The Function of Social Media in Creating Participatory Based Government Policies in Indonesia
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Latif Nur Indra, Filosa Gita Sukmono, Danang Kurniawan
Abstract: Public participation is not only limited to direct movements such as demonstrations, the use of social media in the community has proven to be effective in escorting changes in government policies. This study aims to analyze the relationship between the "digital movement of opinion" on twitter social media through the hashtag "Percuma Lapor Polisi" in improving Indonesian Police services. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with the data source of social media twitter on #percumalaporpolisi. The #Percumalaporpolisi movement is a form of public disillusionment through social media twitter, towards the services of the Indonesian Police for the period 1 February – 1 March 2022. The data analysis phase of this research uses the “Social Network Analysis” method, to identify the social structure and explain the position of the main or affected stakeholders. can be called a vital player. In analyzing the data, the author is assisted by using tools based on the website. The results of data analysis and visualization show that there are social networks of several key actors in the spread of #Percumalaporpolisi. The main actor plays a role in driving public opinion through conflicting information on social and economic cases that are not in favor of the community. Stimulating opinion is considered very effective in creating public support through the #Percumalaporpolisi movement on social media. Indonesians people are quicker to support movements that are oriented towards violence and blasphemy. The #Percumalaporpolisi movement focuses on the issue of agrarian conflicts between Wadas Village Residents and the government involving the military and police officers and the issue of alleged blasphemy. The incident created a tremendous digital opinion movement on the social media platform twitter. Social media can play an important role in overseeing the policy process at the national level, through leading opinion on social media.
Keywords: Indonesian Police, SNA, Main Actor, Digital Movement
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002761
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