Student motivation in the teaching process during the Covid 19, an experience of the international exchange for the learning of control charts
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Lloyd Morris, Dunia Duque, Olga Jasmin Salazar De Morris, Homero Murzi, Sandra Milena Durán Omaña
Abstract: COVID-19 has generated changes in education systems that impact the main authors of the system: teachers and students. As an alternative, most of the university courses have been taught remotely (IESALC 2020). Using the contribution of industrial engineering teachers from the universities involved, opportunities are evident to strengthen the teaching-learning processes that were incorporated in the design of the process, since the academic motivation of the students depends to a large extent on the perceptions in relation to their experiences in class (Jones, 2015). Additionally, there are multiple learning options in open pedagogical practices (Paviotti et al 2020), and in open educational practices (Ehlers et al 2020), (Axe et al 2020), (Marchisio et al 2020), which corresponds to innovative and attractive pedagogies that incorporate open evaluation, open collaboration and in itself open teaching processes.Considering the concepts of open education, added to the international exchange policies of the universities: Universidad Austral de Chile and Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, an experience international exchange is planned for control graphics students, incorporating pedagogical strategies with a pragmatic approach in the solution of international cases of control charts and where collaborative work between academic peers complement the academic experience.The objective of the research was to analyze the motivational beliefs of the students at the level of the control graph domain, using the “Expectations Value Model” (Eccles and Wigfield 2000), compared to two moments: the one before the academic exchange and after the same, in which pragmatic approaches are incorporated in the applications of statistical control, taking advantage of internationalization scenarios. Therefore, the purpose of the research is to determine if there are statistically significant differences in the beliefs of the students of the statistical control analyzed at the beginning and at the end of the academic exchange of the 2021 semester.The present study is an inferential statistical investigation on academic motivation in students of statistical process control, in remote exchange learning. For this reason, it was decided to use the two-sample hypothesis test for dependent samples suggested by (Lind et al 2019) and (Anderson et al 2020), an initial hypothesis was defined: the mean assessment of motivation after the international exchange should be superior to the initial evaluation of the control chart students.The results of the statistical analysis carried out confirm the initial general hypothesis raised and verify that the change in the didactic strategy in international exchange after COVID-19 has a significant influence on the motivational beliefs of the students, where the factors of academic motivation with better evolution after the academic exchange are in hierarchical order: utility value, followed by achievement value, closing with satisfaction value. As for the elements that were better valued and with greater evolution at the initial moment for the utility is having a solid formation in process control, and for the achievement, it is to carry out the graphic activities well; while for satisfaction or interest, the one with the highest value is the expectation of believing in what will be done well with the knowledge acquired, but the element with the greatest evolution with respect at the initial moment is the expectation of standing out in mathematics and statistics.The process of association of categories of the expectation value model was possible to establish the levels of relationship between the expectation of success, the value of achievement, and the value of utility that the students perceived as positive from the academic exchange process. Therefore, the design and facilitation of the course generated benefits in the observed motivational aspect, so that the work of teachers in remote learning situations in circumstances uncertain as COVID-19, will find in the design of international exchanges, significant experiences that can positively impact the motivation of students, which leads to scenarios with specific behaviors more favorable for learning.
Keywords: Motivation, Teaching process, Expectation value, Control Charts, Covid-19
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002377
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