"How can I learn to use this car faster?": User education for intelligent connected car

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Ge LiYuanbo Sun

Abstract: Intelligent connected vehicles and automated driving system have developed rapidly in recent years. Level 3 (L3) automated driving system will have major changes in human-vehicle interaction. Intelligent networked vehicles are facing problems such as lack of standards, operational differences, and complicated car HMI system, which have greatly affected users’ acceptance of autonomous driving. Existing user education is mainly conducted through user manuals and video tutorials, which have disadvantages such as low learning efficiency, long time-consuming, and poor user experience. Based on the intelligent connected vehicle, this research presents a car HMI guidance in the driving takeover scenario. Using a between-group design, N=40 participants were divided into 4 groups to complete the learning of the automated driving system. The result shows that using the car HMI to learn automated driving system can effectively improve user experience and improve learning efficiency. In particular, an interactive system based on multi-mode interaction can further enhance the result of learning and improve user experience.

Keywords: Human Machine Interaction, Automated Driving, User Education, Learnability, Multimodal Interaction

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001918

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