Zoning according to type of urban land: The case of Isidro Ayora canton, Guayas, Ecuador.
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Fausto Cabrera, Jesús Rafael Hechavarría Hernández, Lorena Sánchez
Abstract: The growth and development of urban land in the head of the Isidro Ayora canton, Guayas province in Ecuador, lacks adequate zoning and territorial planning. This research paper identifies factors such as homogeneous areas based on geographic, physical and socioeconomic variables. As a starting point, the current model of urban land use was established through the municipal cadastre. This information was corroborated and supplemented with the collection instruments and the applied methodology. The zoning proposal according to the type of urban land yielded satisfactory results when carrying out the analysis under a systemic approach of the variables that intervene in the decision-making process. The planning of the territory, its potential, and the territorial trends are focused on sustainability development.
Keywords: Urban planning, public space, green area, Ecuador
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002350
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