Inspiration Mining: Exploring Design Strategies - Part II
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Paulo Maldonado, Alice Merkens, Inês Palma, Raquel Farinha, Rodrigo Balhana
Abstract: The article describes and presents the results of an atypical process of Design research strategy, tested for the third time in a Master in Design Course. It is intendedthat students explore ideas, concepts and themes - Inspiration Mining - taking as a starting point a set of 32 (30+2) reference titles, with the objective of discovering,through the establishment of more or less (im)probable relationships, possible points of interception, enhancers of new ideas. The objectives of the proposed work focus on thedevelopment of research and critical reflection in a collaborative environment of exploring the [apparently] unknown, in search of new meanings. During the process,the intersection of inspiring ideas leading to the transforming a set of existing ideas into new ones. This article replicates the title of the article published in 2021 (indicating as a differentiating element the number #2 of the series of papers intended to be published on this research strategy) and consists of the process and results of the work carried out in the academic year 2021-2022. By comparing the articles published and to be published in the future it may be interesting to analyze how each author or title can be inspiring to researchers according to their personal interests.
Keywords: Design Education, Inspiration Mining, Design Research, Critical Reflection, Literature Review, Design Theory and Criticism
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001994
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