The adoption of current safety practices for the construction of telecommunication masts and towers: A Principal Component Analysis

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Julius EgbobawayeClinton AigbavboaOsamudiamen Otasowie

Abstract: Construction safety practices is a significant aspect in the construction industry, as construction workers cannot operate in an accident free environment without proper adherence to safety guidelines. The construction and maintenance of telecommunication masts and towers can pose serious accident threat to workers on site, hence the need to adopt the current safety practices in the sector. This study outlined the current safety practices observed by workers in the construction of telecommunication masts and towers. The study adopted a quantitative research approach and data collected from the participants involved in the construction telecommunication masts and towers in Nigeria. Information gathered was analysed using the mean item score (MIS), standard deviation (SD) and exploratory factor analysis (EFA). The findings showcased the current safety practices of telecommunication masts and towers in the Nigeria telecommunication industry to be; personal protective equipment (PPE), fire extinguisher, safety inspection, authorized entry to construction sites is prohibited, safety policy, safety education and training programs. These were seen to have a direct impact on the safety practices currently observed in the construction of telecommunications mast and towers in the Nigerian telecommunication industry. Non adherence to safety practices can hinder the welfare of the workers and economic growth of the country. Therefore, it is imperative for the telecommunication industry in Nigeria to adopt more ways of managing safety in the industry so as to improve the safety and welfare of construction workers and prevent negative economic infractions they may arise from accidents on sight. The government should adopt measures to ensure the current safety practices are enforced among all construction stakeholders who are involved in the construction of telecommunication masts and towers to prevent accidents from happening at construction sites.

Keywords: Safety practice, safety policies, site workers, health and safety practices, telecommunication construction, masts and towers

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1005344

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