WebQuest as a Factor of Teaching Teamwork
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Tatiana Shaposhnikova, Alexander Gerashchenko, Tatiana Shabanova, Victoria Vyazankova, Marina Romanova
Abstract: An educational WebQuest can and should be used in teaching teamwork to students. Readiness for social interaction and implementation of one’s role in a team is a fundamentally important personal and professional quality (i.e., a subsystem of social and professional competency) in the modern world. The organization of group work of students is a mechanism for the development of both teamwork skills and personal experience of this work. The digital transformation of the educational environment creates favorable conditions for the development of competences as well as personal and professional qualities of students, including the willingness to work in a team: in the digital educational environment, it is possible to organize information interaction between students. An educational WebQuest as a competency-based learning technology stimulates both individual and group activities of students, which can be managed by students themselves. The authors have substantiated that version control in performing WebQuest tasks is an effective mechanism for obtaining primary information, which makes it possible to assess students’ readiness to work in a team. A method of processing the primary information reflecting the actions (and their results) during the students’ teamwork is proposed in this connection. The research involves a pedagogical experiment performed at Kuban State Technological University (Krasnodar, Russia), including the university-based regional school technology park. The analysis of the factual data shows the high efficiency of using WebQuests for organizing teamwork of both junior university students and school students involved in studying at the technology park. The theoretical significance of the research results is that they can contribute to further scientific understanding of such a problem as the development of students’ readiness for social interaction and realization of their role in the team, the practical significance lies in the fact that the research results can be a basis for the design of pedagogical technologies aimed at developing the specified personal and professional quality in students.
Keywords: WebQuest, teamwork, teaching, student, digital educational environment
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002402
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