Experimental Evaluation of Pilot Visual Response To Understand Situational Awareness While Controlling Multiple UAVs

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Tyler ShilligAxel SchulteKarl Tschurtschenthaler

Abstract: This work presents the results of an experiment examining a pilot’s situational awareness as they are tasked with controlling increasing numbers of unmanned vehicles. The primary metric for determining situational awareness was the pilot’s gaze response time to on-line queries about the location of assets under control. The gaze response times are evaluated to determine the impact of additional drones on the pilot’s situational awareness. We also document specific types of degraded situational awareness observed throughout the experiment. Finally, we identify challenges encountered and suggest future work that could provide deeper insight into the research questions addressed here.

Keywords: Human-Autonomy Teaming, team situation awareness, manned-unmanned teaming

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1005889

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