The influence of cutural locality on the understanding of visualization in system operation

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Hualan GouXinbei Gong

Abstract: Digital world brings about thoughts on system operation visualization, the degree of visualization greatly affects the difficulty of system operation. the operation process of easily understand can increase the popularity and inclusiveness of the system to some extent. Currently, the visualization of the system is more based on refined words and simple graphics or symbols. It main purpose is to let users clarify and use the operation by intuitive "understanding", It formed by previous and cultural etc. As Heidegger and Gadamer (1983) both say that this anticipatory projection of meaning underlies every act of understanding. In sensing a thing we sense it as something . And, "any act of understanding language involves an interplay of text context. The whole and the part give meaning to each other" (Snodgrass & Richard, 1997). Actually, this Theory commonly apply on the theoretical base of visualization in system operation, the “understanding” should be placed in the whole region, The region is the whole and the visualization language is the part. The area has a strong locality (Cooke, P., 1990) including conventional concept about the understanding. For example, the empirical influence brought by the "Pictographic" culture in China, they thinking of or seeing a shopping cart we they go online shopping , it must be equated with a symbol similar to a car. In the process of system operation, from left to right (from general to specific), from top to bottom (functional distribution to induction and balance), it is more of an intuitive thinking (Sun & Wang, 2002) . however,it is indeed different in Europe, the guidance to system processes and information is more straight forward as their think. This paper mainly uses comparative research method to take China and Europe as examples to analyze the impact of visualization in system operation in system operation processes and symbol understanding due to the cultural locality.

Keywords: Cultural Locality, Systemic Operation, Understanding, Visualization, Cognition, Mode of Thinking

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1005865

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