Playful strategies to enhance teaching-learning and the inclusion of children with Down syndrome
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Steven Guerrero Granda, Luis Serpa-Andrade, Luis Guerrero
Abstract: Down Syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by the appearance of an extra chromosome in the human genome, discovered in 1866. This is one of the few genetic disorders where there are other chromosomes that are compatible with life. In Ecuador, Down syndrome occurs in 1 in 550 live births, an average much higher than the world rate of 1 in 700. The phenotypic characteristics that can occur in DS, there are 12 to 14 characteristics, but in each individual, it is presented between 6 to 8 the common ones are epicanthus, rounded head, short stature, coated and protruding tongue, wide and shorthands, psychomotor and mental-physical development is delayed, people with DS have a shorter average life than normal approximately 50 years, a large part of mortality is due to respiratory diseases, and cardiac malformation, the incidence of leukemia 20 times higher than the normal population. A systematic review is generated in the main repositories that cover the subject, using the PRISMA methodology to answer questions such as: What are the playful strategies used by children with Down Syndrome, What changes are generated by the use of technologies in people with DS, What aspects are should be considered for the correct motor stimulation of children with DS to contribute to motor development in an effective way.
Keywords: Down's Syndrome, playful strategies, Inclusion, educational practices
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002804
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