Innovative Exploration of A New Air Health Product Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Miao LiuLoufei Zhang

Abstract: In order to better meet the diversified needs of consumers for air purifiers, a new type of air purifier is explored to meet the current social trends. This paper analyses the development opportunities of air purifiers through SET analysis, and then reconstructs the concept of air purifier through design Matterology, divides 5 design criteria and 16 design elements, and constructs a hierarchical analysis model. The design practice was conducted by calculating the weights of design elements and obtaining design priorities using the ensemble averaging method. Through a combination of the Design Matterology and AHP analysis, a product that emphasis the provision of a quality space environment for the user rather than simply purifying air is explored and a design practice is developed.

Keywords: Air Health Products, Design Matterology, Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP), TOPSIS

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001941

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