New Space Exploration of Chinese Education in the 21st Century Based on Heuristic Infiltration Teaching Method
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Conference Proceedings
Authors: Siyi Huang, Jiawei Wang, Lei Mao, Juan Ren, Lei Zhang
Abstract: With the rapid development of China in recent decades, people's life has undergone a qualitative change, facing a new way of life and a new way of thinking. In this context, this study will discuss what kind of buildings, Spaces and urban status have changed with these changes, which will change, what architects can do for these changes, and what attitude they should hold towards these changes.This study comes from the open architecture design course of the School of Architecture of Chang 'an University in 2021, which is taught by Lei Mao, an architect who graduated from Berlage Institute. The course trains students' comprehensive ability to find and solve problems in the design process through the classical heuristic and penetrative teaching method of Berlage Institute.Research contents and objectivesSince the 1970s, the resumption of National College Entrance Examination has restored order to the country's selection of talent, but the single and fixed selection method has led to the internal examination of learning competition, and thus the cram school system, which is independent of the education system. This paper will systematically study this new type of remedial education space.The author tries to through the method of design, research of urban living space in the phenomenon summarized, analysis, deconstruction, at the same time, compare with standardized format education space, summarized similarities and differences of the two, in the study based on the results of analysis of continuation education space in the form of architecture design of refactoring.Research pathResearch path :(1) Determination of research object (2) Construction of research framework (3) Investigation and information collection (4) Induction and analysis of spatial features (5) Expression of design drawings.Firstly, the architectural environment space of the cram school is determined as the research topic. Then, the research framework of the space history and type of cram school was set up. According to the framework, information was collected and the internal scale of space was studied. The research results were expressed with plan and axonometric map. At last, based on the preliminary research, the architectural design is carried out. In this stage, the connection between architecture and exterior is no longer emphasized, but the organization of the internal space of the building, and the reality is reflected through the design results, which causes social reflection.4. Conclusion(1) Architecture and space often develop with the changes of The Times. The cram school space evolved from the traditional education space, but its profit and commodity nature makes it different from the education space such as school.(2) Intensive cram school buildings are likely to emerge in the future. In the course, the relationship between architectural space scale, crowd and activity type is discussed, and the possibility of intensive design of cram school is proposed. Complement the existing educational space.(3)The architect in the design of new type of space, through combing the historical trace of the spatial analysis of the current existing strong correlation and weak correlation space types, explore the space variable and variable, on the basis of this system between ground-to-air refactoring, to get a new space pattern and space form.
Keywords: The enlightening and penetrating teaching method, The built environment space of the cram school, New Space for Chinese education
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002405
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