Exposure to non–ionizing radiation of solar origin: Measurements in Patagonia

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Rodrigo DominguezJoan ToroEnrique CalderónSebastian AmaroClaudio Acuña

Abstract: This article aim is to measure the exposure to non-ionic radiation of solar origin in Patagonia, in order to provide information that to date almost does not exist and serve as a basis for future research on the subject. The measurements were made in the XI Region Aysén , Chile; more specifically in the town of Chile Chico. A UVR meter was used. The measurements were made during the months of September and October, the measures were made each day, with 1-hour intervals. The data were compiled and tabulated to be later analyzed and presented in this study. The URV averages are presented considering those days with the highest temperatures and the general average for the months of September and October. The highest measurement obtained was 3,7 mW/cm^2 and it was at 12 p.m. on October 10. The highest measurements were recorded between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., which is consistent with studies conducted on the subject. The Sun safety at work questionnaire, Solar UV Radiation Risk Assessment for Outdoor Workers: Operational review, was also applied to workers in the area, managing to evaluate 4 jobs positions, three of these job positions received an overall medium risk level and the fourth received a high risk level. Further studies are needed in Patagonia in order to establish more precise standards to reduce the risks associated with exposure to non-ionizing radiation of solar origin.

Keywords: Non ionizing radiation measurements, solar radiation, ultraviolet radiation

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1003066

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