Quantitative evaluation method examination for mock classes in a faculty development program
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Satori Hachisuka, Kayoko Kurita, Shinichi Warisawa
Abstract: This research focuses on the mock classes in the faculty development program to nurture university teachers. This research aims to establish a quantitative evaluation method for mock classes and examine the possibility. In this paper, we analyzed the data from mock classes conducted by 23 participants of the faculty development program who mainly aim to become teachers. First, based on the subjective evaluation results by the Likert scale currently used in the mock classes, multiple regression analysis was performed using the comprehensive evaluation of the mock classes as the objective variable and the 11 evaluation items as the explanatory variables. As a result, four items were extracted as variables included in the regression equation: clarity of objectives and goals, class flow, time allocation, and clarity of lecturer’s explanation. The coefficient of determination of this multiple regression equation was 0.93, and the multiple correlation coefficient was 0.97. Next, in this paper, we attempted to quantify gestures which we considered the component of the “clarity of explanation” related to the delivery method among the multiple regression equation variables. We adopted OpenPose for motion analysis using image processing for the recorded video of the mock classes. As a result, of the 23 mock class participants, when comparing the higher and lower groups than the average value of overall subjective evaluation, the higher evaluated group showed a tendency of large value in the total amount of movement of both hands, the range of both hands’ motion, and face direction.
Keywords: Faculty development program, Mock classes, Motion analysis, Quantitative evaluation method
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1004346
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