Meeting User Needs in Vehicle Automation

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Uwe DrewitzKlas Arne IhmeMichael OehlFranziska HartwichCornelia HollanderRick VosswinkelRobert RitschelJuliane MaerkerHelge LudwigVictor FäßlerAlexander TrendeDaniela JohannmeyerYvonne BrückMathias Niedling

Abstract: This paper gives an overview of the results of the German national project AutoAkzept. The objective of the project was to develop solutions for the design of automated vehicles that promote the development of trust and thus acceptance for connected, cooperative, and automated mobility by reducing or even preventing subjective uncertainties and associated negative experiences. To this end, AutoAkzept developed technological building blocks for the assessment of activities and states of users of automated vehicles, the creation and application of individual user profiles for the optimization of system adaptation to users as well as strategies for adapting the behavior of automated vehicles in terms of information transfer, interior set-up, routing, and driving style selection. In developing these solutions, the project focused on the essential needs of users of automated systems. These needs should be considered in the conception and design of automated vehicles as well as in their operational use.

Keywords: trust in automation, technology acceptance, automated driving, automated vehicles, user needs, user state assessment

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002432

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