Human Factors in Software and Systems Engineering

Editors: Tareq Ahram
Topics: Systems Engineering
Publication Date: 2022
ISBN: 978-1-958651-37-7
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002514
KONECT: Implementation and Extension of a Method for the Development of Safety-Critical Human-Machine Interaction Interfaces
In safety-critical systems, monitoring can be risky, because overlooking or misinterpreting important information can lead to serious consequences. For this purpose, the KONECT method was developed. The method is capable of systematically deriving information visualizations for monitoring tasks in safety-critical systems. We have studied this method and describe planned extensions and implementations of the steps of the KONECT method. In this way, the method offers more possibilities and can be applied more easily by the user.
Marcel Saager, Jan Patrick Osterloh, Yvonne Brück
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A new conceptual design for subsea charging station
With deepening ocean development , a larger scale Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) is being realized[1].More and more underwater equipment is being deployed, various ocean monitoring equipment, underwater robots and underwater group sites amongst others, all of which will be working in the deep sea for long periods of time in the foreseeable future[2].Due to the increasing working time and power consumption, it has become difficult for the high energy batteries carried by these facilities to cover their energy needs [3]. Therefore, it is necessary to solve the problem of electrical energy replenishment for underwater equipment.Based on Equinor’s Underwater Intervention Drone (UID) standard interface definition, Blue Logic have produced the world's first three universal, open-standard subsea drone docking stations.But this is not perfect, in the face of deeper waters, more complex multi-shape deep sea equipment charging needs, the current program is not enough to solve[4].Therefore, based on the IoUT scenario positioning, this research designs a subsea charging station that can serve multiple devices.The concept is similar to a land-based collection station for power banks, providing multiple sub-charging equipment that can be carried on the move to charge multiple subsea equipments of different types simultaneously.It also uses ocean energy to provide in-situ produced electricity for the underwater charging base station .Compared to Blue Logic's Subsea Drone Docking Station (SDS), it enables the multi-device charging needs of the IoUT using ultrasonic technology[5,6].In the long term, the combination of existing equipment will greatly reduce the cost of regional subsea long-term exploration and expand the scope of exploration[7].The paper will solve the following problems:1) How to solve the charging problem of long-distance survey of underwater equipments(e.g. AUV)?2) How to make the design applicable to charging usage scenarios common to different types, forms and sizes of underwater equipments?3) How to design underwater charging energy transmission more efficiently and sustainably?The research approach composed following parts:- Through literature research, sort out the development status of technical equipment such as underwater charging, underwater docking, underwater information transmission and marine power generation.- A structure interview with the opinions of deep-sea equipment designers and researchers to clarify the design requirements. - Analyze product features and problems and summarize the design process and direction through brainstorming method and solution building method.The design of the underwater multi-port charging base station solves the energy problem of deep-sea long-term survey equipment, with poor energy sustainability and low charging efficiency.This approach will enable true continuous subsea operations in extremely dynamic ocean environments.Although the project is still a conceptual design and various sensors are still being experimented with, it is forward-looking and instructive for future applications.References1.Wang X., Lu J., Peng W., &Song L.,(2021) Accelerating the construction of marine "new infrastructure" and promoting high-quality development of marine industry,Science & Technology Review,39(16),pp.76-80.2.Qu, Feng-Chong, Lai. , Liu, J.-Z., Tu, X.-B., Jiang, Y.,(2021)'Research and Application of Key Technologies for Marine Internet of Things', Telecommunications Science, 37, (7), pp. 25-33.3.Tian Y., Yuan R.,&Li X.,(2018)'Design and experiment of deep-sea microcurrent power generation system', Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica,Journal of China Academy of Electronics and Information Technology, 39, (4), pp. 873-878.4.SubseaDockingStation(SDS).[Online].Available:, D., Torvestad, J.C., Solheimsnes, P.A., and Stenevik, K.A., ‘Underwater Intervention Drone Subsea Control System’, in Proceedings of the OTC, 2020.6.Wang Y., &Tian F.,(2019)'Research on acoustic wave-based charging planning in underwater sensing networks',Journal of China Academy of Electronics and Information Technology,14(11),pp.1183-11877.Cruz, N.A., Matos, A.C., Almeida, R.M., and Ferreira, B.M.: ‘A lightweight docking station for a hovering AUV’, in Proceedings of the IEEE, 2017, pp. 1-7.
Jing Luo, You Wang, Zhao Xinyu, Jiatai Zhang
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Concept for the Selection and Positioning of Sensor Technology in the Development of Advanced Systems
This paper contains criteria for evaluating suitable measurement principles of sensors on existing products. The paper's core is a concept with evaluation criteria for sensor selection and the prototypical implementation of a graphical user interface to select a suitable sensor technology. Furthermore, interfering influences on the measurement, energy supply of sensors, data transmission and communication are dealt with to design the concept. The evaluation criteria guide the user through the sensor selection process and recommend suitable sensor measurement principles.
Benjamin Roehm
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Procedure Parsing: A Method for Parsing Handwritten Documents into Computer-Based Procedures
The nuclear industry is heavily procedure driven, where almost everything has a step-by-step instruction that is expected to be followed in detail. Historically, these procedures were printed on paper copies. Recently, the industry transitioned towards electronic copies (i.e., PDFs on tablets). One major drive for this transition is the introduction of human error and loss of situation awareness when using paper copies. However, electronic copies of documents inherently have the same error traps as their paper cousins. Therefore, there is an increased interest in a way to utilize the information in the step-by-step guidance, but to present it in a dynamic manner that guides the user and adapts to any encountered conditions. Researchers at Idaho National Laboratory propose a flexible, automated method based on document parsing and augmented by natural language processing (NLP) techniques, to address these shortcomings and capitalize on these recent advancements in machine learning. The proposed method provides a cost-effective solution for computer-assisted procedure parsing of hand-written control room procedures, originally authored in Word or PDF formats, into instructions that can be displayed as computer-based procedures (CBP) in a modern graphical user interface. The researchers devised, implemented and demonstrated the Operating Procedure Extender for Novel Systems (OPENS) method in 2020. The key to OPENS is to map the original procedure text into a context-free grammar, tying content to equipment, locations, and other steps, actions, etc. This formal grammar is then used to isolate and define keywords and actions verbs, such as “measure” or “evaluate” and tie them to specific equipment referenced within that step or located in other steps, substeps, actions, subactions and tables throughout the procedure. OPENS generates an abstract syntax tree from the document which it uses to store a copy of this information in the open-standard, machine-readable and human-readable file formats XML and JSON. The XML is useful to preserve the relational aspects of the procedure for referencing tables and branching information so the user can be directed to the next appropriate active step based on the values entered for that step and previous steps. The JSON is useful for storing and exchanging data objects used to track responses to previous steps and state changes in simulated environments. In future iterations, these formats can also be used for storing more detailed information about input during plant operation or simulation. The techniques the researcher developed could further be improved by integration of recent advancements in machine learning. NLP methods could standardize documents, correct for grammatical error, and provide automated semantic validation. The researcher expects that self-supervised techniques applied to collections of natural language instructions could strengthen the model with broader context. All these methods together give us a practical way to automatically extract protocols from documents and user interactions, empowering researchers, procedure writers and nuclear operators while moving the industry forward.
Stacey Whitmore
Open Access
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Implementing Alexa virtual assistant in learning a new language: Students’ perception analysis
This article reports the results found in an investigation that analyzed students' perception of the learning process based on the "Alexa" virtual assistant as an educational resource. Alexa was used during 6 sessions; at the end of the session, each participant answered a survey. The results showed evidence that most students answered in favor of the use of Alexa to improve their motivation and willingness to perform learning activities.
Omar Cóndor-Herrera, Jorge Cruz-Cárdenas, Carlos Ramos-Galarza
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Development of A Smart Database for Construction Inventory Management Using Deep Learning to Eliminate Supply Chain Bottlenecks Post COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has sent shockwaves down the supply chains of industries. The Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry is used to cyclical downturns, but the speed and strength with which COVID-19 has struck are unprecedented. Projects are being delayed or canceled. Supply chains are under threat. National and International policies are being revamped to deal with the transformed landscape. In 2019, the USA receives more than 530 thousand metric tons of steel from Russia, Germany, Italy, Canada, Mexico, and other such countries. The US building industry is dependent largely on other countries for the supply of raw materials, which make the construction industry at risk due to trade restrictions that have ensued in the post COVID world. One way to deal with such a changing environment is to diversify the dependence portfolio in supply chains to reduce shocks. The other alternative is to look to build an inventory based on predictive analytics. This research aims to implement the two reactionary measures of portfolio diversification and inventory infrastructure development by leveraging predictive analytics and big data. The project will be mainly divided into three phases – PHASE 1 will be mainly focused on the gathering of the relevant manufacturer and supplier data of construction materials both within and external to geographical borders of the USA. PHASE 2 will focus on the selection and integration of algorithms with the live database that has been created in phase 1. PHASE 3 will be devoted to the creation of custom-made user interfaces for the project owners. This phase will also focus on the automation of live reports, notifications,s, etc. to be sent to project owners. The deep learning algorithms would need continuous feedback and improvement to increase their credibility and reliance on a continuous basis. Thus, it will help to reduce the risks generated through uncertainties by developing a resilient smart responsive database that will provide stockholders accurate data and predictions in response to the market and industry behavior.
Unmesa Ray, Abdulaziz Banawi
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Architectural Approaches to Overcome Challenges in The Development of Data-Intensive Systems
All computing systems nowadays are collecting and processing data from various sources, ranges, and applications. This, in turn, leads to new kinds of problems for the software engineering community to focus on. As a result, there is a shift from software-intensive systems toward data-intensive systems. More challenges reside in size (e.g., amount of data), complexity, heterogeneity, and velocity. This requires activities that differ from solving traditional software development problems.This article will present the fundamental challenges when designing data-intensive systems and discuss some of the most popular software architectural styles together with their potential to tackle these challenges.When architecting an information system that processes substantial amounts of data, the system architects may face many problems of various kinds. The most important of them, are as follows:•Challenges in data management •Potential issues in system design or implementation•Issues in messaging service •Security and privacy issues.With concern to the development and implementation of data-intensive systems, there exist the following challenges:•Data volumes •Data dissemination •Data curation •Software reuse and use of open-source software •Search of data•Data processing and analysis •Information modelling.To manage the level of complexity in software systems and deal with various quality attributes, one should put efforts into the proper design of software systems architecture. One of the important aspects of software architecture is the definition and usage of architectural styles. They represent successful architectural configurations that recur in different software development projects. Architectural styles define types of software components, the types of connectors between them, and their bindings. Styles may also be used as a standard means to fulfil quality requirements and this way – to resolve typical software design challenges. The paper will outline some essential architectural styles, helping to overcome existing problems in achieving system architectural design. The presented styles will be further scrutinized concerning their potential to tackle the previously identified challenges. For example, particular data-intensive systems qualities may be improved by the application of specific styles:•Concurrency may be improved by Priority queue and Publish-Subscribe styles •Data search may be improved by Publish-Subscribe and Cache styles •Data curation may be solved partially or fully with a Priority queue, Publish-Subscribe and Wrapper •Information modelling is successfully tackled by Shared data and Publish-Subscribe styles and so on.On the other side, professionals in the area may also be interested if by application of a specific architectural style, it may negatively affect system qualities, so the tradeoffs required for each solution will be examined. Like, caching style may be appropriate for dealing with data volume and search but needs additional work when data curation is important.
Aleksandar Dimov, Simeon Emanuilov, Boyan Bontchev, Yavor Dankov, Tasos Papapostolu
Open Access
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Fuzzy Choice – The Facebook Facade of The Triple Parliamentary Election Campaign 2021 In Bulgaria
The rapid advancement of ICTs has outstripped the theoretical rationalization, regulatory framework, business models, professional practices and audiences’ participation in contemporary democratic processes (Kaid L., Mazoleni G., Blumler JG, Esser F.). This new ‘mosaic culture’ is characterized by demassification of media and of society itself. A virtual online culture has been created which, due to its interactive nature, acts as integrating while having an alienating and restrictive impact on people, destroying ‘live’ communication. Nevertheless, media still stays among the main factors of the deliberative democracy, which should ensure fair and reasonable debate among citizens. Compared to traditional media, internet platforms and especially social networks are becoming increasingly popular channels for politicians to communicate with the electorate. The aim of the study undertaken by an academic team of the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication at the St. Kliment Ohridsky Sofia University of Bulgaria and supported by the National Scientific Fund (research project KP-06-M35/4-18.12.2019) focuses on the deficits of media literacy in pre-election online communication. The object is the dynamics of the online campaign for the three parliamentary elections in Bulgaria in 2021: one regular (April 4) and two preliminary (July 11 and November 14). They have been held under the shadow of social distance and strict observance of the anti-epidemic measures against COVID-19 and in conditions of political confrontation, hostile public speech, and neglected professional standards. The subject is related to the Facebook messages in the profiles of the political leaders within the one-month period of the three campaigns. The methodology is an empirical study and comparative analysis. The scope of the survey includes those political forces that have passed the 4% electoral threshold. The main research question of the study is how Facebook messages affect voter choiceThe results showed that during all the three election campaigns, Bulgarians preferred to be informed first by television, then by online platforms and most of all - by Facebook. However, the number of posts, the frequency of Facebook use, and the funds invested did not turn out to be directly proportional to the success achieved by the politicians. Relying on populism in various dimensions was a more profitable strategy. Thus, for some of the new political formations, aggressive rhetoric was winning. Online communication replaced politicians' live contact with the public, but numerous likes, comments and shares expanded the audience's reach. In the long run few of the Facebook profiles of political leaders who were elected MPs clearly presented their intentions in such a way that voters could have the opportunity to make informed choices. The results are indicative of the extent to which insufficient information, media and digital literacy as part of the civic education of electoral actors - regulators, politicians, media, analysts and audiences - affect informed voter choice. For successful participation of citizens in public debates on protecting, sustaining and developing of civic rights and democracy, a serious awareness of the risks and opportunities of the deliberative communication process needs to be studied.
Neli Velinova, Lora Metanova, Mariyan Tomov, Lilia Raycheva
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Integrating Human Survival Factor in Optimizing the Routing of Flying Ad-hoc Networks in Search and Rescue Tasks
Flying Ad-hoc Network (FANET)'s model operates according to routing protocols along with basic technical routing parameters. One of the FANET's significant challenges is ensuring the resilience of the UAVs' performance by adjusting the operational plan and network routing based on the constraints of operation goals and the limitations of resources. Subsequently, this paper proposes an agent-based Adaptive Zone Routing Protocol (AZRP) that enables the FANET to perform disaster relief missions efficiently. The AZRP operates in economic mode, search mode, or rescue mode according to the operational plan conditions, limitations of resources, and human survival factor. The AZRP is compared with the standard ZRP and AODV to determine the most suitable routing protocol in performing disaster relief missions. The search and rescue simulation is implemented by using the NS2 simulator. The testing and evaluation criteria consider Throughput (TH), Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR), Packet Loss Ratios (PLR), and End-to-End Delay (E2E Delay). The obtained results indicate that the FANET model is able to perform in the three modes effectively and optimizes the search and rescue operations according to the given disaster relief simulation context and constraints. The AZRP outperforms the other two protocols and is able to achieve higher TH, higher PDR, lower PLR, and lower E2E delay.
Salama Mostafa, Azizul Azhar Ramli, Mohammed Ahmed Jubair, Saraswathy Shamini Gunasekaran, Aida Mustapha, Mustafa Hamid Hassan
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Football Matches Outcomes Prediction based on Gradient Boosting Algorithms and Football Rating System
Prediction in association football is genuinely a hot topic to discuss as it is among the popular sports that have attracted and gained global interest. The prediction may focus on matches outcomes (win, draw and lose) or the number of goals scored obtained by the home and away teams. This paper proposes football matches outcomes prediction models based on a rating system and gradient boosting algorithms. The testing of the models covers implementing pi-rating and Elo rating as data features generated from limited raw datasets to evaluate match outcomes prediction algorithms such as Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM), XGBoost (XGB), Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LGBM), and CatBoost (CB). The used football dataset has 216,743 instances for learning and 206 instances for testing. The dataset consists of 18 football league seasons between 2001/2002 to 2017/2018 across 35 countries. Subsequently, the prediction results of win, draw, or loss in terms of probability are obtained from the proposed models. The results are compared between several models with different rating systems and different boosting algorithms, as well as past literature that uses a similar dataset. The accuracy and Rank Probability Score (RPS) are set as benchmark criteria. As a result, the pi-rating with CB achieves the lowest RPS, 0.1925, and the highest accuracy of 55.82%.
Muhammad Nazim Razali, Aida Mustapha, Salama A Mostafa Alabdullah, Saraswathy Shamini Gunasekaran
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Human Factors and Strategic Decision Making: The Case of Humanitarian Logistics
The present paper discusses key aspects of managerial human factors in research, specifically when implementing decision support systems in the context of Humanitarian Logistics. It is framed as a follow-up of an Operations Research-based project developing a decision support framework for relief distribution in the event of a catastrophic blackout. Specifically, the main lessons learned from this project are explored to understand the role that experts and decision makers play when conducting research in the fast-growing area of Humanitarian Logistics.
Gonzalo Barbeito, Marina Alonso, Dieter Budde, Benni Thiebes, Stefan Pickl
Open Access
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Digital Environments to Enable High-Quality Education for Disadvantaged and Disabled Learners in Bulgaria
Digital transformation is one of the European Commission's policy priorities in the last few years. High quality and inclusive education and training are a key part of reaching this object and ensuring that all people are prepared to live and be educated in the digital age. These priorities coincide with the crucial need to provide inclusive digital learning environments to all learners including those with special educational needs – disadvantaged and disabled learners. The paper presents a primary analysis of the results of a sociological qualitative survey conducted in the framework of the project “Inclusive digital environments to enable high-quality education and training for disadvantaged learners”. Methodology: The main method used was an in-depth interview. Thirty in-depth interviews were conducted among School Leaders and Teaching Staff in High Schools and Universities, Primary and Secondary Education Organizations in Bulgaria. The data was collected from October 2021 to January 2022. This study was provoked by inequalities in inclusive education and therefore by variations in the way of remote learning that has been delivered across EU Member States and Bulgaria, in particular. The aim of the study was provoked not only by the exceptional significance and reflection of digital education on basic human needs. It seeks to provide insights into the national special education traditions in the country and aims to establish how these have influenced current developments in inclusive education together with digital environments for disadvantaged and disabled learners. The main conclusion approached by the study is that there is a major need to raise awareness about unequal access to inclusive education for students with disabilities in Bulgarian society, as well as a need of providing а detailed information on how to implement more inclusive educational practices and at sharing promising examples of inclusive methods in education for learners with special educational needs. Keywords: Digital Education, Digital Environments, Special education needs, Disadvantaged and Disabled Learners Acknowledgments: The article has been developed in the framework of the European Funded Project ERASMUS+ EACEA/34/2019 - Social Inclusion and Common Values - Action: the contribution in the field of education and training, entitled: ‘INCLUDEME - Inclusive digital environments to enable high-quality education and training for disadvantaged learners’. The project is co-funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ programme.
Vladislava Lendzhova, Boris Manov, Valentina Milenkova, Dilyana Keranova
Open Access
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Evaluating MANET Technology in Optimizing IoT-based Multiple WBSN Model in Soccer Players Health Study
As a merit for the Internet of Things (IoT) domain, congregating MANET with WSN application in omnipresent smart environments presents novel opportunities in observing the extensive or wide-ranging built-up area or urban region and provides a new communication system for diverse applications. Sensors are utilized to comprehend the surrounding environment by sensing the signals and sending the data via the gateway node to the MANET node, specifically designed for data gathering or harvesting. IoT applications in this work are regarded as devices worn by soccer players whose monitoring is done using wireless sensor nodes. The challenge in this work is identifying paths or routes of high-level or top-ranking Quality of Service (QoS), such as topology. The implementation of a QoS-aware protocol in MANETs is aimed at enabling the finding of more effective paths between the source and destination nodes of the network and has made QoS a necessity. This paper proposed a model that can select an optimum path based on the efficient QoS parameters in routing protocol for the MANET environment. A model is built based on Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA) and Multi-Agent system (MAS). An example scenario is written to show the impact of the proposed model on the MANET environment.
Nejood Faisal Abdulsattar, Mustafa Hamid Hassan, Salama Mostafa, Hassnen Shakir Mansour, Nayef Alduais, Aida Mustapha, Mohammed Ahmed Jubair
Open Access
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Determinants for Building information modeling adoption in Facilities Management in South Africa: An application of the UTAUT model
Based on the diversity of the informational needs of an organisation, various information technology systems are introduced and used to support a wide range of Facilities Management (FM) information. The adoption of BIM in FM offers an opportunity for facilities managers to add value to the facilities planning, maintenance, occupation and operations management. Effective adoption of BIM in FM would require better knowledge of relevant and influential factors, which hitherto have not been explored adequately in emerging economy contexts such as South Africa. Therefore, this study aimed to identify and evaluate the determinants for adopting BIM for FM practice, using South Africa as context and the UTAUT model as a theoretical framework for examining determinants of BIM adoption in FM. Relevant literature review was complemented, and a survey strategy was used for data collection through the development of a questionnaire instrument. The results demonstrate a strong relationship between Performance Expectancy and Behavioural Intention, indicating the influence of organisations and senior management on BIM adoption in FM and that Attitude has a significant effect on Use Behaviour. The findings align with the UTAUT model and add to the body of practical reference BIM adoption in FM.
Faith Dowelani, Obinna Ozumba
Open Access
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Development of a data collection system in the cloud as a storage method
Data being a quantitative or qualitative representation by which a symbolic or numerical value is indicated or represented, are used in various fields for which data collection processes are performed, based on the proposed objectives. Therefore, a data collection process was developed through a mobile application and web services, which will serve to evaluate and analyze with the help of an expert in the area, the graphomotor skills of children aged 6 to 8 years with motor disabilities. The results obtained at this stage will generate a large amount of information that will be used in the future for the definition of play activities that will complement the skills or deficiencies derived once the evaluation stage is completed, it will also be possible to implement or improve a completer and more robust database that will serve not only for graphomotor but also for different areas that work with these children.
Andres Viscaino - Quito, Luis Serpa-Andrade
Open Access
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A software to measure quantitative electroencephalogram during the performance of a psychological cognitive task using the OpenBCI hardware
Quantitative electroencephalogram (qEEG) is used to understand brain functions by processing the activity recorded through the electrodes using different algorithm techniques. The qEEG is commonly known as Brain Mapping. In this paper, we report the development of a software to synchronize the acquisition of EEG signal from the Cyton board with a cognitive task. The digitalized test was done via Psychopy, so the use of LabStreamlayer (LSL) was needed to link with both OpenBCI and LAbRecorder in order to have each stimulus synchronized with the EEG signal. Data was collected from five participants between 20-30 years old while performing the cognitive task. Our results indicate a correct linking of the data recording and the stimuli task, which enables researchers to measure different parameters such as spectral power density, power ban and brain mapping
Verónica Prado, Mateo Romero, Johanna Pozo-Neira, Omar Alvarado
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Limiting the risk to the environment by measuring the characteristics of antennas in the near zone
Measurements in the near zone and the subsequent use of the analytical method and transforming the obtained results to determine the radiation characteristics, which can conveniently replace the conventional far-field range tests. It comes down to the use of closed rooms, such as anechoic chambers, which provide appropriate conditions to carry out measurements and inspections and favourable weather conditions. This is a very cost-effective and time-effective method. The determined characteristics are almost identical in terms of accuracy like those set in the far field. The downside is that some measurements require complex software and their duration is much longer than the real one.The measurement with the probe covers the phase and amplitude of the signal after a predefined scanning area, which is different for each antenna and therefore also the methods, since the method is selected according to the antenna under test. The rectangular planar method was used in the work.After constructing a measuring station and taking measurements, they are transformed by using the Fourier transformation. In the study of a parabolic antenna, these were not complicated operations because planar methods are characterized by simplicity of calculations, in contrast to more difficult cylindrical methods and much more complicated spherical methods.The measurement consists in collecting data on amplitude and phase through a second antenna, which acts as a measuring probe, at specified distance intervals in the azimuthal and elevation directions. Therefore, the used fin antenna is moving on the antenna mast in two planes. The obtained results must be entered into a computer program in order to plot the characteristics.All the considerations, along with the concept of the measurement stand, were based on theoretical foundations, based on knowledge of the types of antennas and their parameters, knowledge of the near zone and its properties, and the behaviour of the signal during measurements.
Marian Wnuk
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