Construction Information Management: The role of Fourth Industrial Revolution Tools
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Peter Adekunle, Clinton Aigbavboa, Didi Thwala, Ayodeji Oke, Opeoluwa Akinradewo
Abstract: Construction Information management is the act of collecting, storing, distributing, archiving and deleting or destroying information to facilitate smooth running of construction projects. This information is important for planning, budgeting and completion of construction projects. In construction, managing of information is a vital part of decision-making procedure and it helps to guarantee that the accurate decisions are made by stakeholders at the appropriate time. 4th industrial revolution is poised to fundamentally alter the way construction activities are carried out. It represents a new era of innovation in technology, which will boost man-machine relation and catalyze effective and efficient information management in construction. Construction industry continues to encounter challenges in information management, but it is expected that the advent of 4th industrial revolution will assist in resolving these challenges. This research aims to evaluate the role of 4th industrial revolution tools in improving the management of construction information. Data from extensive review of literature were extracted to demonstrate the level of activities of 4IR tools in construction information management. The paper finds out that due to the heavy quantities of information generated, processed, and stored prior to, during and post construction, 4IR tools can assist in managing this information. The findings also provide new knowledge about the management of construction information. The study concluded that adoption of 4IR tools will enhance effective and efficient information management in the construction industry.
Keywords: Construction industry, Information management, 4IR tools, Industrial revolution
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002359
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