Fogg behavior model for children's sex education

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Xiyu WangLi Xu

Abstract: In recent years, many cases of child sexual abuse have been exposed by the media. In addition to unscrupulous criminals and imperfect laws, children cannot correctly understand "sex" and lack of self-protection consciousness, which is also one of the sources of a series of tragedies. Therefore, the social attention of child sex education continues to rise. No matter family, school or society begin to advocate sex education, among which the role of family sex education can not be ignored. Based on the relevant research on the design of child sex education services, many literatures have identified the stakeholders of child sex education, put forward the issue of child sex education from the perspective of behavior design, and put forward the importance of parental participation. The key point of sex education for children is to drive parents' educational behavior and improve children's sexual knowledge acquisition degree. Parents' reasonable and perfect sex education can give children a healthier body and mind and avoid harm. But what kind of education form and content can better achieve the purpose has become the focus of social attention. This paper introduces the way of service design to integrate related resources and construct a service system to meet the needs of parents to carry out sex education for children. Information systems or software that strengthen, change or form a person's behavior, purpose or attitude without coercive means are called persuasion systems. It is proposed by Professor BJ Fogg from Stanford University to use persuasion technology to realize the design purpose of persuasion system, which can also be called "persuasive design". At present, theories of behavior table, FBM behavior model, eight steps of persuasive design, and persuasive web design have been formed, all of which are attributed to the unremitting research of scholars such as BJ Fogg and Andrew Chak. FBM model is a new model established by Fogg to study human behavior. It is a behavior model based on persuasive design. According to THE FBM model, there are three basic factors for individuals to produce behaviors. The first is motivation factor, which requires users to have certain motivation support to realize certain behaviors. Ability factor refers to the user's ability to achieve a behavior, or the difficulty of a behavior itself to the user's ability requirements; A trigger is a point of opportunity for the final completion of the action.Based on these theories, this paper will study the sex education model suitable for parents to realize in the family.With the support of persuasion theory, the behavior and needs of parents and children are analyzed to obtain the behavior table, and the three elements of behavior realization are analyzed according to Fogg behavior model. First of all, this paper analyzes the different behaviors that parents and children may have in the process of sex education, analyzes the relationship between them by using the behavior table, and analyzes the causes behind it. Secondly, this paper constructs the Fogg behavior model of children's sex education. Fogg behavior model is a new model established by Fogg to study human behavior. It is a behavior model based on persuasive design. According to Fogg's behavior model, there are three basic factors for individuals to produce behavior: motivation factor, ability factor and trigger factor. This paper analyzes the basic elements of parents' and children's behaviors in the process of sex education from three aspects of motivation, ability and trigger points, and puts forward some strategies to improve the quality of sex education for children, hoping to better improve the quality of sex education and play a positive role in promoting the development of sex education for children in the future.

Keywords: Sex education for children;Persuasion theory;Foog behavior model motivation

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002388

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