Evaluation of an Interactive Solution for Reminiscence and Communication

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Marie SjölinderElin HollströmHanna RönntoftOlov StåhlAnders HelinVictor Marklund

Abstract: Communication with older adults and/or people with cognitive impairments could be supported by gathered information about the person’s history or his/her preferences (Rehn, 2015). By using information about the persons preferences and wishes, the sense of belonging and the persons social identity could be strengthened (Turner, 1999). Digital tools addressing this area often consist of static information about the older adult, and they do not consider that we as human beings constantly are changing (Sjölinder et al., 2023). Further, most of these tools have the focus on providing information to the care giving staff instead of being a tool that can be used together and create an experience.In an ongoing project an interactive solution that supports reminiscence and communication with older adults was developed. The solution consists of hardware units in terms of a tablet, interactive devices and a charging station that is combined with a removable tray. The tablet is used for interaction and communication with the system. By using the tablet, general collections of discussion topics can be accessed. The system also has the possibility to gather information and create personal profiles. The information for the personal profiles is gathered by using the tablet to play simple mini games. For example, the older adults can play a mini game where they are presented to items and give these items thumb up or thumb down. Based on the answers a personal profile is built up. The interactive devices are physical devices resembling stones in the size of approximately 15 cm. The devices (“the stones”) have a screen were text or images can be presented. They also have light emitting diodes for conveying different moods and the possibility to play sounds. From the tablet, collections of content can be sent to the stones that presents the items on the screen to provide topics for the conversation. The charging station consists of a part that can be removed (the tray). The aim of this is to make it possible to carry around several stones at the same time. This paper will present a study examining the usage of the solution described above. The study was conducted in collaboration with older adults and staff at a nursing home in Sweden. In one part of the study, the researchers used the solution in the interaction with the older adults. In the other part of the study the staff at the nursing home used the solution in the interaction with the older adults. In both cases two sessions were held with each older adult, one to gather information (playing the mini games), and one session where the gathered content was used in a conversation. After each session with the older adults, questions were asked about the usage of the solution and about aspects related to how they have perceived the solution and the situation. After the sessions that was held between older adults and care giving staff similar questions were given, but in these interviews questions about the care givers perspective were added.ReferencesRehn, A. (2015). Life stories as a method for developing daily activities. FoU-report 77:2015.Sjölinder, M., Hollström, E., Rönntoft, H. (2023). Life Stories – Developing an Interactive Solution for Reminiscence and Communication. In: Jay Kalra (eds) Human Factors in Aging and Special Needs. AHFE (2023) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol 88. AHFE International, USA.http://doi.org/10.54941/ahfe1003660Turner, J. C. (1999). Some current issues in research on social identity and self-categorization theories. In: Ellemers, N.; Spears, R.; Doosje, B. (Eds.).Social Identity: 6–34.

Keywords: Life Stories, Older Adults, Conversation Support, Multi-Sensory Experience, Technology Usage, Evaluation

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1004890

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