Mitigation strategies for the environmental impact of informal settlements over the papagayo protective forest in the northwest of Guayaquil city.
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Ricardo Zapata, Gabriela Vega
Abstract: The city of Guayaquil presents a constant economic growth and therefore a high demand for human labor, which leads to national migration from areas with lower labor supply, to the city, this generates an accelerated urban development and a high capital gain in consolidated areas of the city, so that the new inhabitants especially poor people to be forced to look for a habitat, and not having access to housing in a consolidated area with all basic services, seek areas with informal settlements whose cost are affordable for such dwellers.The objective of this study will be to generate a strategic mitigation plan for the environmental impact, taking as a study base the informal settlements on the papagayo protective forest in the northwest of Guayaquil.In this work, i have made a diagnosis of the current state of the Papagayo protective forest was made, in which information on the flora and fauna of the area was compiled and classified according to the level of affectation to which it has been subjected, in addition to the impact generated by informal settlements that directly affect the study area. Based on the study of concepts and theories of human settlements, environmental impacts, quantification of activities developed by the population through land use and parceling of the territorial surface affected by human settlements on the Papagayo Protected Forest using the ARCGIS geographic information system, complemented with the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), a tool that facilitates complex decision making, which allows establishing the impact levels of flora and fauna, obtaining mitigation strategies for the environmental impact, improving the quality of life of its inhabitants and increasing the green area index of the area.
Keywords: Protected Forest, Urbanism, Settlements, Urban Green Zone.
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002728
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