Enhancing Technology Acceptance in Socio-Technical Systems: A Human-Centered Approach to AI Implementation

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Carolin BöhmeClaudia Graf-pfohl

Abstract: The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into existing operational socio-technical systems presents a significant challenge, as it necessitates interventions in ongoing systems. The success of implementing new technologies critically hinges on the consideration of human factors, established workflows, and human needs. Neglecting these elements can lead to the failure of implementation at the human component. Therefore, it is imperative to involve humans not only in the development of technology but also in its implementation.This study explores how technology acceptance in socio-technical systems, particularly concerning AI, can be enhanced. Research, such as that conducted by acatech, reveals that the primary obstacle to the successful implementation of AI technologies and data-driven assistance systems is the human factor. Consequently, the inclusion of the human component in both technology development and implementation is pivotal for success.Effective knowledge transfer from research to businesses, especially within the framework of Human-Centered Design (HCD), is of utmost importance. Aligning with the United Nations’ sustainability goals is particularly supportive in creating functional networks and conserving resources. Adapting knowledge to individual practical cases is essential.The study advocates for a theoretical approach, emphasizing the necessity of HCD at different levels. HCD methodologies must be tailored to specific contexts, breaking down the approach into practical steps.There are three levels of Human Inclusion in AI Implementation:1. Technology: Adopting a genuine HCD approach, the research emphasizes moving away from inventing technology for non-existent problems or irrelevant issues. Instead, the focus should be on developing technology that addresses operational challenges.2. Organization: Training leaders, incorporating agile principles, and considering the organizational context are crucial for successful AI implementation.3. Mutual Participation: Advocating for participatory development where humans and technology collaborate, aiming to diminish technology apprehension and foster acceptance without overwhelming individuals.This study supports its arguments through existing research, logically concluding that a human-centered approach is essential for successful AI implementation. It emphasizes the need for suitable technology development aligned with operational challenges. We conclude by providing practical recommendations for implementing a human-centered approach within socio-technical systems, aiming to enhance technology acceptance without inducing change fatigue. Following the proposed approach promises technology acceptance without the negative impact of change fatigue. This outlook underscores the importance of a thoughtful and inclusive strategy in implementing AI within socio-technical systems.

Keywords: Human-Centricity, Knowledge Transfer, Participatory Development, AI-implementation, HCD

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1005842

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