User's Emotional Feedback to Automobile Cabin's Dynamic Coloured Light
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Yan Wang, Danhua Zhao
Abstract: Automobile Cabin's light, as a novel emotional feedback medium, has attracted considerable attention. In this experimental study, we investigated the effects of the Cabin's light on the user's emotional feedback while the light’s color varied in hue, chroma and dynamic patterns. A total of 20 hunan University students visually experienced 18 different kinds of lights and made subjective assessments from three dimensions: valence, arousal and uniqueness. As a result, We observed that light’s chroma had a significant effect on the emotion of dynamic patterns, and there were differences in the effect of chroma among dynamic patterns under different light’s hue. The low chroma smooth light patterns performed more positive valence, on the contrary, the high chroma sudden light patterns brough higher arousal level, and the uniqueness was related to personal choice tendency. This study provides experience for designing satisfactory Cabin's light from the perspective of user emotional feedback.
Keywords: Light, Automobile cabin, User's emotion, Dynamic light, Light's chroma
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001930
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