Macroergonomic Analysis of Structure (MAS) of community association of the city of Florianópolis
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Marcos Vinícios Schmidt Salvador, Flávio Anthero Nunes Vianna Dos Santos, Elton Moura Nickel
Abstract: This article aims to make a macroergonomic analysis of a residents association. An analysis was made of the macroergonomic structure (MAS) of an organization belonging to a small residential neighborhood in the city of Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil. The items that were analyzed are: the technological subsystem, the personnel subsystem and the external environment. A proposal for an ideal work structure system for this type of organization was created and compared with the diagnosed work structure that was in operation. From the comparative difference of the structural dimensions, guidelines were generated for a better structure of the work system. The guidelines are: the creation of intermediate positions, the creation of more working groups, greater autonomy over the decisions of members and directors and more solid organizational goals in the long term.
Keywords: Macroergonomics, Organizational Ergonomics, Work System, Community Association.
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1003909
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