State Program for Youth Worker - An Innovative Form for Training Specialists about Youth Work
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Nataliia Levchenko, Olena Baldyniuk, Iryna Karpych, Olha Boiko, Yuliya Klymenko, Natalia Koliada
Abstract: In accordance with the tasks and measures for the implementation of the State Targeted Social Program «Youth of Ukraine» for 2016-2020, the Government's Priority Action Plan for 2018 and in order to provide young people with knowledge and skills through non-formal education as a modern form of meeting the educational needs of individuals implementation plan of program «Youth Worker» was developed. The program provides a set of interrelated tasks and activities for the implementation of state policy in the sphere of youth, acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for self-realization of youth. The Program is implemented at the national, regional and local levels and is based on the principles of partnership, as well as the principles of non-formal education. The article covers formation and development of the program «Youth Worker»; the educational content of the program is outlined in accordance with the training modules; statistical data and reports of the program were studied; the forms of realization of the program «Youth Worker» are covered. The program is designed for representatives of civil society institutions working with youth and civil servants responsible for the implementation of state policy in the youth sphere at the national, local, regional levels, as well as for other people involved in the youth work. During the implementation of the Program (since 2014) more than 2,800 youth workers from all regions of Ukraine have been trained, in particular, in 2019 1,055 specialists were trained. To achieve goal of the study a set of general scientific methods was used: analysis of scientific publications to outline the essence of the problems of formation and development of the program «Youth Worker»; analysis and synthesis - to highlight the peculiarities of the development of the program «Youth Worker» in Ukraine; systematization and generalization of problems of formation and development of the program «Youth Worker» in Ukraine to formulate conclusions based on the results of the study. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the formation and development of the program «Youth Worker» in Ukraine. The results of the survey of participants in the basic training «Youth Worker» in 2019 state that most participants fully or partially considered themselves youth workers before the training - 95.2%, after the training - 97.7%. Conclusions. Formation and development of the program «Youth Worker» in Ukraine is an innovative form of training professionals to work with young people. And also an important stage of implementation and realization of youth policy, youth work and popularization of the specialist - of the youth worker. Every year the popularity of the youth workers training program increases. The results of the survey state that more than 90% of participants consider themselves youth workers and apply all the acquired knowledge and skills in their practical activities.
Keywords: youth worker, youth work, «Youth Worker» program, social work, youth policy
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002387
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