the participants who live with family want to use the bottle with a luxury feeling, which fits their laundry space. These participants who live with family showed a similar tendency as the number of washes increased. Moreover, there are different characteristics in evaluating liquid laundry detergent depending on each one's lifestyle. Also, these results mean we need to survey more the condition of laundry space in Japan to propose a new bottle package design as future work.
Namgyu Kang, Nishiya Kaito
Open Access
Conference Proceedings