Ergonomics In Design

Editors: Francisco Rebelo
Topics: Ergonomics in Design
Publication Date: 2022
ISBN: 978-1-958651-23-0
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001911
Construction of the Educational Model of Vocational College Students' Career Planning Based on Design Thinking
Design thinking is an integrated thinking method with mature concepts, methods and tools, which is widely used in the field of education. Career planning education includes five aspects: Self-analysis, Environmental Analysis, Goal Establishment, Strategy Development, Evaluation and Modification, which fits well with the five steps of Empathy, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test of design thinking. This study introduces the design thinking method and structure into the curriculum, puts forward the teaching activity model and strategy based on design thinking, and makes an empirical study on the strategy. The study mainly adopts the experimental research method and evaluates the effect of the teaching mode by comparing the improvement of the career planning ability of learners between the experimental group and the control group. The results show that the teaching mode based on design thinking has a positive effect on promoting students' career planning ability.
Qianqian Lin, Chenxi Wang
Open Access
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Interdisciplinary curriculum design integrating design, technology, and business
This paper describes an interdisciplinary curriculum design that integrates design, technology, and business, aiming to cultivate students' design thinking and innovation, and entrepreneurship skills. Design thinking emphasizes desirability, feasibility and viability. Understand the concepts and methods of design thinking, technical implementation tools, and business analysis tools through literature research. Taking the basic process of design thinking as the overall framework of the course, integrating the theoretical knowledge and tools of design, technology and business for course design. Then, teaching practice was carried out in the Design Thinking and Smart Hardware Course of the School of Design and Art of Beijing University of Technology in 2021. The teaching effect shows that the interdisciplinary course teaching integrating design, technology and business helps college students to establish innovative consciousness, expand innovative thinking, enhance entrepreneurial ability, and improve collaboration ability.
Ruowei Cao, Yuanbo Sun, Shijun Ge, Chenxi Wang
Open Access
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An Exploration in Integrating Design Thinking into Chinese High School Curriculum
Integrating design thinking into high school curriculum has positive effects in improving student’s key competences. The research in China so far, however, is only focused on the curriculum of individual subject with little work on multidisciplinary integration. Under the goal of developing student’s key competences, this work studies curriculum standards of all high school disciplines, combines recommended teaching approach for each subject, and proactively explores a path for integrating design thinking across all of them. As an outcome, we propose a feasible solution for integrating design thinking into high school multidisciplinary education. This can be seen as a theorical basis for deepening the reform of quality education in China.
Shijun Ge, Yuanbo Sun, Ruowei Cao
Open Access
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Online Teaching Platform of Design Thinking Workshop
This paper aims to discover the problems encountered in conducting design thinking workshops online, which is also the starting point and the anchor point of the online teaching platform design. Through literature research, the problems existing in the existing teaching platform were obtained, and the competitive analysis was carried out to obtain the most suitable teaching platform for conducting online design thinking workshops. An online teaching experiment was carried out to explore the specific problems existing in the online design thinking workshop. The results show that the problems of online design thinking workshops can be summarized in four areas: technology, collaboration between groups, insufficient interaction between teachers and students, and lack of atmosphere. The findings of this study can be translated into user requirements in the future, and then transform the functionality of the teaching platform and carry out the design of the teaching platform.
Chenxi Wang, Yuanbo Sun, Qianqian Lin, Ruowei Cao, Yinan Che
Open Access
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Exploration and Practice of Progressive PBL in costume design course: The Example Engineering and Design College of Hunan Normal University
This study aims at the problems of college students' education in China's fashion design specialty, such as fragmented knowledge system, an unnatural connection between courses, and slim employment prospects. Taking "knowledge innovation" as the theoretical model, "project-driven" as the teaching intervention approach, and aiming at optimizing the curriculum system of fashion design specialty and improving the knowledge learning ability and employment scope of college students, the educational reform practice of series design courses was carried out. Use field observation method and this paper observed the four learning stages of fashion design major in the National Teaching Demonstration Center of Fashion Design and Engineering Practice of Hunan Normal University from freshman to senior. By introducing four categories of projects, namely, "competition, innovation and entrepreneurship, enterprise innovation and enterprise practice," the four knowledge types of construction, practice, distribution, and collaborative design gradually promoted the renewal, expansion, and iteration of students' knowledge design level. This study summarizes the "progressive project-driven" teaching mode of fashion design specialty. It is found that the "progressive project-driven" teaching mode can assist the organic connection between courses, help students learn various knowledge of fashion design step by step, and improve their creative thinking ability.
Zhengtang Tan, Ziqin Luo, Shuang Lin
Open Access
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Modeling user requirements for driver-vehicle interaction system in China
The purpose of the study was to develop a user requirement model aiming to obtain the critical attitudes of drivers to a driver-vehicle interaction system in China. An online survey with a questionnaire based on the proposed model was conducted. Six clusters were identified through Exploratory Factor Analysis, and five clusters showed high reliability and validity. The result of the survey indicated that the designed model was usable, and the current study provided a new model of user requirements for designing driver-vehicle interaction. This finding gives insights into developing a guideline for automobile manufacturers to user requirements’ survey.
Yichen Dong, Sakura Akahoshi, Jieun Lee, Yuchi Saito, Itoh Makoto
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"How can I learn to use this car faster?": User education for intelligent connected car
Intelligent connected vehicles and automated driving system have developed rapidly in recent years. Level 3 (L3) automated driving system will have major changes in human-vehicle interaction. Intelligent networked vehicles are facing problems such as lack of standards, operational differences, and complicated car HMI system, which have greatly affected users’ acceptance of autonomous driving. Existing user education is mainly conducted through user manuals and video tutorials, which have disadvantages such as low learning efficiency, long time-consuming, and poor user experience. Based on the intelligent connected vehicle, this research presents a car HMI guidance in the driving takeover scenario. Using a between-group design, N=40 participants were divided into 4 groups to complete the learning of the automated driving system. The result shows that using the car HMI to learn automated driving system can effectively improve user experience and improve learning efficiency. In particular, an interactive system based on multi-mode interaction can further enhance the result of learning and improve user experience.
Ge Li, Yuanbo Sun
Open Access
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Interactive Design of Car Steering Wheel Touch Screen Interface Based on KANO Model
With the innovation of automotive hardware and software technology, the application of touch screens and automotive steering wheels has become a new human-computer interaction design trend. The purpose of this research is to improve the driver’s experience when using the steering wheel touch screen interface and optimize the steering wheel. The safety, rationality and completeness of the touch screen interaction design. The method of this research is to find the driver’s needs when using the steering wheel, filter out various demand research samples, and perform qualitative analysis and quantitative statistics on each demand through the Kano model, thereby constructing the driver’s use of the steering wheel. Based on the user satisfaction index coefficient, the demand hierarchy tower when the driver uses the steering wheel is constructed. Through the sensitivity calculation, the importance ranking of each demand is finally obtained, and the design is carried out based on this.
Ziqiang He, Dan Wang
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From the Driver's Point of View of Information Reception: Building a Design Strategy for Aiding Interaction with Novice Drivers
This paper focuses on the division of driving experience into novice drivers and experienced drivers, with novice drivers considered as the target group. The relationship between the two shows that novice driving is an inevitable process to become experienced driving and shows that the development and formation of driving habits is extraordinarily important. In practice, this is often the case: novice drivers are accompanied by driving instructors. However, the amount of information received by the novice driver is invariably increased. Not only do they have to receive information from the driver's guide, but they also need to be aware of the road conditions and information in the car. This high volume of information leaves the novice driver with a limited attention span and insufficient driving ability. In this research and quantitative analysis, we extract and analyse the needs of novice drivers and the sources of information quality, propose a novice driver information processing model, establish a human-machine model of assisted driving for novice drivers and a novice driver assistance interaction design strategy, with the goal of improving the execution efficiency of novice drivers, developing systematic driving knowledge and forming good driving habits.
Ziwen Han, Ying Zhao, Hao Yang, Nan Fu, Yifan Han
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Ease of Use for Interactive Mode of Intelligent Connected Vehicles: A Case Study of Physical Button and Virtual Interface
With the development of intelligent connected Vehicles, there are more ways of human-vehicle interaction, and the information obtained by drivers is more abundant. It is necessary to consider how to improve the efficiency of human-computer interaction and driving safety of intelligent connected Vehicles in terms of ease of use. At this stage, the intelligent networked vehicle is still in the development stage of coexistence of physical control interaction and touch screen interaction. This paper attempts to analyze the human-computer interaction method in the vehicle based on the ease of use theory. Through research and case analysis, we try to summarize suggestions for improving the ease of use of human-vehicle interaction in current intelligent connected Vehicles.
Zihan Bi, Yuanbo Sun, Shuai Sun, Kaimin Guo
Open Access
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External HMI for Automated Vehicles: Adding a Communication Perspective for all Road Users
In this paper, we address the need for a common communication framework for all road users when interacting with automated vehicles (AVs). Our vision is to work towards a unified, comprehensive, and efficient external human-machine interface (eHMI) that can be commonly used and understood by all. A unified concept is needed since an AV will drive in mixed traffic (coexistence of AVs, pedestrians, cyclists, manually driven vehicles and motorcycles). Since manually driven vehicles (MDVs) will be one of the main road user groups (e.g. due to the first applications on motorways), it is important to consider this target group in research. Although some researchers have begun to focus on AV-MDV interaction to fill the gap in recent years, existing studies are still limited. This paper will summarise existing studies of eHMI with a specific focus on MDV and add this to the large existing research field of AV-VRU interaction. Existing literature is classified and summed up around two main aspects: 1) locations and scenarios of encounters; 2) task requirements of AV-MDV interaction. They can describe and help us get a more comprehensive understanding of AV-MDV interaction. Based on the literature review, the existing research gaps are summarized to develop new approaches for a more unified eHMI.
Ruolin Gao, Marieke Martens
Open Access
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Under the Era of Light Health Preservation--- The Influence of College Students' Study Pressure on Their Choice of Regimen
To study the influence of college students' learning pressure on their health-preserving style choices, we conducted two-stage research. The first stage (research analysis): We took college students as the research object, distributed questionnaires, and collected samples. Taking the survey data of 120 valid questionnaires as research samples, and analyzing the results with statistical software, it empirically tests the relationship between college students' learning pressure and their choice of health care methods. The results showed that: 1) Academic stress had a significant positive effect on college students' drug hard-core health regimen, showing a strong correlation. The greater the learning pressure, the more students choose the drug regimen; 2) In the academic stress, the heavy scientific research task has the most significant positive impact on the college students' drug hardcore regimen, followed by the unsuitable teaching methods of teachers, and finally the time spent in the competition. The second stage (Design and Evaluation): We designed a persuasive mobile application, named Doit, aimed at the user group of college students to help them balance academic stress and physical health. The SUS usability scale is distributed utilizing an online questionnaire. The final evaluation results show that more than half of users are satisfied with the design of the application interface and believe that Doit is easy to use and easy to learn and can provide a good user experience.
Yao Fang, Zhaolin Lu, Yang Xu, Mengying Gao, Tongtong Zhao
Open Access
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Large-scale Chinese FSTT Database for Finite Element Modeling
Facial soft tissue thickness (FSTT), together with the representive 3D headform, is of great importance to develop finite element models (FEM) for virtual simulation of head worn products to achieve safety as well as comfort experience. The FEM is a widely used approach for numerically solving differential equations arising in engineering and mathematical modeling, which can be used to determine the distribution stresses and deformations between the wearables and the human body, as well as providing strong support for ergonomics product design. Although several countries around the world have established FSTT databases, to the best of our knowledge, no large-scale dataset or analysis has ever been reported in China.In this paper, FSTT was measured at 17 anthropological landmarks on heads using computerized tomography (CT) of 1174 Chinese adults aged between 18 to 90, which were collected and processed from the First Hospital of Changsha in China. All landmarks were located in 17 craniofacial anthropological regions. For each landmark, basic descriptive statistics were calculated. FSTT values classified by gender and age groups were analyzed to assess the variation in FSTT within these categories.The results indicate that certain FSTT values are correlated with age and gender categories. For example, it was found that men generally have higher FSTT than women at certain landmarks, while regions around the temporal bone show opposite results. For age categories, quite a few landmarks show a general decrease with age.
Baoqi Zhou, Wang Haining, Ziyao Zhao
Open Access
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Development of a finite element head model for contact pressure study of N95 Respirator
The research on the comfort design of head-worn products using Chinese head and face anthropometric survey is of great importance for this country with the largest population in the world. In this study, a three-dimensional finite element head model was established by using the statistics of facial soft tissue thickness (FSTT) data obtained from the high-precision CT images of 1174 Chinese subjects. The headform was divided into multiple facial regions and composed by four layers including the skin, muscle, fat, and bone to achieve more realistic characterization of soft- and hard-tissue facial anthropometry in three dimensions. This paper presents a combined experimental and computational study on simulation of the contact pressure between an N95 filtering facepiece respirator (FFR) and the 3D Chinese reference headform. The finite element model (FEM) was validated by offline experiments using force sensing resistors (FSR) sensors. The FEM can be utilized for digital ergonomic assessments and help designers predict and evaluate comfort for more human-centered designs of head-mounted products.
Ziyao Zhao, Wang Haining, Baoqi Zhou
Open Access
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The Effects of Physical Load and Clamping Force on Prolonged Wearing of AR Glasses
The wearing comfort of augmented reality (AR) glasses is of great importance to achieve prolonged and immersive experience. This study proposed an evaluation method for long-term wearing comfort of AR glasses. A frame prototype that can adjust the frame width smoothly was designed in this study. The effects of physical loads (30g, 45g, 60g, 75g) and clamping forces (0.3N, 0.6N, 0.9,N 1.2N, 1.5N) on subjective discomfort were also investigated. The results show a linear relationship between subjective discomfort, added physical load and increasing clamping force within an hour. It was found that the inflection point of subjective discomfort occurred when the physical load on the nose was 60g and the clamping force on the headside was 1.2N.
Yujia Du, Wang Haining, Yuxin Ju, Meng Qiu
Open Access
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Development of 3D Reference Headforms for Chinese Adults
To improve the fit of head worn products for Chinese adults, this study utilized the principal component analysis (PCA) panel on 15 facial measurements extracted from 3,358 3D Chinese adult head scans. The PCA panel covers 95.80% of Chinese population. All samples were divided into 5 size categories based on the differences among eye and facial morphology, and 3D reference headforms were developed respectively based on the statistics of these measurements. The headforms can be used for head-worn products like eyewear, VR headsets, eye and face PPE and etc.
Wang Haining, Tong Z, K Liu
Open Access
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External Ear Shape Classification of Chinese Adults for Ergonomic Product Design
Understanding the complex external ear shape is crucial to the ergonomic design of ear worn products such as earphones and hearing-aids. The purpose of this study is to classify the external ear shapes (including auricle, concha and external auditory canal) based on fifteen anthropometric measurements extracted from 1180 Chinese adults aged between 18 and 65. Multivariate analysis adopted in this study contains two steps. First, the principal component analysis (PCA) was performed on these ear measurements to derive the underlying components of ear shape, and nine principal components were derived. Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering (AHC) and kmeans clustering were conducted in succession, and the external ear shape was categorized into five clusters accordingly. The representative ear model for each cluster was rebuilt and relating ear measurements were presented. The results of this paper can facilitate the mass-production as well as improving the wearing comfort of ear-related products.
Wang Haining, K Liu, Yan Yan, Chang Liu
Open Access
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Intelligent Cabin Innovation Through User-behavior Card Sorting co-creation Workshop
With the increasing of autonomous technologies and networks, a car’s interior becomes space combined with the multi-user interface, digital services, and physical objects. it’s necessary to create a tool to assist develop the design process for new intelligent cabin scenarios. Yet only a few tools currently support ideation for it. In this paper, we present User-behavior Cards, and a workshop technique to involve quick idea generation for the new intelligent cabin. The overall aim of the User-behavior Cards is to assist a design process for cross-function design groups early in the design process. We invited cross-functional team; students of industrial design and interaction design involved in the design workshop together. The co-creation design workshop shows that User-behavior Cards are one of the design tools that can help the team to understand Human-Machine Interfaces, create scenarios design for the cabin. The results present that the User-behavior Cards are a useful source of inspiration when designing for cabin scenarios and help create ideas in a short time from a cross-function team.
Zhongjie Xue, Danhua Zhao
Open Access
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User's Emotional Feedback to Automobile Cabin's Dynamic Coloured Light
Automobile Cabin's light, as a novel emotional feedback medium, has attracted considerable attention. In this experimental study, we investigated the effects of the Cabin's light on the user's emotional feedback while the light’s color varied in hue, chroma and dynamic patterns. A total of 20 hunan University students visually experienced 18 different kinds of lights and made subjective assessments from three dimensions: valence, arousal and uniqueness. As a result, We observed that light’s chroma had a significant effect on the emotion of dynamic patterns, and there were differences in the effect of chroma among dynamic patterns under different light’s hue. The low chroma smooth light patterns performed more positive valence, on the contrary, the high chroma sudden light patterns brough higher arousal level, and the uniqueness was related to personal choice tendency. This study provides experience for designing satisfactory Cabin's light from the perspective of user emotional feedback.
Yan Wang, Danhua Zhao
Open Access
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Toward Adaptive Trust Management for Human-automation Teaming Using an Instance-based Learning Cognitive model
Trust in automation is seen as a core factor affecting human-automation teaming. Inappropriate calibration of trust in automation can damage the performance and safety goals of the collaborative team. It is essential to develop automation that can correctly calibrate human trust in it. Herein, based on the view that trust comes from interaction, we use an instance-based learning cognitive model to obtain the cognitive process involved in the interaction between dispatchers and automated Decision Support Systems(DSSs) in the Fully Automatic Operation (FAO) circumstances, and obtain from the model an internal estimate of the calibration state of human trust. We consider integrating the model into automation so that it can judge the hidden calibration status of the human teammate's trust, and respond to the trust dynamics in an online and adaptive way. We discuss our results and the potential of the instance-based computational cognitive process model to improve human-automation teaming. Our model has great potential to avoid the sluggish effect caused by dispatchers failing to obtain effective decision support in time in the FAO circumstances, especially when dealing with emergencies under high time pressure.
Wenli Dong, Weining Fang, Beiyuan Guo, Jianxin Wang, Haifeng Bao
Open Access
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Employing synesthesia-based warnings to enhance road safety during an automated driving
With the rapid employment of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), drivers will perform more varied and demanding tasks, which may result in reduced perception and response to emergencies. Existing studies have proved the effectiveness of multimodal warning signals and found that they can reduce drivers’ response time. However, most of these studies only focus on the superposition effect between different channels. There is a lack of research on the correlation between different channels and their impact on drivers’ workload level. Therefore, a multimodal warning signal model based on the theory of Audio-visual synesthesia is proposed in this paper, and the effects of this model on road safety in the scenario of automatic driving are explored through a controlled experiment of synesthesia and non-synesthesia signals. The results show that compared with the non-synesthetic signal, the multimodal warnings based on synesthesia can transmit the relevant information more quickly, and also reduce the workload level of the driver in the assisted driving scenario. The findings will aid the design of an early warning system for future autonomous vehicles.
Liang Zhuo, Danhua Zhao
Open Access
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How will the smart cockpits develop and facilitate a more social space in the possible, emerging, future business models of ownership?
With the development of the vehicle industry and the diversification of lifestyles, as well as the prevalence of the sharing economy, the demand for intelligent cockpits is growing rapidly. If we still design from the perspective of the traditional car cockpit layout, the design of intelligent interaction and connected services will be strongly constrained. This also makes user behavior, new business models and future scenarios become the focus of this research. This paper investigates the above by questionnaire survey method as well as literature method. In this study, user knowledge of smart cockpits is obtained and the scenarios of smart cockpit usage in the sharing economy are predicted. Our findings show that user needs, user experience, EV market and business models have significant effects on the intention of smart cockpits to serve future usage scenarios and their reuse. Our findings also provide guidance and implications for the development of smart cockpits.Keywords: Smart cockpits, Sharing economy, User needs, Future scenarios
Bingquan Wang, Danhua Zhao
Open Access
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Design Innovation Based on Classification Model of Intelligent Products
Rencently, with the development and application of IoT, AI, and Internet technology, traditional products have been transformed into intelligent products with different levels of intelligence and improved human life’s quality. However, it does not provide a comprehensive and holistic design method for new intelligent products. The overall aims of service design are to system and experience and design research based on users, technologies, user-behaviors, environment, etc. it can provide guidance and direction for the designer and upgrading of the complex intelligent system. In this paper, we used service design thinking to give intelligent product suggestions for the design process from dependent factors, like the user behavior, technologies, material. We selected the target users, used the user journey map analyzed the stakeholder's activities, and think to extract the user value. Finally, this paper proposes a design process based on service design, which takes into account the value of the different levels of intelligent products.
Zhongjie Xue, Danhua Zhao
Open Access
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Virtual models of architectural spaces: methods for exploration, representation and interaction through narratives and visual grammars
In this paper we aim to present a conceptual framework for virtual creation, exploration, and representation of architectural space. This framework will allow us to establish a method that will drive the viewer along a path, intended by the researcher, to experience, interact and get feedback of spaces in study, through linear or interactive narratives.Space virtual computational representation tools have evolved over the last decades and are now providing advanced new tools from gaming, AI and VR real-time complex fictional environments creation, depiction and interaction. From interior spaces to planetary systems, replicated or fictional, sets for all kinds of computer simulation models with immersive possibilities can be created and explored.In a linear visual narrative of a 3D animation the viewer is carried, without choice, by the flow of visual narrative storytelling, through several spaces, events, conclusions, expectations, premonitions, anticipations, empathy and characters and environments, fictional readings in dreamlike narratives, where reality and fantasy can be blended. In an interactive tale storytelling and script, the linearity would become in theoretically infinite lines of possible events and plots, with diverse endings, in which a narrative story line diverges in multiple plots.Having a set of formal parameterized elements within a grammatical lexicon that constitute and methodological approach to an architectural object in a study, it is intended to look at methods to experience, interact and get feedback of spaces in study, through visual multiple narratives, linear or interactive, being immersed or not. All these narrative approaches imply a script and visual grammars, storyline, and plot, where the player looks or travels through a fictional space, in a lived and experiential way.For conception and planning as for studying or research in the architectural field, this is an area of expertise to explore, as these new graphic computing tools can pursue new approaches, using several methods available to apply in each research, to provide analysis breakthroughs.
Carlos Manuel Figueiredo, Sofia Machado Santos
Open Access
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Design for Product-Service System Innovation of the New Fresh Retail in the Context of Chinese Urban Community
This article probes the design elements of product-service system innovation in the new retail market of fresh food in urban communities in China in the design view. It outlines the path of evolution of modern retail structure innovation in the digital economy. The aim of the researchers is to expand the theoretical analysis horizons for the product-service method. The literature review delves deeply into fresh retail and its development process, consumer transition, and product-service system. In this study, a double-case study method is preferred to analyze the two main new retail models (Missfresh and Freshippo) in China and compare them. The researchers describe the systematic innovation of new fresh retail in urban communities under the influence of emerging technologies in products, services, scenarios, and structures. Additionally, the sameness and distinctness of different types of fresh new retail platforms are excavated. The researchers construct a three-dimensional model of product-service system innovative design of new fresh retail in urban communities, expounding it from three dimensions of satisfaction unit, horizontal aspect, and vertical aspect. The purpose of this study aims to open ideas for the research on product-service system innovation of new fresh retail in urban communities and give reference value for the design and practice of new fresh retail in the future.
Ke Ma, Ren-Ke He, Meng Gao
Open Access
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Interactive Animation Design of Egyptian Totem Elements under the Digital Media Technology
This paper is a record of the creation process based on the cross-over study of visual, animation, and interaction design of ancientEgyptian totemic elements with the use of digital media technology. Through an in-depth analysis of the creation process of theanimation interaction work from an art design perspective, this paper points out the importance of theme setting as well as thepotential problems during the process of visual, animation, and interaction design, and puts forward the corresponding solutions.In addition, a systematic summary of the design concept in the animation interaction as well as other additional concepts is madethrough the work Tutan, which is presented in the paper.Tutan consists of 22 groups of single-module elements derived from ancient Egyptian totems, which were dismantled and reorganizedto reconstruct the main picture. Through the use of animation and interaction design, the designer aspires to build a connectionbetween people and the work Tutan, in an attempt to promote the ancient Egyptian culture among the general public, entertain theviewers, and establish a connection between culture, technology, viewers, and the work itself.
Qiaoling Zeng, Mingu Lee, Juhyun Eune
Open Access
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Morphological representation framework and feature cognitive mechanism of automobile styling stance: an embodied cognition perspective
This paper proposed the embodied recognition mode (ERM.) and defined 18 stance feature indexes of automotive styling stance to established a morphological representation framework from two aspects. The feature and semantic relationship between the feature combination ("front mask incl.-rear mask incl.") and the styling stance ("offensive-defensive") were studied to further investigate the cognition mechanism of the CSS. The differences between cognition and semantics of the styling stance in the four states of feature groups were found,and there are differences in the cognitive effects of attitude between single features and feature groups.
Tiantian Li, Ziyou Song, Xuguang Zhu
Open Access
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Experience And Interaction - Application Of Audiovisual Synesthesia In Interactive Devices
Background: As material culture improves, people's need for spiritual culture becomes more and more urgent. Art exhibitions are an important way for the public to participate and absorb cultural and spiritual nutrients, and the interactive installation works in the exhibition are a favorable form of creation that can bring the audience closer to the works. However, the diversity of audiences and the varying degrees of professional inculcation have led to some audiences being turned away. This situation extent an obstacle to the dissemination and development of the arts.Aims: The interactive installation removes the distance between the audience and the artworks, enhances the interactivity and experience between the audience and the artworks, and diversifies the exhibition format and enriches the visual language.Method:Through the variety of exhibition displays, new forms of artistic expression are discussed. Specifically, the phenomenon of audiovisual association and the correlation characteristics that exist between audiovisual factors are studied, key influencing factors are extracted and applied to the creation of interactive installation artworks, opening up the way of perception for the audience to recognize the works through multiple channels.Consequence:Through the creation of the experimental works, it was found that there is a cross-correlation between the sound and the visual presentation in the interactive installation; secondly, the audience is transformed from a single spectator to a participant. Compared to static installations or sculptures, interactive installations with audio-visual associations have unparalleled advantages in terms of creative dimension and cognitive engagement with the work.Keywords: audiovisual synesthesia、 interactive artwork、 sound consciousness、experience、exhibition
Jian Zhou
Open Access
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Interface design of three-dimensional virtual teaching situation based on psychological schema theory
By analyzing the interface design process of the virtual simulation software of digital skirt design in Hunan Normal University, this study puts forward that based on image schema, users' thoughts and behaviors in the process of learning and operation can be metaphorically interpreted, and then the interpreted users' thoughts and behaviors are mapped to the corresponding visual contents expressing specific functions in the corresponding interface dimensions by using matching psychological schemas such as UP-DOWN", CONTAINER and LEFT-RIGHT. Based on this, an interface design method suitable for 3D virtual teaching software is constructed, which can enhance the fluency in the operation process, reduce the psychological burden of students in the knowledge learning process, and provide services for better virtual simulation teaching experience.
Zhengtang Tan, Xiangyu Yao, Zhu Yi, Meizhen Den
Open Access
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Innovative Exploration of A New Air Health Product Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process
In order to better meet the diversified needs of consumers for air purifiers, a new type of air purifier is explored to meet the current social trends. This paper analyses the development opportunities of air purifiers through SET analysis, and then reconstructs the concept of air purifier through design Matterology, divides 5 design criteria and 16 design elements, and constructs a hierarchical analysis model. The design practice was conducted by calculating the weights of design elements and obtaining design priorities using the ensemble averaging method. Through a combination of the Design Matterology and AHP analysis, a product that emphasis the provision of a quality space environment for the user rather than simply purifying air is explored and a design practice is developed.
Miao Liu, Loufei Zhang
Open Access
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Food packaging design that help reduce consumer-generated waste
Estimations affirm that by 2030 there will be 9 billion people on our planet, which makes the problem of food a priority issue. A large part of the food, especially in industrialized countries, is packaged, either fresh produce from the field (fruits and vegetables) or cooked products, many of them in the ready-to-take mode.The recent COVID-19 pandemic increased the consumption of food prepared for home delivery, causing more waste in municipal landfills. In countries like Spain, takeaway fast food services have increased during the pandemic by 83% compared to 2019, already representing 3% of the shopping basket, which indicates that spending on this appearance has doubled.The Starpack Competition organized by the Institute of Materials, Minerals, and Mines of England used this problem as a theme for its contest in 2021. The students of the "Molds and production in plastics" course of Engineering in Innovation and Design at Universidad Panamericana in Mexico participated in the contest, obtaining outstanding positions in the awards.This communication shows the results obtained. We explain six design projects, who received prizes in the contest. The projects include a container for take-out tacos, a dehydrator container for fruits and vegetables, a Multi-purpose container for foods such as salads, sushi, hamburgers, etc., a container for scones, and finally, a container for fresh potatoes.All the proposals presented were made with recycled or recyclable plastic materials, thinking about the circular economy, the possibility of being re-used, and the reduction to a minimum of waste and the manufacturing process. The intervention of the human factor was taken into account during the design process, considering the physical and psychological aspects in the design of the packaging projects.
Alberto Rossa-Sierra, Fabiola Cortes Chavez, Marcela De Obaldia, Mariel Garcia-Hernandez
Open Access
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Development of Teleoperation System for Overhead Handling Cranes
To offer the possibility to achieve the teleoperation of electric overhead travelling (EOT) crane by human operators and avoid in-site hazardous operations, this study presented a technical prototype of tele-operated overhead handling (TOH) crane system using a three-axial robot. To evaluate the usability of the proposed TOH crane system, this study aimed to investigate the satisfaction of human operators during teleoperation. Specifically, we surveyed the subjective feedback of a novice group including 21 University participants and an expert group including 11 professional EOT crane operators regarding the teleoperation system. The subjective feedback was collected through a designed 7-point Likert questionnaire comprised of 11 standard questions. A typical side-to-side handling task condition was tested. The feedback of the novices in each dimension was compared with the experts. The feedback of the experts was used to evaluate the reproducibility of the prototype. The results showed that although most of the novices and experts (over 80%) agreed that the prototype TOH crane system was simple to learn and operate, the positioning assistance displaying critical information on the visual display interface (VDI) such as the relative location of items in relation to the loading area and the alignment, was crucial for the novices’ teleoperations. 91% of the experts gave positive feedback on the reproducibility of the technical prototype. The results of prototyping demonstrated the system features and explored possibilities before the in-site constructions. The results of the investigation of operators’ subjective feedback provided suggestions for developing the features of TOH cranes in the future.
Zhefan Yu, Jianping Luo, Han Zhang, Ruotian Zhang, Seung Hee Lee
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Short Video Interaction Design Based on Interactive Ritual Chain
In the past, the design and research of short videos mostly starts from the short video itself, and lacks the global exploration from the perspective of users. The interactive ritual chain is a dominant theory of analyzing group behavior in sociology, enabling the study of interactive behavior from individuals to groups. This article, from the perspective of interactive ceremony chain, analysis with short video as the medium of social interaction chain, combined with online questionnaire data deconstruct with short video as the medium of vertical social interaction scene and interaction behavior, from the perspective of social, put forward the short video application interaction design points, provide methodological guidance for vertical social application design of interaction. Through the design means, the social process with the short video as the media will be gradually analyzed and symbolized, so as to optimize the social experience of the short video and improve the user stickiness.
Gao Yujia, Mengfei Liu
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Fatigue, sleepiness and workload in train traffic controllers
The levels of fatigue, sleepiness and mental effort in workers could compromise transport system’s security. The objective of this observational field study was to analyze the variation of fatigue, sleepiness and mental effort by shift (morning, afternoon, night), difficulty of work station, age group and consecutive days of work in train traffic controllers. Fatigue was measured by simple reaction time (SRT) and Samn-Perelli perceived fatigue scale; sleepiness by Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS); mental effort with the Rating Scale of Mental Effort (RSME). 93 measurement series were made. The night watch registered the higher values of SRT, fatigue perception scale, KSS and RSME. Workers with 45 years or under rate the work in more difficult work stations with higher values of mental effort. Perceived fatigue and KSS increase with work days’ accumulation. The perceived fatigue, sleepiness and mental effort were maintained at medium/low levels, not appearing to be concerning factors.
Paulo Noriega, Rafael Nascimento, Francisco Rebelo, José Carvalhais, Teresa Cotrim, Elisângela Vilar
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Design of museum science popularization interactive installation based on embodied cognition theory
Combining embodied cognition theory and exploring innovative forms of interaction in the context of smart manufacturing, a Chinese Fan Museum science popularization interactive device was designed to provide an embodied experience. A usability evaluation model is constructed for the interactive device to evaluate the usability of the device, which will help to improve the product in the early and middle stages of its development and identify usability problems. Embodied cognition theory is applied to the interactive design of the museum science popularization information. Kansei Engineering evaluation and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process are used to evaluate and analyze the usability of the product. A usability evaluation system was constructed. The results show that the overall usability of the product is between good and excellent, and is satisfactory to users. It is feasible to explore the design of museum science popularization interaction with embodied cognition theory, and the evaluation system constructed for this product can also provide an accurate evaluation of the usability of the product and provide a reference for product upgrading and innovation.
Xinheng Song, Zhaolin Lu
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Dynamic privacy hierarchical design to optimize the user experience of financial management
As the social attributes of fund financial products for young people have increased, users have begun to share financial management information in social circles, which has become a new way of privacy disclosure. Generally, users have a lower willingness to disclose financial information, but the social emotion gains become the benefit points of privacy fluctuations in this scenario. We looked forward to improving the user experience of financial income information sharing services from the perspective of privacy protection. Dynamic privacy classification control could help users reduce the hidden dangers of privacy disclosure, which helped to overcome the above problem. We conducted semi-structured interviews and behavioral observations with young users (18-35 years old) who purchased financial products online to explore users' attitudes towards sharing financial information. We asked participants to rank the privacy sensitivity of their information shared online to establish a privacy classification standard for financial information sharing. According to the research, user roles, users' financial management capabilities, and the sharing scenarios of financial information would all affect users’ privacy sensitivity. Therefore, we established a dynamic model. Finally, we showed the participants a design prototype of dynamic privacy classification control. Almost every participant found it perceivable and useful, improving their user experience of using financial income information sharing services. Privacy classification protection research usually discussed user privacy rights and social ethics, but thought less of user's own experience. The study introduced dynamic privacy classification control to provide a reference for the optimization of user experience design.
Xiaoyun Jing, Junyao Fan, Yufei Liu
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Making Human-AI Interactions Sustainable: 7 Key Questions for an Ergonomics Perspective on Artificial Intelligence
Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have led to new forms of human-AI interaction and confirmed the need for human-centered AI design. But what are the human factors that need to be addressed for successful AI design? This paper looks at seven key questions critical to designing human-AI interactions in a sustainable way. It also examines recent and emerging factors in relation to challenges posed by earlier forms of automation and AI (such as expert systems). The aim of our research is to propose a framework for multidisciplinary efforts essential to human-centered intelligent system design; it identifies potential activity centered ergonomics contributions and the issues that need to be addressed through situated studies of sociotechnical systems and human activities.
Myriam Frejus, Dounia Lahoual, Marion Gras-Gentiletti
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Brand Design Strategy for Public Administration. An experimentation on Lazio Region’s Employment Centers in Italy
The paper deals with the theme of public services through the lens of Design and intends to report experiences and preliminary results of the research project aimed at the Employment Centers of the Lazio Region, which develops a Brand Design Strategy for the renewal of the service through an activity structured in distinct operational phases. In fact, the discipline of Design has the role of guiding a conscious structure of the brand in a systemic perspective, which, in addition to the visual identity, includes the service and spatial design, promoting accessibility, inclusiveness and usability. A case of methodological experimentation that aims to establish itself as a case of national best practice.
Carlo Martino, Laura Ricci, Sabrina Lucibello, Davide Fornari, Vincenzo Maselli, Lorena Trebbi, Alessio Caccamo, Silvia Cosentino, Carlotta Belluzzi Mus, Eugenia Maria Canepone
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Integrated design of electrical equipment bay layout for civil aircraft based on ergonomics
A large amount of electrical and electronic equipment is arranged in the E-E bay of a civil aircraft, which is one of the most densely arranged zones on the aircraft. Since the E-E bay is also a zone that needs to be inspected and maintained frequently, the ergonomic design of this zone is also particularly important. Generally, in order to improve the cargo space of the aircraft, the E-E bay should carry out the comprehensive integrated design of the space layout as much as possible under the premise of meeting the inspection and maintenance requirements, so as to improve the space utilization rate. From the perspective of ergonomic design of the E-E bay, this paper proposes the integrated design concept and implementation path of the system layout in the E-E bay for maintenance personnel. Furthermore, ergonomic design considerations are put forward from the aspects of accessibility of maintenance channels, system space allocation, and integrated design of system equipment racks, LRU maintenance, and equipment disassembly. This paper has reference significance for carrying out the system integrated layout design of E-E bay based on ergonomics.
Ruina Tian
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Calculation of color visual beauty in the foreground of text coverage on the interface of rehabilitation robot
The interface color of medical rehabilitation robot directly affects the operation experience of rehabilitation doctors. Text overlay image of visual interface type is one of the common interface layout methods. This paper aims to explore and experiment the influence of color contrast on picture clarity and balance in the man-machine interface with text covering part of the foreground. This paper has two hypotheses. In order to test the hypothesis, relevant pictures will be prepared before the experiment; Using the method of subjective questionnaire and objective MATLAB quantitative calculation data, the experimental data related to the hypothesis are obtained and analyzed, the conclusion is obtained and further discussed. The experimental conclusions are as follows: first, as the color contrast between the text and the foreground in the picture increases, the definition increases. When the color contrast reaches the maximum, the definition may be slightly reduced due to too strong color stimulation; Second, as the color contrast between the text in the picture and the foreground increases, the color weight of the area covered by the text in the foreground increases, and the balance of the picture will change.
Shu Yuyu
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Bespoke and Repetitive: Converging Technologies in the Design of Custom Products
The growth in Industry 4.0 marks a change in some ways that products will be created as well as the ways in which professions like industrial design will continue to grow. Advances in technology, data, and analytics will increasingly give designers the ability to develop customized or bespoke products for a range of end users. Specifically, the intersection of 3D surface scanning, generative design and digital fabrication could trigger this growth. This paper examines how the intersection of these technologies is currently being leveraged by designers for bespoke solutions and identifies growing opportunities and attributes that make the design of customized repetitive use products a strong candidate for adoption of these digital tools.
Zerong Yang, Jason Germany
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Development of a weight management service that considers individual physical characteristics and psychological factors
In modern society, life expectancy has increased, and the digital healthcare industry has grown up as people are more interested in health. Moreover, the recent spread of COVID-19 has increased the time spent at home, increasing the demand for weight control such as diet and nutrition-related products, exercise & fitness services. In the United States and Europe, weight management is mainly implemented to improve health or reduce health risk factors, whereas, in Korea, weight management is highly focused on external appearance alone. The purpose of this study is to propose a healthy weight management service design for users in their 20s and 30s in Korea who experience severe health problems in their weight management program by analyzing their needs and pain points in the process and defining fundamental problems. This study applied the double diamond model, a service design methodology, and divided the research process into discover, define, develop, and deliver. We conducted a digital ethnography of 20 selected weight management videos and in-depth interviews with 9 people who actively use the weight management process in order to collect user's verbal and non-verbal raw data and define service directions based on users' pain points and need & wants. Furthermore, we could substantiate specific solutions for service directions, the psychology types of each user, and the behavior inducement; and finalize the service architecture. Finally, we organized two sets of usability test of the service prototype of wireframes and developed the user interface design by applying heuristic evaluation criteria and analysis of the user observation from the test.As a result, we decided to use a smart mirror as a service platform based on the insight that visual observation is more effective than numerical value for weight management and the study that mirror exposure therapy is used to change users' behavior for actual weight management. In addition, We chose DTC genetic testing to identify the innate body information of each user and suggest appropriate nutrients, diets, and exercises for them. Not only that, but also, it was analyzed that in order for the user to continue weight management, it is necessary to habituate through user behavior improvement and gain motivation. Therefore, in order to form new habits of users, 1) 66 days were set as one unit, 2) the correct behavior model is to be presented to users, 3) persuasive technologies such as simplifying actions or going through steps were applied. Lastly, motivation is needed to maintain the habits, which must meet three factors: autonomy, relationship, and capability; for this reason, we provided functions according to user tendencies, provoked user interactions by sharing information and communicating with others, and comprised accomplishment process of one's goals. This study, applying DTC genetic testing results and using a smart mirror with strengthening users' experiences through the formation of digital and non-face-to-face platforms, differentiates from existing services in the healthcare industry.
Jae Sun Yi, Suah Cho
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Evaluation of Camera APP Interface Element Layout Based on Interface Aesthetics Model
With the popularity of large-screen smartphones, more and more mobile applications are appearing in the market. However, there are few studies on the comprehensive aesthetics of these application interfaces. In order to effectively evaluate the comprehensive aesthetics of the app interface and provide a reference for App interface design. By studying the characteristics of mobile application interfaces and combining expert opinions, this study selects six of the 13 interface aesthetics indicators proposed by Ngo as the criteria for evaluating the aesthetics of mobile interfaces in this paper, they are balance, symmetry, sequence, simplicity, density and regularity. By using a series of algorithms to quantify these six indicators and introducing hierarchical analysis (AHP) to calculate the weight of each aesthetic indicator, the comprehensive aesthetic value of the App interface is finally obtained. Therefore, this paper proposes a method for evaluating the comprehensive aesthetics of App interfaces. Moreover, this paper takes the interfaces of six photography applications as examples, and calculates their comprehensive aesthetic value by abstracting the App interface elements into different rectangles, and after optimizing the design of the interface with the lowest value, the comprehensive aesthetics of its interface is calculated again, and the results show that the comprehensive aesthetics of the optimized App interface is higher than the comprehensive aesthetics of the original interface. This verifies the effectiveness of the method for evaluating the comprehensive aesthetics of App interfaces and helps designers to improve the design of existing application interfaces.
Yuan Fang, Zhisheng Zhang, Zhijie Xia
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Evaluation of foreign e-commerce web interface element layout based on Moon-Spencer model
The e-commerce platform is developing rapidly. Well-designed web interface can improve consumers' browsing experience and enhance market competitiveness. NGO Proposed an objective method to measure the aesthetic value of the interface by combining the characteristic elements of the interface design with the user's visual perception. The model is composed of 13 measurement features. However, it lacks objectivity because it does not consider the impact of color on interface aesthetics and human perceptual characteristics. In order to analyze the e-commerce website design more scientifically and reasonably, six aesthetic measures are selected and quantified combined with the Moon-Spencer model. And the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is introduced to calculate the weight of each index, so as to get the comprehensive aesthetic value of the interface. Which in the end could help guide the designer to design and improve the e-commerce page.
Haoran Shao, Zhisheng Zhang, Zhijie Xia
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
The style correlation between color palette generated by the k-means and original picture
A color theme (palette) is a set of significant color samples that can represent color choices in works of art or designs. The generation of color palette usually starts from selecting an appropriate image, and then extracting colors from the image to form a color palette. This paper use a method, K-means clustering algorithm, to extract seven colors from pictures to generate a 7 color palette for designers. Whether the extracted palette can reflect the image of the original image is the key to extracting color. Therefore, this paper designs a qualitative scale according to the pre semantic difference method, and the subjects subjectively evaluate the color of the image and from the image according to the qualitative scale. Then, the correlation coefficient is used to measure the subjective feeling correlation between the two pictures, so as to judge whether the style of the palette generated by the main tone of the picture can reflect the style of the original picture and could used by designer.
Zhihao Zhang, Zhisheng Zhang, Zhijie Xia
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Trend Analysis of the Layout Design of the Smartphone's Rear Screen Based on Aesthetics
The layout design elements of the smartphone’s rear screen mainly include the camera, flash, fingerprint lock, brand logo, product information. In order to study the trend of the layout design of the rear screen elements of mobile phones in the context of the rapid iteration of smartphones. This paper selected 12 mobile phones in 3 series of Apple brand and Huawei brand as the research object. In addition, 6 aesthetic metrics: balance, symmetry, integrity, simplicity, cohesion, and proportional beauty were selected to perform quantitative calculations on the layout of mobile phone rear screen elements. And 59 users were required to perform subjective evaluation and sorting of the research objects. The results indicated that samples with high user acceptance have the better comprehensive performance of aesthetic evaluation. In addition, the layout design of mobile phone rear screen elements shows a trend of paying more attention to aesthetics. In particular, the results could help designers grasp the trend of mobile phone rear screen design better based on the aesthetic evaluation.
Chang Gao, Zhisheng Zhang, Zhijie Xia
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Evaluation of AI generation interface element layout based on aesthetics model
AI-generated interface has been widely used in the field of e-commerce, however, the quality of the AI-generated interface cannot be guaranteed. In order to objectively evaluate the aesthetic quality of the elements layout of AI-generated interface, an aesthetic model was proposed based on graphics and psychological theories. The factor analysis method was used to analyze the 13 kinds of Aesthetic indicators proposed by Ngo, therefore the design variables that affect the overall interface aesthetics was reduced to balance, overall, conciseness, and rhythm, which simplifies the aesthetic model. In order to verify the feasibility of the model, took the interface generated by Alibaba Luban AI as an example, and used the Likert scale method to subjectively evaluated the interface. The experimental results show that the fit degree between the aesthetic model and the subjective evaluation result is high, which verify the important role of the aesthetic model in the optimization potential of the AI generated interface, and provide Rational basis for the interface design.
Jincheng Hu, Wenyu Wu, Zhijie Xia
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Layout of Emotional Elements and Functional Modules in Web Design Based on Aesthetic Indicators
In the era of big data, opening web pages to search for information and obtain resources has become an important behavior for users to use the Internet. The beauty of the webpage will affect the user experience. A good layout can successfully guide users to browse the page. Based on aesthetic indicators, this paper first analyzes the emotional elements and functional modules of the webpage through the Kansei engineering method, and obtains the user's attitude towards the combination of website color and layout; then through correspondence analysis, the paper analyzes the user's views on the functional elements of the webpage, and finally combines color and layout data form three types of differentiated (i.e. best matching) designs for web products to meet the different needs of standardized color layouts and web page modules.
Ziwei He, Wenyu Wu, Zhijie Xia, Chengqi Xue
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Evaluation of interface interaction efficiency of industrial design education based on virtual reality
Virtual technology is more and more widely used in various fields, such as medical treatment, military, entertainment, education and so on. However, Virtual Reality (VR) has not been well applied in education, especially for industrial design, which requires multidimensional perception system and advanced interaction technology to achieve more interactive efficiency and learning effect. The purpose of this paper is to study the effect of VR on the efficiency of classroom interaction in industrial design and to predict its application prospects. By collecting and quantifying the user's attitude and feelings through the Likert scale and semantic differential method to design questionnaire, the paper analyzes the classroom learning effect of applying VR. Then uses Kano model to predict the necessity of applying VR to promote the interaction efficiency of educational interface based on several learning characteristics of industrial design classroom. Data analysis based on 132 survey volumes shows that users are more expected to integrate VR in the classroom, especially the understanding and memoryability of the classroom interface. However, Kano model shows that application of VR is still not necessary. Therefore, it is necessary to adapt to the new visual interaction mode according to the changes in learning styles, which will bring convenience to design education.
Yining Xing, Wenyu Wu, Zhijie Xia, Chengqi Xue
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Morinhuur Music Visualization Device Design
Using Morinhuur music as the research object of intangible cultural heritage music visualization, based on the synaesthetic effect, through research and analysis of Morinhuur music’s historical development, performance skills, and musical characteristics, using focus interviews, questionnaire surveys and other qualitative and quantitative methods to collect organized into visual data charts such as Sankey Diagrams. The visual aspects of the retrieved different music information are applied to the visualization device using the Processing programming language and the imaging technology of the Kinect equipment. A visual presentation of Morinhuur music is proposed, and visual design is used to enhance the digital protection and transmission of intangible cultural heritage music.
Yunyan Zhao, Lisi You, Wenguang Li
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Care systems for people with Parkinson's disease and their interaction with clothing: case study in Portugal
Clothing products can be stigmatizing when they do not include the users’ needs in their technical-functional and aesthetic characteristics. People with Parkinson’s disease may have difficulties and an inability to dress. As a result, they may need assistance from caregivers and professionals to perform the activity. This article investigated how assisting care can help to promote independence in dress/undress activity for people with Parkinson’s disease in Portugal. The results indicated that the patient’s functional symptoms, the care place, the type of assistance they receive as a stimulus to independence, and the access of products in this system influenced the independence in dress/undress activity. The responsibility and opportunity to discuss non-stigmatizing clothing, that offer viable alternatives to promoting well-being, is important for the discussion about inclusive clothing. Future studies should investigate the usability approach with users to outline relevant guidelines to the inclusive and ergonomics clothing development.
Leticia Marteli, Luis Carlos Paschoarelli, Fernando Moreira Da Silva, Paula Trigueiros, Fabio Barbieri
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Freedom, equality, identity: the Right to Design
When advocating for typically excluded groups in society, it is common for arguments to invoke general principles of universality and equality, referring to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to other instrumental documents of a developed society. Considering the wide scope of design fields and its influence on products, services for our quality of life, we can perceive the power and responsibility of design in the observance of those principles. The proposed argument will be categorized according to three perspectives. First, Design as a noun: by enriching the markets for products and services that meet people’s expectations and needs, design is promoting freedom of choice. The second, Design as a verb, is about processes of promoting the right (of people with disabilities) to self-determination and to active and informed participation in decision-making and creation processes. Third, Design as a theme acknowledges designers’ powers and emphasizes their social responsibilities, as activists of change. This paper offers a reflection on the different contributions and responsibilities of Design in promoting fundamental rights such as dignity, freedom of choice, and the right to personal identity of diverse audiences. This article is therefore a manifesto for the Right to Design, drawing on relevant literature, practical experiences, and case studies.
Paula Trigueiros
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
In-car sound design under the framework of emotional design
In the in-car interactive system, sound is an efficient and indispensable interactive element. As the in-car interaction design focuses more on the experience improvement brought about by the user's emotional changes, the in-car sound design has gradually introduced emotional design methods into the design process. The literature on in-car sound design is increasing, but there is no overview of the in-car sound design under the framework of emotional design.This paper aims to provide a literature review on the subject of the emotional design of in-car sounds. Based on keywords searching, the paper screened the topic-related papers since 2011 to sort out the development trend of in-car sound design in the past ten years and refined the application of emotional design methods in sound design. The paper summarizes the research trends of in-car emotional sound interaction as follows: (1) Personification; (2) Emotional trigger mechanism; (3) Speech and sound effects.
Yufei Liu, Danhua Zhao
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
The rewards of user experience feedback on developing costumes that last, a swimsuit example
In a globalized economy, where the fashion market is highly competitive, changeable, and often disposable, there is a need to manufacture a product that seduces the consumer, not only for the appearance of the product but also for its comfort, usability, and performance. All of these issues are concerns that designers want to address.During the last two hundred years, there has not been a single piece of clothing that has evolved as much as the swimsuit. However, some issues of ergonomic origin have been forgotten for various types of users with different anthropometric profiles.We defend that bath collections can be created, combining fashion design with ergonomics, fitting, usability, and anthropometry as the main factors, creating pieces that last and that suit the needs of its users.We will cover some cases of swimsuit brands that keep some models, collection after collection. These models were the result of careful initial investment, holistic and based on the user's experience. Trying to demonstrate that this initial analysis can represent an advantage in the medium/long term.
Michele Santos
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Accessible Digital Game on the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Brazil
In the pandemic scenario experienced since 2020, it was observed that the problems linked to education were worsened. Brazil, which has recently achieved universal primary education, is facing historical difficulties in terms of evasion, gaps, and growing differences in student learning levels. To quantify the consequences of the pandemic on education, the World Bank used the concept of learning poverty, an idea similar to the monetary poverty line. In the Latin American region, considering the impact on education until the beginning of 2021 and the closing of schools for 10 months, it could go from 55% to 71% of the population classified as learning poor.Aiming to contribute to issues related to the learning gap, it is intended, through gamification, to develop a digital game that encompasses the goals of sustainable development of the UN (2020). In addition, it will be developed with accessibility requirements. Accessibility in digital games is established as a way to remove all barriers that cause the game's target audience to be excluded. It seeks to maintain a challenging experience, so regardless of whether the player has a disability or not, one can finish the game without outside help. Thus, the task of bringing one of the 17 sustainable development goals proved to be a problem that is also faced by educators over time: how to work with scientific knowledge in a fun way?In recent years, the digital games industry has been concerned with expanding the possibilities of accessibility, and in the same way, it is possible to see a greater interest also by the academic area in this matter since there is a greater number of studies on this subject. The general objective of this article is to analyze the criteria that will need to be developed for a game to be fully accessible. As a hypothesis, it is believed that this analysis makes it possible to perceive strengths that the digital games industry has developed in terms of accessibility features and it will still be possible to identify gaps to be explored in this field, in order to reduce the exclusion rate of people with disabilities, in digital games. As a methodology, a crossing will be made between the defaults found and principles of accessibility and usability. As result, we found that the game industry has invested a lot in resources related to the principles "Information of Easy Perception" and "Comparable Usage" of Universal Design, while still lacking resources related to the principle of "Flexible Usage". We conclude that this work will contribute to filling the gaps found related to the inclusion of all people in digital games.
Regina Heidrich, Sheisa Amaral Da Cunha Bittencourt, Rita Almendra
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Design Thinking in Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Creating Innovative Solutions for Students' Community
Design thinking is a mindset and toolkit to effectively support the process of problem-solving and product development. Expanding knowledge of design thinking to non-design major students helps introduce the methodology and enhance creativity to a broader audience. In the fall semester of 2021, many college students came back to campus after more than one and a half years of remote learning due to Covid-19. They were eager to participate in in-person activities and communities. However, they faced anxiety and uncertainty in the post-pandemic environment. This paper introduces the theory and methods using design thinking and collaboration to help interdisciplinary students tackle problems in their community. Some group projects from the Product Design program at Drexel University are used here as examples, including topics on female students’ safety on campus, bike storage issues, and making friends in the university. Within this course, students from diverse disciplines collaborated to generate innovative solutions. Students’ presentations and feedbacks show improved confidence in creativity and a great passion to pursue further study in the design-related curriculum.
Juanjuan June He
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Measuring emotion, interaction, and cultural outcomes after a VR game: The case of São Tomé.
The development of strategies based on the preservation, innovation, and dissemination of cultural aspects of the São Tomé and Príncipe (STP), represents an essential condition for the improvement and dynamization of the culture and creativity sector. Nowadays, due to low cost and technological advances, virtual Reality (VR) devices can provide an immersive experience to share cultural aspects. The goal of this study is to analyze (1) if the memory of the cultural and natural aspects remains after the end of VR experience, (2) the emotional reaction after the experience, and (3) interaction problems reported by participants. The number of participants in this study was 10. To measure what remains related to cultural and natural aspects of STP, the Think-aloud method was used to collect information. This protocol was applied after the participant finished the VR experience (retrospective think-aloud). This allowed knowing what participants value at a specific moment. Questions related to cultural aspects were directly asked to participants through a Questionnaire with questions about paintings/artists and creole language (QPCL) After three weeks, the QPCL was applied again, to verify if the cultural/natural aspect was recalled after this period. We also apply the Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM) tool to analyze the emotional reaction. Regarding the results using think-aloud, we structure the answers into 4 categories: (1) Interaction in VR; (2) Culture; (3) Nature, and (4) The desire to be there. Concerning Interaction in VR, the majority do not report any interaction problems (7 participants). Regarding the cultural and natural aspects, the natural aspect related to the green environment was the most reported aspect (5 participants). The desire to be there, was reported by 4 participants. We did not ask if they want to visit São Tomé or any other aspect categorized (think-aloud), they just verbalized what they were thinking at the time (after finishing the VR experience). The data collected using SAM reveals that the pleasure was positive, and arousal was considerable (Pleasure Average = 7.4; Pleasure Standard Deviation = 1.3 / Arousal average = 6.8; Arousal Standard Deviation = 2.1). Three weeks later, we applied the SAM and QPCL questionnaire again, and the results were still close to the values initially reported. In conclusion, the think-aloud and QPCL methods were helpful tools to understand what participants most value during a VR game experience (related to cultural, natural, and interaction aspects), and the results related to emotional reaction (SAM questionnaire), show that the experience provided a high level of pleasure.
Yanick Trindade, Francisco Rebelo, Paulo Noriega
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
A workflow for multi-user VR application within the physical classrooms of architecture and urbanism courses
This article presents a workflow for virtual reality application with multiple users in face-to-face architecture classes. The problem posed is that the application of collaborative VR (with interaction through avatars) in physical classrooms is still little discussed. Thus, the work suggests that the immersive tool is integrated with the others already commonly used in the daily life of disciplines, such as photographs, videos, technical plans, among others, so that there is flexibility and ease to switch between common and immersive classes, without the need to leave the physical room. Methods include bibliographic review and preliminary experiences of authors with VR in the teaching of architecture. The results indicate a 5-step flow demonstrating how to apply VR in the college classroom.
Emerson Gomes, Francisco Rebelo, Naylor Vilas Boas, Paulo Noriega, Elisangela Vilar
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
HeroFit: A gamified solution with a mini game, to promote the change of sedentary behaviors.
One of the main barriers to non-sedentary behavior is the fact that professional work needs to be done while seated. Since non-sedentary tasks must be performed repeatedly, one should not solely exercise outside of work, as this can lead to a long period of sedentary lifestyle during working hours. In this study, a solution was thought up, HeroFit, that would motivate people to perform low intensity exercises for longer periods of time and consequently lead to a change in their routines. The results showed that the HeroFit application, had a good acceptance rate by users who have tested it. It had all the necessary features to monitor physical activity, as well as a strong gamification component, which goes further than the existing applications on the market, by incorporating a mini game where the user had a greater goal than just socialization and physical performance.
Francisco Rebelo, Diana Carvalho, Paulo Noriega, Elisangela Vilar
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Emoticon Input Method Design Based on Theory of Use and Gratification
A set of input method prototype for emoticons inputting and modifying is designed to improve user experience of emoticons cross platform. Based on use and gratification theory, core requirements and pain points for emoticons usage were summarized. The core needs of using emoticons include communication efficiency, emotional expression, personality interest and identity recognition. The outstanding problems of emoticon usage are expressing ambiguity, misunderstanding and invalid information, also the closeness and exclusivity of circle culture. According to the found key points, a questionnaire mainly composed of Likert Scale was designed to validify the proposed needs through collecting data of college students’ behavior habits and preferences. To explore the influence of various factors and diversities of different groups on experience when using emoticons, the statistics analysis was then carried out by IBM SPSS Statistics, which included descriptive statistics and regression analysis. 7 interviews were carried out based on results of questionnaire statistics analysis to excavate root causes. The results show that (a) a seek sense of integration exits when using emoticons on social media, which means usage tend to vary from usage sceneries and recipients to perform properly and fit into various groups. (b) personalized expression meets the need of self-identity and entertainment but also suffer the risk of misunderstanding and confusion. (c) cross platform emoticon use and emoticon edit are two main factors that damage convenience of emoticon use.Based on the above conclusions, a way of editing and using expression package was designed to improve the user experience and avoid the problems of complex process of emoticon choosing and editing and vague expression of emoticons. The emoticon input method can effectively solve the cumbersome problem of cross platform expression package collection and sending process combined with the functions of expression package editing and crowd classification which further optimizes the use process and improves the use experience.
Ruoxin Yuan, Jintao Kang, Rui Liu, Zhang Heng, Chunxiao Li, Xiaojie Xie, Zhaolin Lu
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Strategy for ergonomic validation of a physical mock-up involving limited user trial
Background and Objective: It is practically impossible to find out an individual with a specific percentile for all the anthropometric dimensions. In traditional anthropometric compatibility evaluation, a large number of participants would be required to represent a specific percentile (say, 5th percentile) of different body dimensions. However, a user trial involving a large number of participants with intended percentile values is a tedious, time-consuming, and costly affair and in many cases not practically feasible. This paper presents a research strategy of how to validate the anthropometric compatibility of a physical mock-up by a small number of participants representing the extreme anthropometric variability of the target populations. Methodology: A case study on the user trial of a physical mock-up of a light armored vehicle (LAV) used by the Ethiopian army was carried out involving a few users from an ergonomic perspective. Following an anthropometric survey (32 variables) of Ethiopian army personnel (n =250 male), 12 key variables (06 dominant variables, 02 variables with less commonality, 03 variables with less correlation coefficient from their respective predictors, and one targeted variable ‘mass’) that account for the variability produced by the 32 original variables were identified using Principal Component Factor Analysis (PCFA) and regression analysis. Following this, Ethiopian army personnel who represent the boundary values (5th or/and 95th p values) of the identified key variables were identified from the targeted population. Thereafter, the compatibility testing (in terms of space occupancy, dimensional clearances, reaching distance, view field, operational activities, etc.) of the physical mock-ups were conducted with the identified subjects. Results: The 12 key variables found from PCFA and regression analysis were stature, sitting height, popliteal height, popliteal length, bideltoid breadth, hip breadth, elbow rest length, arm length, foot length, foot breadth, handbreadth, and mass. Total 07 army personnel were finally identified who represented the extreme measurement values (5th or/and 95th p values) of those key variables and were asked to volunteer for testing. Discussions: As demonstrated in the present study, it is possible to identify less number of key anthropometric variables that are representative of the overall anthropometric variability of the population by using PCFA and regression analysis. A minimal number of volunteers could be identified by using the extreme anthropometric values (5th or/and 95th p values) of the identified key variables. These volunteers could be deployed for user trials to ensure compatibility from an ergonomic perspective. Such an evaluation technique, involving less number of participants would confirm accommodating wide ranges of user populations as well as reduce the cost, time, and resources for physical trial.
Amare Wibneh Mengistu, Ashish Kumar Singh, Sougata Karmakar
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
An interactive design solution for prenatal emotional nursing of pregnant women
With the continuous development of interactive technology, informatization has begun to integrate into people's life[1].Having been neglected in history, postpartum depression reminds us that we need to pay attention to maternal emotional needs and prenatal care[2]. In the current situation, it is worth researching the interactive products for prenatal emotional care. According to the survey, it is not difficult to find that some speech emotion and facial expression recognition technologies in artificial intelligence are developing Which have large potential for extensive use.[3,4]. Therefore, it is necessary and feasible to design prenatal emotional diagnosis tools for pregnant women. This study has designed a product to care for pregnant women by identifying their emotional needs through AI recognition technologies. Appropriate prenatal intervention is conducive to the prevention of postpartum depression[5,6] . The use of artificial intelligence recognition technology can provide an appropriate emotional care plan. This can reduce the difficulty of training medical personnel and the difficulty of relatives caring for pregnant women. Therefore, the risk of postpartum depression can be reduced. QUESTIONCollecting opinions and information from previous studies is an important reference for this study. Therefore, this study needs to solve the following problems.1) How to design an artificial intelligence product that can accurately diagnose the emotion of pregnant women?2) How to integrate AI facial emotion recognition technology?3) How to help nurses and their families take care of users more professionally and easily through the information database?4) How to adapt the emotional care program provided by interactive products to different pregnant women? Methods:the research methods of this study are as follows:1) Observing the working process of artificial midwives and psychologists to find Which part can be assisted by machines[7].2) To understand the emotional needs of pregnant women through interview.3) To brainstorm according to the real data collected before and research findings, and then design interactive products that can practically solve the emotional care problems of pregnant women.4) Through the experiment of AI emotion recognition technologies, the feasibility of emotion recognition is verified. CONCLUSIONS:With the continuous development of artificial intelligence, more and more artificial intelligence products have entered our life [1]. This study is aimed to help pregnant women prevent prenatal and postpartum depression and maintain their health through artificial intelligence interaction technologies. This study is exploring the solution under the help of artificial intelligence after studying the problem that prenatal and postpartum emotion are neglected. This design is still in the conceptual design stage, but it seems only a matter of time before this design is applied in the future[8]. REFERENCES:[1]. Lee H S , Lee J . Applying Artificial Intelligence in Physical Education and Future Perspectives. 2021.[2]. Beck C T . Postpartum depression: it isn't just the blues.[J]. American Journal of Nursing, 2006, 106(5):40-50.[3].Ramakrishnan S , Emary I M M E . Speech emotion recognition approaches in human computer interaction[J]. Telecommunication Systems, 2013, 52(3):OnLine-First.[4]. Samara A , Galway L , Bond R , et al. Affective state detection via facial expression analysis within a human–computer interaction context[J]. Journal of Ambient Intelligence & Humanized Computing, 2017.[5]. Clatworthy J . The effectiveness of antenatal interventions to prevent postnatal depression in high-risk women[J]. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2012, 137(1-3):25-34.[6]. Ju C H , Hye K J , Jae L J . Antenatal Cognitive-behavioral Therapy for Prevention of Postpartum Depression: A Pilot Study[J]. Yonsei Medical Journal, 2008, 49(4):553-.[7]. Fletcher A , Murphy M , Leahy-Warren P . Midwives' experiences of caring for women's emotional and mental well-being during pregnancy[J]. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2021.[8]. Jin X , Liu C , Xu T , et al. Artificial intelligence biosensors: Challenges and prospects[J]. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2020, 165:112412.
Leyi Wu, Jing Luo, Huihui Guo
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Sense of Time while Perceiving Periodic Visual Stimuli by Peripheral Vision in Virtual Reality
Humans have a sense of time; however, this sense is subjective. We have all experienced that periods of boredom feel longer, and periods spent in pleasant activities feel shorter. The relationship between humans’ sense of time and visual stimuli has been studied in many research fields, including psychology and informatics. In the field of informatics, there have been attempts to use the relationship between the sense of time and visual stimuli for practical purposes. Studies using visual stimuli on a computer monitor have had some degree of positive results. This research attempts to apply this pertinent knowledge obtained in informatics to architectural spaces and examine whether the presentation of periodic visual stimuli to peripheral vision can act as a spatial element that changes one’s sense of time. This research focuses on the frequency and presentation position of periodic visual stimuli. This research investigates the influence of periodic visual stimuli on the sense of time through two virtual reality experiments. Experiments were conducted in a room of dimensions 4 x 4 x 2.4, created in an immersive virtual environment. The participants were immersed in the virtual environment using a head-mounted display and they remained seated while the experiments were conducted. Light bulbs were set at equal distances of 30 cm on walls of the room in the virtual environment and repeatedly flashed to present periodic visual stimuli to the participants' peripheral vision. The participants evaluated the time in a virtual environment based on a set of conditions. The first experiment examined the frequency of periodic visual stimuli on the participants’ sense of time by setting four frequencies: 0(no stimuli), 30, 60, and 90 times per minute. The participants evaluated time twice at each frequency, and all eight trials were conducted in random order. The first experiment showed that the participants perceived time as significantly longer in the condition wherein the frequency was 90 times per minute as compared to that in conditions wherein the frequencies were 0, 30, 60 times per minute. Thus, the results suggest that a presentation of periodic visual stimuli with a high frequency has the effect of making time feel longer. The second experiment examined the relationship between the presentation position of periodic visual stimuli and the sense of time. The frequency of periodic visual stimuli was set at 90 times per minute, and there were four presentation positions: sidewall, floor-ceiling, sidewall-floor-ceiling, and no stimuli. The participants evaluated time twice at each presentation position, and the order of eight trials was designed in a manner that there was no duplication between the stimuli presented to the participants. The second experiment revealed that the participants perceived time as significantly longer in the condition including the position sidewall-floor-ceiling as compared to that in conditions including the positions sidewall and floor-ceiling. The results suggest that regardless of the presentation position, visual stimuli presented in extensive view make time feel longer. These findings have the potential to create methods to change one’s sense of time in architectural spaces intentionally.
Ryota Ino, Yohsuke Yoshioka
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Application Research of Virtual Reality as a Tool for Design
The aim of this study is to explore the advantages, feasibility and potential of applying head-mounted display (HMD)-based virtual reality (VR) in design work. The problems associated with working with desktop interfaces (DI) and the feasibility of using virtual reality as a solution was identified by research and review related paper. The advantages and problems of performing general operations under VR or DI condition was explored by a comparative experiment. According to the results of the review and the comparative experiment, we summary and analysis the advantages and problems of each aspect of nowadays DI and VR. Otherwise, we made a further review to discuss the solution of the problems of HMD-based VR. Finally, this paper proposes suggestions for the application of VR in design working, meanwhile, with the development of technology, VR will be applied better.
Yuanbo Sun, Huayu Zhang, Shaoshuai Huang, Xinyi Chen, Zhiyuan He, Yifan Li, Yuhong Wei, Jiawei Tang, Yining Wang
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Apology Strategies to Reduce Electric Vehicle User Frustration
The probability of abnormal charging termination due to charging pile faults is high. Drivers often experience frustration due to charging failure, which affects their long-term willingness to drive EVs. Existing studies have demonstrated apology strategy as a potential method to reduce frustration. However, there are no studies on apology strategy in the charging abnormal termination scene. A Wizard-of-OZ experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of in-car robotic agents' apology feedback and facial expression on users' emotion. The results showed that the participants were less frustrated and more satisfied when robotic agents apologized. Compared with "neutral" expression, the application of "shyness", "embarrassment" and "sadness" expression could significantly alleviate frustration, with apology feedback combining best with "shyness". The results of this study can provide innovative ideas for improving the charging experience of EV users.
Yuhan Li, Danhua Zhao
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Effect of the Turning Angle of a Curved Passage on Human Sense of Direction
Recognition of the correct direction is crucial in reaching the desired destination, including the assimilation of the surrounding environmental features while dynamically moving. One of the scenarios where the sense of direction tends to misshift is when passing through a gently curved passage. However, there are few studies that have investigated the relationship between the features of curved passages and sense of direction.In this study, an experiment using virtual environment technology was conducted to evaluate the effect of the turning angle of curved passages on the accuracy of the sense of direction. The purpose of this study includes obtaining useful knowledge for the architectural design of passages to avoid a misshift of the sense of direction by analyzing the experimental results quantitively.Eleven college students participated in the experiment. The subjects were asked to wear a head-mounted display and walk through some curved passages constructed in a virtual environment. The subjects also wore soundproof earmuffs to prevent hearing the surrounding sounds.First, a virtual arrow was displayed and arranged at the beginning point of the passage. The subjects were asked to memorize the direction indicated by the virtual arrow. After memorization was completed, the subjects were asked to walk toward the end of the passage. Upon reaching the end of the passage, the entire passage environment was removed with only the ground left, and two different colored virtual arrows appeared instead. One of the two arrows was black, indicating the traveling direction at the end point of the passage. The other arrow was red, and the subjects could change the direction of the arrow using the trigger of the hand controller.The subject was then asked to adjust the direction of the red arrow to the same direction as that of the first arrow memorized at the beginning of the passage. The difference between the direction of the red arrow adjusted by the subjects and the direction of the arrow arranged at the beginning point of the passage was calculated as the evaluation values of misshift of the sense of direction.In this experiment, a straight passage and twelve curved passages with different total turning angles (15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120, 135, 150, 165, and 180 degrees) were set as the experimental conditions. Each condition was presented twice in a random order for each subject.The results of the experiment showed that the values of misshift of the sense of direction were significantly larger in the curved passage conditions with total turning angles of 90, 105, 120, 135, 150, and 165 degrees than in the straight-aisle conditions. This result suggested that the sense of direction tends to misshift in a curved passage in which the total turning angle was between 90 and 165 degrees.
Naoki Takahashi, Keita Kado, Yohsuke Yoshioka
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Influence of offset and initial position of storefronts on the perception of the street center axis
There are many middle areas in cities, such as open terraces and pilotis, at the boundary between public and private spaces. Urban street space is full of diversity and flexibility as a middle area between the public and private, with space created as by-products that protrude into the street and storefronts that are open to the street. Watanabe focused on the composition and content of the middle area in the storefronts of shopping streets and classified the middle area into two types: the “intrusion” and “extrusion.” This study focused on the offset of street-facing storefronts in the middle area. This study aimed to analyze the subject’s sensory street center position and gain insights into street planning in the shopping district. The subjects wore a head-mounted display (HMD) and experimented with immersive virtual reality (VR). Ten healthy college students in their twenties participated in the experiment. The width of the street was set to 6m, and buildings were created to flank the street. In the building on one side, a middle area was set to face the street. Four middle areas were created by multiplying two offset values (1m and 2m) and two unevenness directions (concave and convex), respectively. One of the four types of middle areas was arranged on one side of the buildings in each condition.The street was flowing so that the subjects felt it at a speed of 0.5 m/sec. Furthermore, to consider the differences in the criteria for determining the central axis among the subjects, a street space without a middle area was also created as the base space. While the street space flowed from front to back, the subject started from the edge of the building on one side and walked to the center of the buildings with his legs. The coordinates in the width direction of the position where the subject finally stopped, feeling that he had reached the center, were extracted and recorded as the coordinates of the sensory center. The following two findings were obtained from the analysis of the experimental results. When the middle area was retracted, the subject’s sensory center position depended on the side of the middle area. In addition, we found that the subject’s sensory center position depended on the side of the middle area. In the future, using the width of the middle area as a variable, we will experiment with the relationship between the base and concave conditions, which produced significance in this experiment, and discover proof that subjects indicate the public/private boundary of the middle area.
Mihori Toki, Yohsuke Yoshioka
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
3D digital head-shaped platform construction for head acupoint massage product design
Head acupoint massage products imitate human massage techniques, and act on acupuncture points on the head by means of inflating, squeezing, vibrating, and heating to promote blood circulation in the head, relieve fatigue and prevent diseases. The fit of such products to the head greatly affects the effectiveness and comfort of the massage. In order to design head acupoint massage products suitable for Chinese head shape and improve the adaptation performance of product massage structure and head acupoints, this paper studies a 3D digital head-shaped platform with complete head acupoint distribution and conducts dynamic analysis of fitting fit. Firstly, the 5th, 50th and 95th percentile 3D digital head shapes of 5 types of Chinese standard head shapes were reconstructed. Secondly, 3D distribution models of 7 meridians and 78 acupoints were established on the head shape according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine. Finally, a head-mounted massage product module was analyzed the adaptability of acupoint matching. The problems of a head acupoint massage product were analyzed by virtual wearing in the 3D digital head-shaped platform, and the head massage product was optimized. The results showed that the inner surface of the optimized product could fit well with the head, and the acupoint massage position was accurate.
Zhelin Li, Yiteng Sun, Yuguang Shao, Lijun Jiang, Jingjing Wang, Xianghong Deng
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
An Analysis on the Effects of Different Types of Keyboards on Users’ Productivity and Hand Muscle Strain
Musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) complaints are increasing as people are forced to do their daily tasks at home using computers, as evident with the limitations brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study was to provide a comparative analysis on the efficacy of different types of keyboards in terms of typing speed, accuracy, and prevention of wrist/hand fatigue among keyboard operators to assist them in increasing work productivity and minimizing the risk of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) or other hand injuries. To assess the pain level, typing speed, and accuracy, the participants were subjected to a 5-minute keyboard typing activity to test 4 different keyboards: standard, mechanical, foldable, and laptop. Through the Kruskal-Wallis H-Test, it has been found that mechanical keyboards are the optimal choice for all students and typing-related workers to increase their typing speed and accuracy and alleviate wrist/hand-related pain. Other than using a mechanical keyboard in the virtual workplace, it is also recommended that the users’ hands move freely and be elevated above the wrist rest while typing to enhance the wrist's mobility.
Carlos Ignacio Jr Lugay, Yoshiki Kurata, Joseph Ramon Leofando, Janfil Mari Pamisal, Jeryl Salas
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Development of a new foot device for Hallux Valgus correction: preliminary results
Hallux Valgus is a progressive subluxation of the first metatarsal-phalangeal joint, represented by a lateral deviation of the hallux in relation to the first metatarsal bone in more than 15°, which it affects. 20% of the population aged between 18 and 65 years and over 35% of patients aged ≥65 years with a higher prevalence in women (30%) than in men (13%). The main objective of this study is to develop a new device (foot piece) to attach to the inner surface of the shoe insole (anterior region of the first ray of the foot) promoting a small elevation and, consequently, the hypothesis of correction in alignment of this region and relief of symptoms caused by alterations resulting from Hallux Valgus. Some inclusion criteria were defined that will be verified through a physical evaluation and brief anamnesis. To verify the functional alterations and possible signs and symptoms of the pathology, the Brazilian version of Foot Function Index (FFI) were applied, in the initial and final phase of the study. To assess the alignment of the hallux, computerized biophogrammetry were performed using specific software to record and compare the evolution after a defined period of using the foot piece. The main objective of this manuscript will be presenting the preliminary results of the study. The results obtained suggest that there may be improvements both in terms of pain symptoms and in the correction of hallux deviation.
Marcos Gadoy, Filipa Carvalho
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Design of toddler care equipment based on facial emotion recognition technology
Emotional neglect for children is the most important form of early life maltreatment (ELM), and the damage it brings to society is incalculable (Müller, 2019). At the same time, the increasing pressure has left some parents with no time and energy to care for their children, leading to emotional neglect in increasing prevalence. These facts remind us of the need to pay attention to the emotional needs of children. Therefore, products that alleviate the phenomenon of children's emotional neglect are worthy of research. It is easy to understand that artificial intelligence is booming in the field of emotion recognition through literature research, and it will have great potential in the future. This issue will explore the application of facial emotion recognition in children's life situations through research on the current situation of emotional neglect. And try to apply facial emotion recognition to monitoring equipment for the toddler to reduce parenting pressure for parents and satisfy the emotional needs of children.Keywords: Toddlers, Facial Emotion Recognition, AI, Emotion Neglect
Li Guanwei, Jing Luo
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Soft tissue thickness estimation for head, face, and neck from CT data for product design purposes
Analysing the contact area between head-related products and the corresponding craniofacial profile is necessary to make such products more comfortable. The study of soft tissue biomechanical experiments provides a reliable perspective for understanding such contact areas and improving the comfort. In order to obtain more accurate and visualized craniofacial biological information that can be used to guide product design, CT data of the head, face, and neck of 50 Chinese aged 18-35 years were obtained in this paper. For each subject, an individual thickness map is calculated by segmentation of the soft tissue layer and wall-thickness calculation via Mimics. The individual maps superimposed on the outer surface area of the head, face, and neck are brought into correspondence using a non-rigid iterative closest point technique. From the correspondence an average head, face, and neck geometry and soft tissue thickness map was calculated. Statistics of the overall soft tissue thickness of the head, face, and neck is extracted, and an accurate soft tissue thickness map of the Chinese head, face, and neck is generated. This study not only lays the groundwork for future simulation experiments on head-related product design, but it also has significant implications for the fields of facial reconstruction in China.
Wenxiu Yang, Ren-Ke He, Tingshu Chen, Wang Haining, Richard Goossens, Toon Huysmans
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Design of Access Control System Based on Ergonomics in Post-epidemic Era
The main function of the access control system is to restrict and manage the people entering and leaving the access control area to ensure safety. In the post-epidemic era, according to the needs of epidemic prevention and control, there are three characteristics in China. First of all, everyone needs to wear a mask when going out. Secondly, body temperature needs to be measured when entering or leaving any place. Thirdly, QR codes often need to be scanned when entering or leaving public places. Based on this, the author found that the current access control systems on the market cannot fully meet the needs of epidemic prevention and user behavior. Therefore, this article takes Hubei Art Museum in China as an example to improve the design of the access control system through the principle of ergonomics, aiming to make it meet the needs of epidemic prevention, bring better user experience and provide reference for related product design.
Zikun Gao, Peiqi Yi, Luyu Wang, Xin He
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Brand Marks examination. Empirical study of graphic parts in their relation to contrast, recognition, and memorization.
Brand Visual Identity is an identification system that, with flexibility, ensures the unity and coherence of visual communication (in multiple media: physical as products, objects, or graphics; architectural and ambiance; audio-visual; digital and virtual).Brand Marks occupy a top place in the good performance of most Brand Visual Identity systems, even when these rely more on imagery and use Brand Marks with less expressiveness. In dynamic Visual Identity systems, the Brand Marks may constitute themselves as systems within the Brand Visual Identity supersystem.This study aims to dissect existing brand marks, focusing on how the graphic components (symbol, logotype) are designed, prioritised, and correlated to achieve differentiation, contrast, recognition, and memorisation. This include an empirical examination based on direct observation and exploration and in survey by questionnaire with a sample of 400 participants, aiming at the definition of design principles to aid the design of Brand Marks and to be considered in the definition of the "map of competitors" tool, which intends to aid in the analysis of multiple visual identities competing in the same market or segment.
Daniel Raposo, Fernando Moreira Da Silva, Ricardo Correia, Rogério Ribeiro, João Neves, Jose Silva
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Principles of development and evaluation of pictograms
This article is the result of an investigation in information design, which has communication design as its field and guidance and public information systems has theme, with a focus on tourist signage. The article focuses on the design process and how designers develop pictograms for guidance and information, but also on the evaluation of these pictograms, taking into account a specific user. The article aims to present principles for the development and evaluation of pictograms, aimed at a professional context and applicable in pedagogical environments.This is a study based on case studies, direct observation and literature review, aiming to define design principles for the development and evaluation of pictograms, principles that are expected to make guidance and public information systems more inclusive, accessible, ergonomic and user-centered.
João Neves, Fernando Moreira Da Silva, Daniel Raposo, Jose Silva
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
The application of Life Cycle Assessment in sustainable furniture system design
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a quantitative methodology to assess the environmental impacts of products, services, and systems. Considering the sustainable furniture production and consumption system is one of the challenges that should be addressed and improved for a better quality of life for residents and lower pollution levels for the environment. The International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) Handbook by the European Commission has defined 23 LCA applications within which developing design strategies is one. Considering 80% of environmental impacts are decided in the design stage, the research explores LCA's application in sustainable furniture system design by reviewing former articles. The study aims to define furniture design strategies based on LCA analysis. Methods: This research presents a systematic review of 165 articles and books (2000 - 2021) of Life cycle assessment research on furniture. These articles are chosen from Scopus and Google scholar, based on the relation to furniture LCA and impact factor, to make the literature review reliable. It analyses papers in the following three aspects—first, the assessed object(s) and the LCA objectives; second, LCA methods used in articles; and third, the recommended design strategies. The main findings: Reviewed articles generally belong to two categories, case study research and literature review. The exploration provides an overview of LCA supporting sustainable furniture design in 4 different levels: material level, product life cycle level, product service system level and company level. As a result, the research proposes a framework and maps the reviewed furniture design strategies onto this framework. The proposed framework shows design strategies in these four levels: material design, furniture life cycle design, product service system design, and value chain management. The framework also shows how various design strategies contribute to sustainable furniture design and visualizes linkages, overlaps and complementarities between these strategies based on quantitative LCA results.Discussion: Even though these articles proposed many strategies, we are unsure whether some strategies are missing. What is more, if we want to use these design strategies to support practical design activities, an important step is to define the priorities of different strategies in these four levels. This framework needs further assessment and confrontation among experts to make the framework comprehensive and meaningful in real work.
Dongfang Yang
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Morning Boost on Alertness, Cognitive Performance and Mood with Dynamic Lighting
The monotonous lighting environment in the windowless workplace as well as the heavy tasks during peak hours can seriously affect healthy individuals’ vitality and work performance, with the result of leading to decision-making errors and even human safety accidents. In this study, an exploratory experiment on the perception of lighting environment was conducted in an experimental windowless environment, aiming at comparing the non-visual biological effects of static lighting and dynamic lighting on alertness, cognitive performance and mood during the peak morning work period. Meanwhile, the effect of task difficulty on lighting environment perception was also taken into account. All 16 subjects containing 8male and 8 female (mean age = 23.63 years, SD = 1.088 years) were required to perform a set of cognitive tasks under static light (4000K, 500lx) and dynamic light(CCT between 4000 and 12000K, 500lx)for 50 minutes. During each lighting condition, participants completed a 5-min Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT), an n-back task including 0-back, 1-back, 2-back, and a MATB-Ⅱ containing low, medium, high trials. Seven testing methods that questionnaires(Karolinska Sleepiness Scale, Positive and Negative Affect Schedule), task performance(PVT, N-back, MATB-Ⅱ)and physiological methods(ERP, melatonin)were used to measure alertness, cognitive performance and subjective mood. The results indicated that a significant improvement in the subjective alertness and response speed to external stimuli under dynamic lighting vs. static lighting, which could depend on the duration of light exposure. N-back response time was significantly lower under dynamic lighting vs. static lighting and MATB-Ⅱ performance was also better under dynamic lighting which indicates that dynamic lighting has a significantly positive effect on individuals’ working memory and executive control function. Attention should be paid to the fact that the effect of dynamic lighting on cognitive performance was affected by the task difficulty. No significant difference was found between dynamic lighting and static lighting in P300, nor in the subjective mood. The findings from this study show the feasibility of dynamic lighting acting as an environmental intervention for supporting individuals’ psycho-biological wellbeing in a closed environment. Further study would concentrate on the non-image forming effects of dynamic lighting on alertness, cognitive performance and mood during the afternoon or night shift period.
Yanjie Li, Weining Fang, Beiyuan Guo, Haifeng Bao
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
An interactive visualization system for urban cultural quantitative model
Urban culture is a core component of a city’s humanistic characteristics and urban charm. An in-depth exploration of it will help deepen the cultural cognition of the city and enhance the joint force of the city’s cultural development. Under the background of emphasizing the deep integration of culture and technology, this research proposes a digital visualization system for the laws and connotations of Beijing's urban culture. For this purpose, data on Hutongs, time-honored brands, and literary landmarks were collected from three dimensions of residential areas, commercial areas, and urban landmarks. The concept of urban-culture-value was proposed, and corresponding indicators and an evaluation system were constructed. Besides, a visualization system was provided to show the distribution and relationship of urban culture in geographic space. Lastly, through case analysis, a model of Beijing Urban Cultural Belt was established, and the relationship between urban culture and political center was explored. Furthermore, three types of urban culture distribution models, centralized, conventional, and marginal, were proposed.
Wenjun Hou, Yuxin Han, Xinli Wei
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Game or Performance: The Future of Dance Under the Intervention of Digital Interactive Technology
The emergence and development of digital and interactive technologies have led to new opportunities and challenges to the field of dance art. This article examines theories involving interactive systems for dance art, and reviews the development of interactive dance, while summarizes the influence of the application of digital and interactive technology on traditional dance. Relevant literature and best practice have shown that the application of digital and interactive technology in dance performances has accelerated the transformation of the traditional relationship among choreographer, performer and audience. At the same time, new technologies; such as Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, etc., expanded further the virtualization of dance, and promoted the diversification of aesthetic experience. Virtualization shortens the distance between the audience and the work, and brings the audience an immersive experience. Meanwhile, interactive technology enriches the way of presentation of dance, giving dancers the relative freedom within the interactive framework, and induces changes in the audience's aesthetic pattern. However, the gradual loss of aesthetic distance threatens the independence of aesthetic objects, and the cognitive mechanism in which aesthetic process.
Yixin Long, Ren-Ke He
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Sports Bra Pressure: Effect on Core Body Temperature and Comfort Sensation
Background: Sports bras are engineer designed to enhance sports performance, which means that they need to provide an excellent fit, and offer adequate support and protection of the breasts to optimize their functionality. To effectively reduce breast motion during different intensity levels of exercise, the materials of sports bras are generally rigid which exert compressive forces onto the soft tissues of the breasts. However, these materials may still restrict air flow and inhibit body heat loss, while the pressure from the bra exerted onto the skin may also increases physiological strain and wear discomfort. This excessively high exerted pressure is known to produce an inhibitory effect on the sweating rate and associated with a significant rise in the axillary and core temperatures. This preliminary study therefore investigates the influence of bra pressure on the upper body temperature and thermal comfort following a short duration of treadmill running. Objective: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of increased bra pressure on thermal response following exercise. The findings provide bra designers with insight into bra pressure and related bra design features necessary for optimal wear comfort during physical activities. Methods: A total of 12 young women have participated in this study to don a changeable sports bra that allows adjustment of tension or replacement of the bra components. The skin and body core temperatures as well as heart rate for four bra conditions during treadmill running for 15 minutes at 8 km/h are recorded by using temperature and heart rate sensors. The subjectively perceived thermal and pressure comfort are evaluated by using a visual analog scale with ratings of 1 to 10.Results: Following exercise, there is no change in core temperature for all of the bra conditions studied. Even though the body core temperature may increase due to the higher rate of heat production with muscular work done during treadmill running, the increase in heat dissipation tends to balance the increase in rate of metabolic heat production to maintain a stable core temperature. After a short duration of treadmill running, the change in skin temperature ranges from 0.22oC to 3.56oC amongst the 4 bra conditions. The shoulder strap area shows a slight change in skin temperature during exercise, and the participants are particularly sensitive to the increased pressure in this area, thus adversely affecting their ratings of the thermal and pressure comfort. Conclusion: In this study, the increased bra pressure does not show significant change in core temperature and heart rate during short duration exercise. Even though the results are not statistically significant, the shoulder strap pressure is found to be related to the changes in skin temperature and subjective ratings of thermal and pressure comfort.
Qi Long Liu, Kit Lun Yick, Kam Ching Chan, Sin Tung Wong, Sun Pui Ng
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Design of a human factors questionnaire to evaluate digital solutions developed for industrial work
Industrial work is changing due to the fourth industrial revolution (Kagermann, 2013). The work will become more mediated when new technologies emerge in factories (e.g., robotics, artificial intelligence and augmented reality). During this change, it is important to consider human factors (HF) issues holistically when developing and implementing novel digital solutions. Often, HF methods such as questionnaires are focusing on a certain topic related to the development of the solution (e.g., usability, acceptance). However, in industrial work context, there are many different HF issues that should be considered when designing a human-technology interaction. To address this lack of a quick and holistic questionnaire, a WorkerFeedback questionnaire was developed through a Design and Evaluation Framework (Kaasinen et al., 2018), literature review and expert validation. The questionnaire development was based on the Design and Evaluation Framework, which supports design and evaluation of digital solutions that will be used by future factory workers (Kaasinen et al., 2018). The framework is useful for providing an overview to important user experience related issues and it is a holistic approach to design and evaluation tasks. The literature review was based on the HF topics that are related to the success of implementing new technology on to the factory floor. Several questionnaires were reviewed related to following topics: user experience, usability, user acceptance, usefulness, ergonomics, safety and ethics. Questionnaires were used as a basis to generate a 14-item questionnaire – two questions for each topic. The questionnaire was validated by an expert panel, which included three human factors experts with over 15 years of experience of user studies, mainly in industrial contexts. They were asked to review, for example, the adequacy of the topics and the formulation of the questions.The expert panel agreed that their overall impression of the questionnaire was good. The suggested seven topics were seen to be relevant for the context. Majority of the feedback was related to the formulation of the questions and making them easier to understand. Based on the experts’ feedback, the questions were shaped to their final form. In future, the WorkerFeedback questionnaire will be piloted with the actual digital solution users. The WorkerFeedback questionnaire was developed to smoothen the digital transition in industry and to support human-technology interaction design. The questionnaire can be used by HF experts as well as practitioners who want to get a holistic overview of developed digital solutions or solutions under development for work context.
Susanna Aromaa, Päivi Heikkilä
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
User Acceptance: Case study of an interactive shopping assistant
An increasing number of retailers are considering merging online with offline channels so that they can interact with each other by the omnichannel strategy. In this context, this paper presents a study to examine the user acceptance of an interactive shopping assistance to help customers during the shopping experience through a mobile application. A conceptual model was developed and evaluated using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology. According to the results, three main factors that influence acceptance of this concept were Usability, UX, and Trust. Clearly, the first factor, Usability, was the highest weight in the user acceptability of the proposed technology, responsible for 53.6% of the variance. The second factor concerning UX only weighs 16,7 % in the explained variability of the results. Both women and men consider functionalities as a facilitating factor for a more positive experience. Results from this study show that users are open to new solutions to facilitate the shopping experience, mainly those that are easy to use and suitable to users’ needs.
Elisangela Vilar, Francisco Rebelo, Margarida Cordeiro, Paulo Noriega
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Inspiration Mining: Exploring Design Strategies - Part II
The article describes and presents the results of an atypical process of Design research strategy, tested for the third time in a Master in Design Course. It is intendedthat students explore ideas, concepts and themes - Inspiration Mining - taking as a starting point a set of 32 (30+2) reference titles, with the objective of discovering,through the establishment of more or less (im)probable relationships, possible points of interception, enhancers of new ideas. The objectives of the proposed work focus on thedevelopment of research and critical reflection in a collaborative environment of exploring the [apparently] unknown, in search of new meanings. During the process,the intersection of inspiring ideas leading to the transforming a set of existing ideas into new ones. This article replicates the title of the article published in 2021 (indicating as a differentiating element the number #2 of the series of papers intended to be published on this research strategy) and consists of the process and results of the work carried out in the academic year 2021-2022. By comparing the articles published and to be published in the future it may be interesting to analyze how each author or title can be inspiring to researchers according to their personal interests.
Paulo Maldonado, Alice Merkens, Inês Palma, Raquel Farinha, Rodrigo Balhana
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Low-fidelity model as a redesign tool for frame running
The conception stage of the design project aims to help the comprehension of the problem to be worked on, seeking to provide the best possible experience for the users. Prototyping stage is essential to make the ideas tangible for the validation of usability, functionality, ergonomics, aesthetics, among others. However, this whole process can take a lot of time and rework. This article presents a case study of the application of the Design Thinking methodology for the redesign of an Assistive Technology - the bike for Frame Running - with the objective of demonstrating the benefits of using a low-fidelity model as a tool for generating insights and optimizing the time required for digital testing in 3D software and design conception. The development of this project sought to integrate theory and practice through a mixed non-interventionist and interventionist methodology with a qualitative basis, acting in a cyclical and non-linear way, through bibliographic and documentary research, use of low-fidelity models, case study, direct observation, structural simulation, ergonomic study and prototyping. The results obtained, using alternative low-cost materials, favored the reduction of the time of the design process, allowing the interaction and agile identification of critical points of performance, ergonomics, aesthetics, functionality, strength and analysis of the appropriate construction processes, contributing to the redesign of the Frame Running bike, the dissemination of the sport, the quality of life and inclusion of disabled people.
Juliana Cardoso Braga, Maria Fernanda Salamanca Carvalho, Frederico Sousa Santos, Gabriel Henrique Cruz Bonfim, Diego Augusto Costa Alves, Cleudmar Amaral De Araújo
Open Access
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Creativity and Emotion in Design
Creativity in Design can be related to Emotion, particularly to the Emotional Mind. We perceive, interpret and memorize things differently depending on our emotional states. We are emotional and emphatic beings. The experiences we have gone through, the challenges we have learned from and the circumstances that have made us, reflect on our work as designers.Creativity is the process of solving a new problem by creating a new pattern of brain connections; it is a spark between previously unrelated concepts acquired through learning and experiencing. The act of creation requires the brain to find new associations, new connections between its neurons. The creation of something new and unusual is literally a spark that links previously unrelated neural groups and joins previously distant conceptual areas: the creative thinking.Sketching can stimulate a re-interpretive cycle in the individual designer’s idea generation process. It appears that sketches stimulate creativity in this ideas generation process, by providing new directions for ideas to breed in an individual generate-interpret cycle. A drawing happens when we engage our hands to capture what we are thinking or experiencing. The hand is an extension for our brain which can make visible our ideas through sketches. The proportion of sensorimotor cortex devoted to hand function is considerably greater than that devoted to other body segments. Several authors even call the hand has ‘the outer brain’. We are developing an ongoing research concerned with investigating the ways in which the activity of sketching stimulates creativity in design.Under a qualitative research, based on literature review methodology, through the study and interpretation of several authors’ statements, this paper investigates the relations between Creativity and Emotion in Design, and also, aims to stimulate reflection and bring new perspectives on the nowadays use of sketching within this relation creativity/emotions present in the designers mind as an emotional human being.
Ana Moreira Da Silva
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
UrbanCroma: Chromatic Methodology applied to Oeiras Municipality, Portugal
This paper presents a research work, inserted in the post-Doctoral applied investigation which aims to test and validate this new methodology. UrbanCroma, the chromatic planning methodology for urban furniture which was applied in Oeiras Municipality, is part of a theoretical and practical work carried out during the research for a PhD thesis, in which the present methodology was developed. Thus, UrbanCroma is mainly intended to be applied into the elaboration of chromatic plans for urban furniture, whose needs do not completely correspond to those proposed by other existing methodologies, destined almost exclusively to be applied to the built environment, i.e., to architecture. These chromatic plans, allow the full performance of Urban Furniture functions, improving its use, and transforming it in a factor of inclusivity, as its elements will become more visible and legible as they stand out from the surrounding environment, whether being built or landscape. Likewise, this methodology has an identification and orientation function, since its elements will constitute harmonic chromatic sets that, although they establish a strong contrast with the surrounding environment, respect the local chromatic traditions, identify the neighborhoods or urban areas and, by their variation, constitute orientation landmarks throughout the city. In this case study ─ Oeiras Municipality ─ that have settlements both on the interior and on the sea front, and is at the same time a miscellanea of old and contemporary, were chosen three different localities: Laje, Carnaxide Historic Center, and a new urban area of Carnaxide. These locals, that encompass social neighborhoods, traditional settlements and modern building urbanizations, inevitably have several characteristics that allow the application of this methodology to a wide range of neighborhoods. So, UrbanCroma application starts by choosing samples areas, which will encompass the case study most representative zones, applying there the new methodology to all furniture elements, in order to increase their potentiality as relevant issues for city color planning. In all these intervention areas, all the colors present in the environment are recorded, being it built or landscape, taking in account all the changes due to climatic variations and the non-permanent colors, whose presence has enough importance to be considered as environmental colours. All these colors were, then, registered in files and maps, in order to create a data-base allowing the identification of all environmental colors. The set of these colors permitted the establishment of the local dominant colors and, these ones, along with the contribute of the local history and culture, constitute the scientific basis upon which, it was established a very comprehensive urban furniture chromatic plan, with scientific rigor, for Oeiras Municipality case study.
Margarida Gamito, Fernando Moreira Da Silva
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Age-friendly Digital Express Service Experience Design Framework
The rapid development and popularization of logistics digitalization in China risks excluding the elderly who often find it hard to use digital express services due to the lack of digital knowledge and physical impairment. Design for an ageing population has become an essential social requirement. Through desk research, observation, interviews and thematic analysis, this paper provides insights into the physical and psychological barriers of elderly users in digital express service scenarios. It examines user needs from the dimensions of five barriers: perception, physical, mobility, cognitive, and psychological. This study puts forward the design strategy and experience framework model of age-friendly express services from service process, space design, hardware design, interaction design and emotional durability design. We improve service acceptance, emotional satisfaction by enhancing information recognizability, understandability, operation convenience and spatial accessibility. The optimized service system proposes a new service experience for the Cainiao Post to improve the satisfaction of elderly users.
Jean Cao, Hao Jiang, Jiangjingjing Xu, Yu Hong, Tiantian Li
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
User experience of spatial immersive interactive systems in autonomous vehicles: A case study of HUD mixed reality
It is a sense of social responsibility for designers to meet the physiological and psychological needs of users in daily life by designing the interior space of cars. Based on the concept of immersive interaction, existing and conceptualized automotive interior samples are analyzed. Through literature research and big data collection, the perceptual needs of users are analyzed, as well as the specific functional requirements and modeling requirements of target users for automotive interiors. Finally, with the support of the existing interaction technology, HUD is taken as the main development point and the design points summarized in the previous stage are combined to carry out the automobile immersive interaction design practice. This paper aims to discuss the design status and development trend of intelligent vehicle interior design based on immersive interaction, and help realize human-centered design.
Kaimin Guo, Yuanbo Sun, Shuai Sun
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
From design to verification - Case Study of Vehicle Interaction and Experience design
With the acceleration of scientific and technological innovation in the Internet, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, 5G communications and other technologies, the digital economy driven by intelligent vehicles is becoming a key field that countries around the world are competing to develop. In the automotive industry with the implementation and development of the strategy of new energy, intelligence and network connection in the automobile industry, the design idea is also transformed from the "product-centered" to "user-centered".Interaction and experience design integrates the participation of consumers into the design. Experience is regarded as "stage", products as "props" and environment as "scenery", designers trying to make consumers feel good experience in the process. The purpose of experience design is to immerse users in beautiful and comfortable experience in the process of using the product, so as to recognize the value of the product, generate resonance and loyalty. In the field of product design, this concept has been widely used. In recent years, the authors have participated in the design work of a number of production cars and concept car projects, but follows the traditional styling development process of the automobile industry, and pays more attention to "style". In the future, based on the usage scenarios and user needs, the author will formulate design direction and carry out design and development through the experience design research of immersive cockpit. Based on the vehicle level project of a certain brand, this paper analyzes the workflow and method of vehicle interaction and experience design through four stages: design research, design definition, design development and design verification. At present, the authors are still using this methodology to implement design and validation in production vehicle projects.Keywords: Automotive design, Experience Design, Design process
Jie Gao, Yifan Li
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Persuasive interaction design based on The behavior of Car-sharing users in Beijing
With the advent of the era of sharing economy, in order to alleviate traffic congestion, environmental pollution and other increasingly serious urban traffic problems, car-sharing emerged at the historic moment. However, with the rapid development of car-sharing, some problems in the process of users' use are gradually exposed, mainly manifested in the damage of the car body caused by users' non-standard operation, among which the high rate of loss of personal property of users has also caused a certain impact on user experience. This paper investigates user behavior cognition through questionnaires and other forms, studies persuasive interaction design based on user behavior of car-sharing, and attempts to improve user behavior problems in car-sharing by means of behavioral persuasion, i.e. on-board HUD reminder system, which is of certain significance to balance user experience and product value.
Zhu Qingyu, Ying Zhao, Hao Yang, Yiyang Zhang
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Interactive Design for Intelligent Vehicles in the Context of Smart City
The progress of science and technology and the continuous development of society let us march towards an intelligent society, and the vehicle interaction mode will change accordingly. This paper aims to analyze the development of the interaction mode of the vehicle and the influencing factors of the user's travel experience, to predict the interaction mode of intelligent vehicles in the context of smart cities, and to provide some help for the relevant forward-looking design. The final conclusion is that the interaction research of smart vehicles should continue to focus on both in-vehicle interaction and out-of-vehicle interaction. The positioning of vehicles has changed: from travel tools to intelligent space development, interaction mode from two-dimensional plane to three-dimensional space development, there is a traditional single task of a single interaction mode to multi-scene co-existence, multi-modal interaction development. Users' social, entertainment and personalization needs in the vehicle will influence the overall travel experience of the user.
Yinan Che, Yuanbo Sun, Zhang Heng, Chenxi Wang, Zhang Boyang
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Strategy of Interactive Information Visualization Publishing in Online Database under the Background of Design Thinking
Interactive Information Visualization is an innovative knowledge service form applied by publishing institutions in online database services, which has many advantages. At present, there are some difficulties in promoting the application of Interactive Information Visualization in China's online database publishing, such as insufficient awareness within the industry, insufficient reserves of relevant professionals, constraints on investment and scale, and high requirements for users' professional quality. Through analysis, this paper puts forward a variety of countermeasures to speed up the practice of interactive information visual publishing of online database.
Fang Li, Ding Zhou
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
'Design of ergonomic emergency car toilet seats as a solution to severe traffic in Jakarta, Indonesia
This research aims to create an ergonomic emergency toilet design on car seats. This system can offer more convenience and comfort for car drivers stuck in traffic jams for hours. Background: Congestion in Jakarta is one of the few problems the government has not resolved to date. The leading cause is the amount of transportation. Reducing the use of private vehicles, such as cars or motorbikes, and the number of people in Jakarta is very anxious because traffic congestion in Jakarta and surrounding areas is worsening. Even the highways used to free us from traffic obstructing our roads because cars are everywhere. This situation can be a problem when using the toilet where the driver is stuck in traffic for hours. This method induces discomfort and causes urinary system disorders and bladder disease. Method: To design an emergency toilet system on a car seat, an ergonomic approach introduces a new design concept for car drivers and passengers. Using this toilet system, users do not need to get out of the car, but simply opening the hole cover in the seat can be used easily and more comfortably. Result: Emergency toilet on the car seat. Passengers can also use this because it is made on every seat in the car.
Dessy Laksyana Utami, Adi Heru Sutomo, Ketut Ima Ismara, Aisy Luthfianisa Putri
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
A Multimodal Interaction Experience Design Approach for Negative Emotional Driving Situations
To investigate the effect of a multimodal interaction balance model on improving the emotional driving experience when users perform a high load driving task in a negative driving emotion context. The questionnaire analysis was used to obtain the main negative emotions and the corresponding driving situations. Combined with the STAR interview method to understand the user's interaction task in specific contexts, the user's cognitive load was assessed by the SWAT subjective load assessment technique to obtain a high cognitive load task, and the VACP model was used to establish a balanced model of interaction task and interaction modality. Simulated multimodal interaction physiological experiments were conducted to analyze the impact of the multimodal balance model on participants' physiological data when they performed high cognitive load tasks with different emotions, and the physiological data were analyzed to assess participants' emotional experience. The emotional experience design of an intelligent vehicle robot is used as an example to validate the method. The results show that the multimodal interaction balance model can effectively reduce the user's cognitive load and improve the pleasantness of the interaction experience, and find a breakthrough for the development of intelligent vehicle-mounted robots in emotional experience.
Weiwei Wang, Ting Wei
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Where does the "Mukbang" boom go? Research based on Use and Gratifications
This paper aims at studying the influence of young people's needs on the number of clicks on "Mukbang", and to understand the characteristics of their audiences. The method is based on the theory of Uses and Gratifications in mass communication theory. The questionnaire is designed and distributed from cognitive needs, emotional needs, personal integration needs, social integration needs, having watched "Mukbang" videos on video websites, and the need to relieve stress. And use statistical software to analyze the results, and empirically test the relationship between the needs of young people and the number of clicks on "Mukbang". The results showed that: ①In the user's physiological needs, being attracted by the appearance of food and the frequency of clicking "Mukbang" showed a significant positive impact; being attracted by the appearance of the anchor showed a significant positive correlation with the degree of necessity to watch "Mukbang"; ② Among the psychological needs of users, the psychology of weight loss, the psychology of recreation and entertainment is significantly positively correlated with the frequency of clicking "Mukbang"; the need to enjoy the companionship of "Mukbang" is significantly positively correlated with the necessity of watching "Mukbang"; it is inferred that the two Large categories of people who watch "Mukbang" have made design innovations in the design practice according to the characteristics of different groups of people.
Shuangxu Li, Zhaolin Lu, Jingwen Liang, Jingjing Li, Jianan Xv
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Creation and Discussion of Design Criteria for Dynamic Tripod Operation Spoon in Toddlers
Spoons are one of the more delicate tools that toddlers are exposed to at their early stages. As children grow older, their gripping posture and the way they handle it vary. If a fine motor skill such as dynamic tripod operation can be introduced when children are learning to use utensils, it will provide sufficient opportunities for practice and further help develop their ability to manipulate pencils later in life. However, current literature and related products only emphasize the static grip posture with no practical suggestion for the dynamic operation of fingers, making the design inconclusive. Hence, in this study, the spoon was divided into four determinants regarding its structure: spoon tip, spoon neck, spoon handle, and overall factor. The nine design criteria were established by compiling the spoon design factors and proposals for dynamic tripod assistance from the literature. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and expert interviews were used to analyze the significance of each structure and criterion. According to expert assessment, the degree of importance of the structure was in the order of spoon handle (50.01%), spoon tip (33.71%), overall factor (8.77%), and spoon neck (7.51%), with spoon handle and spoon tip being more important in terms of operation. As for the design factors, handle diameter (33.33%), handle cross section (21.95%), and spoon tip depth (14.73%) were the top three design criteria that were evaluated by the tree structure conversion, providing a scientific basis for industrial designers to develop related products.
Yu-Chen Huang, Johan Chang
Open Access
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