A workflow for multi-user VR application within the physical classrooms of architecture and urbanism courses
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Emerson Gomes, Francisco Rebelo, Naylor Vilas Boas, Paulo Noriega, Elisangela Vilar
Abstract: This article presents a workflow for virtual reality application with multiple users in face-to-face architecture classes. The problem posed is that the application of collaborative VR (with interaction through avatars) in physical classrooms is still little discussed. Thus, the work suggests that the immersive tool is integrated with the others already commonly used in the daily life of disciplines, such as photographs, videos, technical plans, among others, so that there is flexibility and ease to switch between common and immersive classes, without the need to leave the physical room. Methods include bibliographic review and preliminary experiences of authors with VR in the teaching of architecture. The results indicate a 5-step flow demonstrating how to apply VR in the college classroom.
Keywords: Workflow, multi-user VR, architecture
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001969
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