The rewards of user experience feedback on developing costumes that last, a swimsuit example

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Michele Santos

Abstract: In a globalized economy, where the fashion market is highly competitive, changeable, and often disposable, there is a need to manufacture a product that seduces the consumer, not only for the appearance of the product but also for its comfort, usability, and performance. All of these issues are concerns that designers want to address.During the last two hundred years, there has not been a single piece of clothing that has evolved as much as the swimsuit. However, some issues of ergonomic origin have been forgotten for various types of users with different anthropometric profiles.We defend that bath collections can be created, combining fashion design with ergonomics, fitting, usability, and anthropometry as the main factors, creating pieces that last and that suit the needs of its users.We will cover some cases of swimsuit brands that keep some models, collection after collection. These models were the result of careful initial investment, holistic and based on the user's experience. Trying to demonstrate that this initial analysis can represent an advantage in the medium/long term.

Keywords: Swimsuit development, user experience, user feedback, fitting and design, ergonomics.

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001965

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