Anticipatory Innovation Governance Model and Regional Innovation Ecosystems Supporting Sustainable Development

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Minna TakalaTaina Tukiainen

Abstract: Anticipatory innovation governance describes the process of managing and directing innovation efforts in wider context in regional, national, or international innovation ecosystems. In 2022 OECD presented an anticipatory innovation governance model for Finland. Since 2014, European Union has recommended European regions to enhance their development activities based on Smart Specialization. Smart Specialization is a place-based approach characterized by the identification of strategic areas based both on regional strengths and potential of the economy. It aims to enhance prosperity of European regions by accelerating research, development and innovation activities as well as supporting Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (EDP) with wide stakeholder involvement.Both approaches aim for balanced development. The current societal situation cannot be addressed through reactive and conventional governance practices. Societies and regions are facing both challenges and changes that set demand and create opportunity for new ways of working and collaboration. Anticipatory innovation governance model addresses both authorizing environment and agency. It addresses the creation of enabling environment for innovation and introduces supportive mechanism to support anticipatory innovation practices with tools, methods, and information resources. The paper introduces EU’s Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change which focuses on supporting EU regions, cities, and local authorities in their efforts to build resilience against the impacts of climate change. The Mission’s activities aim to test and deploy on the ground innovative solutions needed to build resilience. The Mission’s objective is to accompany at least 150 European regions and communities towards climate resilience by 2030.The paper shares activities of Häme Goes into Ecosystems HGiE –project which aims to enhance sustainable innovation ecosystem development among regional stakeholders and support research, development, innovation and Entrepreneurial Discovery Process activities linking to national and international ecosystems. Häme Portfolio tool is used to support open innovation practices. The goal of this paper is to share early results of the study on how anticipatory innovation governance model, regional innovation ecosystems and portfolio management practices can enhance both innovation and sustainable development as well as adaptation to climate change.

Keywords: anticipatory governance, innovation ecosystem, regional development, portfolio management, sustainability

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1003877

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