Master plan of green areas for the conformation of public spaces after the COVID-19 pandemic. Case study: Isidro Ayora canton, Guayas, Ecuador
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Danny Macías, Jesús Rafael Hechavarría Hernández, Lorena Sánchez
Abstract: In the cities of Ecuador, the green area and public spaces are very important for recreation, interaction with people and the enjoyment of nature. The COVID-19 pandemic has generated significant changes in urban planning when considering green areas and public spaces according to the new demands of distancing for the population. The objective of the research work is to propose the master plan of green areas for the northern area of the cantonal head of Isidro Ayora, as a strategy for the conformation of the public space of free access to the population according to post-pandemic guidelines. The proposal is developed in La Ciénega, located in the northeast of the cantonal head, which is a land declared as a protected area by the Guayas provincial government. From the method of observation, surveys and the use of geographic information programs, the research methodology will be developed that includes: statistical analysis of 198 people according to a sample calculated with the INEC projection, diagnosis of the study sector and development of the intervention polygon through ArcGIS based on results.
Keywords: urban planning, public space, green area, Ecuador.
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002351
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