Hybrid intelligent logistics system for a recycling center

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Markus Sihvonen

Abstract: A realization of intelligent logistic system for a recycling center requires utilization of very latest information and communication technologies. Therefore, versatile technology framework and adapting data-driven solutions to optimize collection, transportation, and processing of recyclable materials is needed. The key components in building the technology framework for enabling intelligent, intelligent logistic recycling service are robust communication platform, reliable vehicle and asset tracking system and AI (Artificial Intelligent) enabled data analysis and management platform. The communication platform facilitates collaboration between stakeholders including recycling company, transportation company, waste management company and local government. Its purpose is to improve information flow and coordination between stakeholders. The vehicle and asset tracking system provides means to monitor and manage various assets and fleet of vehicles operating in the recycling area, which can be fully autonomous or driven by professional drivers. The data provided by the vehicle and asset tracking system must be acquired, analyzed and used for decision making efficiently in real time. The data analysis and management platform store all the data needed for operating intelligent logistic service of a recycling center. It utilizes existing IoT (Internet of Things) technologies and the communication platform. AI solutions are used for analyzing the collected data for further use to provide services for the users of the system. The research question is to how to design Hybrid Intelligent (HI) logistic system for recycling center in MORE industrial park that enables 24/7 autonomous recycling service for companies? The recycling center’s autonomous service is aimed for companies that have need to store larger quantities of various materials for recycling and further use in future. The key requirements from a client’s point of view are 24/7 access to recycling area, safe and secure material storage facility and efficient operations in recycling area. Safety, security and reliability of services in recycling center are particularly important when the center’s operating personnel are not present and available. This is also primary concern for the recycling center operator. The asset and vehicle tracking system must monitor and manage all vehicles in the recycling area regardless who is driving it, human or AI. Therefore, the system must consider human input and learn to manage autonomous traffic to provide support for human activities in the recycling area. The paper proposes a design solution for a smart autonomous recycling service that utilize HI logistic system.

Keywords: Hybrid intelligent, 24, 7 recycling operations, Robust communication, Data collection and analysis, Recycling ecosystem

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1005251

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