Tourist Recommendation Systems: solving mobility in a private vehicle with support for parking
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Maritzol Tenemaza, Roger Laza, Jonathan Vargas, Sergio Luján-Mora
Abstract: At present, tourists have all the facilities to travel, but they face the difficulty of establishing the itineraries of visits and the routes to follow, the reason is the numerous attractions and the complexity of the Metropolitan cities, Gavalas [1] .In previous works by this author, algorithms for the generation of intelligent itineraries have been published. Likewise, surveys carried out with end users have clarified some additional requirements, which were observed as future work. One of them is the requirement to search for parking spaces when the tourist moves by vehicle from the place where he is located. and when you need it.The tourist can move in a city on foot, or can hire a private vehicle and a third option, move through the Metropoli-tano transit network. But, when a user hires a vehicle, they have the question of whether it will be easy to find parking spaces and how to get to each one of them in the city, which is unknown to tourists in itself, in addition to the fact that the search of parking affects the en-vironment, and therefore affects the tourist due to the additional use of fuel and wasted time.In this document, the solution to the problem of finding parking lots from any place where the user is, the routes to get to each one of them, identifying infor-mation about the parking lot, if it is open and if there are spaces available, will be presented. The solution to this problem is of public interest and we differ from other researchers in that we include the option of identifying empty spaces in nearby parking lots, this information is presented in real time, the study is carried out in a specific city.To solve the problem, a tourist recommendation system will be presented that will include a preliminary study of the interests of that user from comments and reactions on tourist images published on the Facebook network, which will be subjected to sentiment analysis, to characterize the interest or not.Once the user's interests are identified, and in order to enrich the itinerary, the best POIs with tourist value in the city, evaluated by other users, are offered in the geographical area where the user is located.The presentation of the routes and itineraries will be done on a two-dimensional map, you can choose routes on foot or by vehicle. In addition, if the user de-cides to stop anywhere, they will have the option to identify parking spaces and how to get to them.Finally, an experiment will be carried out with end users, to measure both the ease of use and the utility of the proposal. As future work, the option of park-ing reservations in real time will be included. Another job that is related is mo-bility through the Metropolitan transportation system in a specific city. [1]Gavalas, D., Kasapakis, V., Konstantopoulos, C., Pantziou, G., Vathis, N., & Zaroliagis, C. (2015). The eCOMPASS multi-modal tourist tour planner. Expert systems with Applica-tions, 42(21), 7303-7316.
Keywords: Tourist recommendation system, Tourism with vehicular mobility, parking support
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1003600
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