Driving Citizen Frugal Innovation: Leveraging Insights of the FRANCIS Project to Improve the Engagement of Marginalized Groups in Innovation Challenges
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Liza Wohlfart, Adrian Sins, Carmen Antuña Rozado, Martin Maga
Abstract: The EU-funded FRANCIS project explores the potential of citizen frugal innovation (CFI), i.e. the ability of citizens to create simple high-value yet affordable solutions with limited resources. It does so by engaging citizens in idea challenges focused on everyday needs. In total, the project will run two challenges. The first challenge was completed in late 2023, the second one is scheduled to begin in the summer of 2024. The paper presents facts, figures, insights and lessons learned from the first FRANCIS challenge, which addressed kitchen and household items. Additionally, it outlines modifications that are planned to leverage the knowledge generated so far in the upcoming second challenge targeting hotel and travel experiences.The initial challenge aimed at involving a diverse group of participants, with a particular emphasis on including marginalized communities. To gain a deeper understanding of the actual participation of citizens in the challenge, i.e. the success to address the target groups, the paper will delve into participant data. This includes demographics, survey responses, and user interactions on the chal-lenge platform. By analyzing this multifaceted data set, the project will uncover valuable findings and identify key factors that either hinder or facilitate citizen participation in frugal innovation. Ultimately, these insights will be condensed into actionable lessons learned, informing the development of future initiatives. The paper will also examine the impact dimension of the project with respect to sustainability as well as responsible research and innovation.The second FRANCIS challenge will focus on the hospitality sector in three tar-get countries, building upon the lessons learned from the previous challenge. The project again aims to delve into the specific needs and perspectives of di-verse, marginalized target groups such as elderly travelers and hotel staff. The new challenge aims at impactful frugal innovations for the hotel, travel and outdoor industry. The paper will detail the specific modifications intended for the second challenge, based on the lessons learned from the first. These modifications will concentrate on improving and streamlining workflows and tasks, as well as further increasing the fit of the methods and tools to the needs of the target group. By consistently enhancing its methodology, the FRANCIS project aims to maximize the effectiveness of citizen engagement in promoting impactful and inclusive frugal innovation.This paper provides valuable insights for researchers, practitioners, and policy-makers interested in promoting citizen frugal innovation. It showcases the ef-fectiveness of collaborative problem-solving and emphasizes the significance of inclusive participation in addressing global challenges through resource-conscious design. In addition, it explores how a closer interaction between companies and marginalized users can be created and illustrates the benefits of doing so.
Keywords: Frugal Innovation, Citizen Science, Open Innovation, Behavioural Science, Sustainability
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1004722
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